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Substance for Unity by Allegorithmic

3 Hours55 Mins
The Substance for Unity tutorial covers using Substance Designer and Substance Painter to create PBR textures for a character and environment assets, and will cover utilizing materials and textures from Substances with Unity's PBR shader.
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Last updated: January 25, 2022

1.Substance - Introduction

Substance for Unity 5: Creating PBR textures for environments and characters.
Introduction: This introduction presents the content that will be covered in the Substance for Unity tutorial series, created by Allegorithmic.
The Substance for Unity series will cover using Substance Designer and Substance Painter to create PBR textures for a character and environment assets, and will cover utilizing materials and textures from Substances with Unity's PBR shader.
The lessons are divided into 3 chapters: understanding PBR and using the PBR Shaders in Unity, using Substance Designer to create a modular substance for a rocky ground material, and using Substance Painter to texture a character and then exporting the necessary image maps to Unity.
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Support for this topic is provided by Allegorithmic. Please click HERE for the support topic on the Allegorithmic forum.
Complete project files can he downloaded HERE.

2.Substance - Understanding PBR

Substance for Unity 5: Creating PBR textures for environments and characters.
Chapter 1: PBR and Substance Fundamentals.
Lesson 1: Understanding PBR.
This lesson will cover the concepts and benefits of Physically Based Shading, or PBR; including "What is PBR?" and "What are the benefits of a PBR system?"
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<b>Support</b> for this topic is provided by Allegorithmic. Please click HERE for the support topic on the Allegorithmic forum. <b>Complete project files</b> can he downloaded HERE.

3.Substance - Working with PBR in Unity

Substance for Unity 5: Creating PBR textures for environments and characters.
Chapter 1: PBR and Substance Fundamentals.
Lesson 2: Working with PBR in Unity.
This lesson will cover PBR in Unity, including setting up the editor, reviewing the environment and configuring the shader with textures.
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<b>Support</b> for this topic is provided by Allegorithmic. Please click HERE for the support topic on the Allegorithmic forum. <b>Complete project files</b> can he downloaded HERE.

4.Substance - Using Substance materials in Unity

Substance for Unity 5: Creating PBR textures for environments and characters.
Chapter 1: PBR and Substance Fundamentals.
Lesson 3: Using Substance materials in Unity.
This lesson will cover using Substance materials in Unity.
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<b>Support</b> for this topic is provided by Allegorithmic. Please click HERE for the support topic on the Allegorithmic forum. <b>Complete project files</b> can he downloaded HERE.

5.Substance - Optimization for Substance materials

Substance for Unity 5: Creating PBR textures for environments and characters.
Chapter 1: PBR and Substance Fundamentals.
Lesson 4: Optimization for Substance materials.
This lesson will cover optimization tips for Substance materials in Unity. This includes pointers to the Allegorithmic documentation and detailed analysis of optimizing resolution.
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<b>Support</b> for this topic is provided by Allegorithmic. Please click HERE for the support topic on the Allegorithmic forum.
<b>Complete project files</b> can he downloaded HERE.
The <b>Performance Optimization Guidelines</b> for Substance Designer can be found HERE.

6.Substance - Creating rock shapes

Substance for Unity 5: Creating PBR textures for environments and characters.
Chapter 2: Creating an environment material in Substance Designer.
Lesson 1: Creating the rock shapes.
This lesson will cover creating the rock shape node which will be used to create the rock surfaces.
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<b>Support</b> for this topic is provided by Allegorithmic. Please click HERE for the support topic on the Allegorithmic forum. <b>Complete project files</b> can he downloaded HERE.

7.Substance - Creating rock material, Pt 1

Substance for Unity 5: Creating PBR textures for environments and characters.
Chapter 2: Creating an environment material in Substance Designer.
Lesson 2: Creating the rock materials, Pt 1.
In this lesson we will cover creating a rock material from the rock shape.
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<b>Support</b> for this topic is provided by Allegorithmic. Please click HERE for the support topic on the Allegorithmic forum. <b>Complete project files</b> can he downloaded HERE.

8.Substance - Creating rock material, Pt 2

Substance for Unity 5: Creating PBR textures for environments and characters.
Chapter 2: Creating an environment material in Substance Designer.
Lesson 3: Creating the rock materials, Pt 2.
In this lesson we will finish creating a rock material from the rock shape.
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<b>Support</b> for this topic is provided by Allegorithmic. Please click HERE for the support topic on the Allegorithmic forum. <b>Complete project files</b> can he downloaded HERE.

9.Substance - Creating the dirt ground material

Substance for Unity 5: Creating PBR textures for environments and characters.
Chapter 2: Creating an environment material in Substance Designer.
Lesson 4: Creating the dirt ground material.
In this lesson we will create a dirt ground material.
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<b>Support</b> for this topic is provided by Allegorithmic. Please click HERE for the support topic on the Allegorithmic forum. <b>Complete project files</b> can he downloaded HERE.

10.Substance - Creating the rock ground material, Pt 1

Substance for Unity 5: Creating PBR textures for environments and characters.
Chapter 2: Creating an environment material in Substance Designer.
Lesson 5: Creating the rock ground material, Pt 1.
In this lesson we will create the rock ground material.
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<b>Support</b> for this topic is provided by Allegorithmic. Please click HERE for the support topic on the Allegorithmic forum. <b>Complete project files</b> can he downloaded HERE.

