Unity 5.2.2 Patch 2

Select the runtime platforms of your choice from the list below (the desktop runtime is included as standard) or, to install the full complement of runtime platforms, use the download assistant installer above.

Windows (X86-64)

macOS (X86-64)


  • GI: Added the "Ignore Normals" option on the MeshRenderer to skip comparing normals when detecting charts for realtime GI. This can be necessary when using hand authored UVs to avoid chart splits.
  • GI: Added the "Min Chart Size" option on the MeshRenderer to allow for lowering chart size in case stiching is not needed.
  • VR: Updated the OVRPlugin. Oculus Runtime 0.8 is required to use Oculus VR with this patch.


  • (731143) - 2D: Fixed alphasplit parameter not getting reset when switching sprite/material on the fly
  • (733725) - 2D: Fixed: SpritePacker Crash after packing multiple high res sprites.
  • (714661) - AssetBundle: Fixed the issue that AssetBundle names sometimes gets into inconsistent state between cache server/.meta files.
  • (724561) - Assets Loading: Fixed reading of assets stored in a text mode with UTF8 signature.
  • (715380) - Editor: Unsupported texture compression formats now correctly fallback to default compression format for the platform.
  • (710195) - Fixed issue where UI would not get rendered for disabled cameras when manually calling .Render().
  • (731107) - Editor: Fixed occasional crash when importing assets on editor.
  • (none) - GI: Fixed Enlighten saturating the command buffer and stalling because of it. Gives the biggest benefit in scenes with high rendering framerate and many animated realtime lights with non-zero bounce.
  • (726799) - Graphics: Fixed camera parameter changing from OnPreRender to work again.
  • (736709) - Graphics: Fixed memory leak when rendering shadows.
  • (734255) - Graphics: Fixed upscaled fullscreen rendering being upside down in some situations
  • (737853) - IL2CPP: Prevent a crash in the player in MetadataCache::GetTypeInfoFromTypeDefinitionIndex when a constrained call is made to a generic virtual method defined on a value type.
  • (736167) - IL2CPP: Prevent a memory leak that caused some GCHandles, including those used to reference MonoBehaviour instances, from being correctly reclaimed by the garbage collector.
  • (none) - IL2CPP: Remove warnings in generated C++ code related to const problems.
  • (715666) - Input: Fixed mouse position going out of bounds in Fullscreen Window mode.
  • (715666) - Input: Fixed render being positioned and sized incorrectly in D3D9 and D3D11 with Fullscreen Window mode. 
  • (725713) - Mecanim: Avoid clearing sampling data set when invalidating animator.
  • (735656) - Mecanim: Delete SMB instances when user delete a state/statemachine with SMB.
  • (732986), (733883), (734458) - Mecanim: Fixed AnimationControllerPlayable calls not being forwarded from Animator to its playables.
  • (727244) - Mecanim: Fixed AnimationEvents not called when at the begining of a State.
  • (none) - Mecanim: Fixed BlendTree performance regression.
  • (734033) - Mecanim: Fixed Crash when using OverrideController with no source Controller.
  • (733731) - Networking: Fix for scene slots in NetworkManager not being saved all the time.
  • (none) - Networking: Fix for UNetWeaver exception when making Metro builds.
  • (none) - OpenGL: Added detection for cases when the geometry shader expects input topology that does not match with the given geometry. Also fail compilation when using unsupported topology (such as adjacency).
  • (none) - OpenGL: Compute shaders: Fixed append/consume buffer counters.
  • (none) - OpenGL: Fixed: compute shader buffer resolves when using multithreaded renderer.
  • (none) - OpenGL: Fixed shadow normal bias for meshes that are missing vertex normals.
  • (733928) - OpenGL: Shader compiler: Fixed a corner case in constant buffer vec4 access.
  • (708722) - OpenGL: Shader compiler: Fixed atomic ops handling in shaders.
  • (none) - OpenGL: Shader compiler: Fix for conflicting shader input/output names in tessellation shaders.
  • (none) - OpenGL: Shader compiler: Fixed geometry shader stream index handling.
  • (none) - OpenGL: Shader compiler: Fixed input redirection on geometry shaders.
  • (none) - OpenGL: Shader compiler: Handle RWTexture properties more accurately.
  • (none) - OpenGL: Shader compiler: In geometry shaders, only emit vertex stream for GL ver >=4.20.
  • (none) - OpenGL: Shader compiler: Only emit the stream declarations if they're actually used.
  • (none) - OpenGL: Shader compiler: OS X doesn't like EmitStream(0) so use EmitStream() instead.
  • (682939) - Physics: Allow slope limit to be considered for non-static objects.
  • (689159) - Physics: Fixed Sphere-cast error against scaled non-convex meshes.
  • (714572), (720398), (720408) - Physics: Fixed a case where HingeJoint limits was not applied properly.
  • (714572), (720398), (720408) - Physics: Fixed an axis-locking inconsistency in the HingeJoint when both min and max limits were set above 177 degrees, but still different.
  • (714572), (720398), (720408) - Physics: HingeJoint.angle is now returned as +/- 180 degrees, as in Unity4.
  • (714572), (720398), (720408) - Physics: HingeJoints now have orientation to be compatible with Unity 4.
  • (714572), (720398), (720408) - Physics: JointMotor.targetVelocity can now be negative as well as positive.
  • (714572), (720398), (720408) - Physics: The HingeJoint ""Connected Body"" will view the Joint anchor as a right-hand coordinate system. This means the Connected Body will view positive angles as going counter-clockwise around the Joint anchor.
  • (714572), (720398), (720408) - Physics: The Rigidbody that share the GameObject with the HingeJoint will view the Joint anchor as a left-hand coordinate system. This means the Rigidbody will view positive angles as going clockwise around the Joint anchor.
  • (733005) - Umbra : Fixed missing realtime lights after baking occlusion data.
  • (none) - Windows Phone: Reduced runtime memory usage by ~4 MB.
  • (733548) - Windows Store Apps: Use initial supported orientations from Player Settings.
  • (733864) - Windows Universal 10: Fixed invisible text on ARM devices issue.
  • (735387) - Windows Universal 10: Fixed screenshot capture failure.
  • (none) - Windows Universal 10: Updated default project template to hide status bar by default

Choose the appropriate installer following the appropriate links at the top of this page.

Also included below are the md5sum and file size in order to verify the full installers have been downloaded correctly. If your installer doesn’t work or reports errors it is possible that your installer is incomplete.

Revision: 67d68477bb52


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