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Navigation Basics

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20 Mins
The navigation system in Unity allows us to provide powerful path finding to the characters in our games very easily. In this tutorial, we cover the basics of navigation, how to create a navmesh, details of the navmesh component, creating offmesh links, and how to use Navmesh obstacles to block agent pathfinding.
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Last updated: April 27, 2023

1.Navigation Overview

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The navigation system in Unity allows us to provide powerful path finding to the characters in our games very easily. In this video we will look at the basics of navigation.

2.NavMesh Baking

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Navigation requires the use of a simplified geometrical plane, often called a navmesh. The navmesh enables characters to plot a path around the various complex items in a scene. In this video we will look at how to create a navmesh (often called "baking") using Unity's Navigation view.

3.The NavMesh Agent

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The navmesh agent is responsible for moving our characters around a scene and finding paths in a navmesh. In this video you will learn all about the navmesh component and how to use it to bring your characters to life.

4.Off-mesh Links

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Offmesh links provide simple paths between pieces of navmesh. In this video we will look at creating offmesh links using either Unity's auto-generating features, or manually using the offmesh link component.

5.NavMesh Obstacles

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Navmesh obstacles provide a dynamic way to block agent pathfinding on a navmesh. These items are not baked into the navmesh, and thus can move around freely while getting in the way. In this video we will learn about the navmesh obstacle component and how to apply it to objects in a scene.

Navigation Basics
Navigation Basics
General Tutorial Discussion
1. Navigation Overview
2. NavMesh Baking
3. The NavMesh Agent
4. Off-mesh Links
5. NavMesh Obstacles