11.Substance - Creating the rock ground material, Pt 2

Substance for Unity 5: Creating PBR textures for environments and characters.
Chapter 2: Creating an environment material in Substance Designer.
Lesson 6: Creating the rock ground material, Pt 2.
In this lesson we will finish the rock ground material.
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<b>Support</b> for this topic is provided by Allegorithmic. Please click HERE for the support topic on the Allegorithmic forum. <b>Complete project files</b> can he downloaded HERE.

12.Substance - Publishing the Substance

Substance for Unity 5: Creating PBR textures for environments and characters.
Chapter 2: Creating an environment material in Substance Designer.
Lesson 7: Publishing the Substance.
In this lesson we will publish the Substance.
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<b>Support</b> for this topic is provided by Allegorithmic. Please click HERE for the support topic on the Allegorithmic forum. <b>Complete project files</b> can he downloaded HERE.

13.Substance - Creating a blocking scene

Substance for Unity 5: Creating PBR textures for environments and characters.
Chapter 3: Creating an environment material in Substance Designer.
Lesson 1: Creating a blocking scene.
In this lesson we examine the need for a blocking scene in Unity.
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<b>Support</b> for this topic is provided by Allegorithmic. Please click HERE for the support topic on the Allegorithmic forum. <b>Complete project files</b> can he downloaded HERE.

14.Substance - Creating the ground model

Substance for Unity 5: Creating PBR textures for environments and characters.
Chapter 3: Creating an environment material in Substance Designer.
Lesson 2: Creating the ground model.
In this lesson we will create the ground plane model.
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<b>Support</b> for this topic is provided by Allegorithmic. Please click HERE for the support topic on the Allegorithmic forum. <b>Complete project files</b> can he downloaded HERE.

15.Substance - Modelling the rock assets

Substance for Unity 5: Creating PBR textures for environments and characters.
Chapter 3: Creating an environment material in Substance Designer.
Lesson 3: Modelling the rock assets.
In this lesson we will create the rock assets.
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<b>Support</b> for this topic is provided by Allegorithmic. Please click HERE for the support topic on the Allegorithmic forum. <b>Complete project files</b> can he downloaded HERE.

16.Substance - Texturing the upper body

Substance for Unity 5: Creating PBR textures for environments and characters.
Chapter 4: Texturing a character in Substance Painter.
Lesson 1: Texturing the upper body.
In this lesson we will texture part of a humanoid character using Substance Painter.
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<b>Support</b> for this topic is provided by Allegorithmic. Please click HERE for the support topic on the Allegorithmic forum. <b>Complete project files</b> can he downloaded HERE.

17.Substance - Exporting textures from Substance Painter

Substance for Unity 5: Creating PBR textures for environments and characters.
Chapter 4: Texturing a character in Substance Painter.
Lesson 2: Exporting textures from Substance Painter.
In this lesson we will export the textures from Substance Painter for use in Unity.
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<b>Support</b> for this topic is provided by Allegorithmic. Please click HERE for the support topic on the Allegorithmic forum. <b>Complete project files</b> can he downloaded HERE.

18.Substance - Creating a scene in Unity, Pt 1

Substance for Unity 5: Creating PBR textures for environments and characters.
Chapter 5: Creating an environment material in Substance Designer.
Lesson 1: Creating a scene in Unity, Pt 1.
In this lesson we start to sum up everything from this lesson by creating a scene from scratch in Unity.
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<b>Support</b> for this topic is provided by Allegorithmic. Please click HERE for the support topic on the Allegorithmic forum. <b>Complete project files</b> can he downloaded HERE.

19.Substance - Creating a scene in Unity, Pt 2

Substance for Unity 5: Creating PBR textures for environments and characters.
Chapter 3: Creating an environment material in Substance Designer.
Lesson 1: Creating a scene in Unity, Pt 2.
In this lesson we will finish the series by completing the scene in Unity.
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<b>Support</b> for this topic is provided by Allegorithmic. Please click HERE for the support topic on the Allegorithmic forum. <b>Complete project files</b> can he downloaded HERE.

Substance for Unity by Allegorithmic
Substance for Unity by Allegorithmic
General Tutorial Discussion
1. Substance - Introduction
2. Substance - Understanding PBR
3. Substance - Working with PBR in Unity
4. Substance - Using Substance materials in Unity
5. Substance - Optimization for Substance materials
6. Substance - Creating rock shapes
7. Substance - Creating rock material, Pt 1
8. Substance - Creating rock material, Pt 2
9. Substance - Creating the dirt ground material
10. Substance - Creating the rock ground material, Pt 1
11. Substance - Creating the rock ground material, Pt 2
12. Substance - Publishing the Substance
13. Substance - Creating a blocking scene
14. Substance - Creating the ground model
15. Substance - Modelling the rock assets
16. Substance - Texturing the upper body
17. Substance - Exporting textures from Substance Painter
18. Substance - Creating a scene in Unity, Pt 1
19. Substance - Creating a scene in Unity, Pt 2