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Audio Mixing

30 Mins
AudioMixers allow us to control the signal flow of audio sources in a Unity project. Using an AudioMixer one can change volume levels, route signals into groups and process sounds with audio effects. In this lesson we'll cover the basics of creating and configuring AudioMixers including assigning audio sources to groups, routing groups into one another and routing AudioMixers into other audio mixers.
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Last updated: May 09, 2022

1.Audio Mixer and Audio Mixer Groups

AudioMixers allow us to control the signal flow of audio sources in a Unity project. Using an AudioMixer one can change volume levels, route signals into groups and process sounds with audio effects. In this lesson we'll cover the basics of creating and configuring AudioMixers including assigning audio sources to groups, routing groups into one another and routing AudioMixers into other audio mixers.
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2.Audio Effects

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In Unity it's possible to process audio signals in an AudioMixer Group using Audio Effects. In this Lesson we'll process our music using Low Pass Filter and Distortion audio effects and learn how the order Audio Effects are applied in changes the signal.

3.Send and Receive Audio Effects

In this lesson we'll look at controlling our signal flow using Send and Receive effects. Send effects allow us to route a duplicate of an audio signal to another group or effect in our mixer enabling complex signal flows. We'll look at using sends to route signal to a reverb audio effect.
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4.Duck Volume Audio Effect

In this lesson we'll look at Unity's Duck Volume audio effect. Duck Volume allows us to cause the volume of an audio signal to duck or get quieter based on the volume of that signal, or a different one. A common use of this effect is sidechain compression. We'll look at how to set up Duck Volume including routing signals to control ducking with Send audio effects.
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5.Audio Mixer Snapshots

In Unity it's possible to store and recall the state of an AudioMixer including volumes and effect settings using Snapshots. Snapshots can be recalled via script using the TransitionTo or the TransitionToSnapshots functions.
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6.Exposed AudioMixer Parameters

In Unity it's possible to control the parameters of an AudioMixer directly by exposing them to script control. Parameters that have been exposed to script control can be set using the SetFloat function.
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Audio Mixing
Audio Mixing
General Tutorial Discussion
1. Audio Mixer and Audio Mixer Groups
2. Audio Effects
3. Send and Receive Audio Effects
4. Duck Volume Audio Effect
5. Audio Mixer Snapshots
6. Exposed AudioMixer Parameters