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Unity for 2D: New Workflows in Unity 4.3

55 Mins
This tutorial gives an overview of the 2D workflows introduced in Unity 4.3, and outlines the approach taken to produce the Tower Bridge Defense demo project.
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Last updated: December 09, 2021

1.2D Game Development Walkthrough

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This longer lesson video gives an overview of the new 2D workflows introduced in Unity 4.3. It outlines the approach taken to produce the Tower Bridge Defense demo.

2.2D Mode

The Unity Editor and Screen View can be optimised for 2D. This video is a quick overview of both Editor Mode: 2D and Screen View Mode: 2D, how to use them and how it helps with the 2D workflow.
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3.The Sprite Type

The Sprite is a Texture Type for use with the 2D framework. In this video we will learn about the basics of the Texture Type: Sprite and the settings for the Sprite Type in the Texture Importer.
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4.Sprite Renderer

The Sprite Renderer is used to render sprite-type images in either a 2D or 3D scene.
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5.The Sprite Editor

The Sprite Editor is used to slice individual sprites from an Atlas or Sprite Sheet.
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6.Sorting Layers

Sorting Layers and Order in Layer are used by the Sprite Renderer to determine the render order of sprites in a scene.
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Unity for 2D: New Workflows in Unity 4.3
Unity for 2D: New Workflows in Unity 4.3
General Tutorial Discussion
1. 2D Game Development Walkthrough
2. 2D Mode
3. The Sprite Type
4. Sprite Renderer
5. The Sprite Editor
6. Sorting Layers