Unity 2020.3.45

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Known Issues in 2020.3.45f1

  • Asset Importers: The Editor hangs while opening a project when importing fbx assets (UUM-26676)

  • GI: If a user is experience lighting coruption they be may required to reimport due to a fix to which correctly fixes a Uv unwrapping issue (1330830).

2020.3.45f1 Release Notes


  • Multiplayer: Added Netcode for GameObjects 1.2.0.

API Changes

  • Apple TV: Added: identifier for 3rd generation Apple TV 4K.

  • Editor: Added: Component.GetComponentInParent(Type t, bool includeInactive) method to match GameObject. (UUM-2199)

  • iOS: Added: identifiers for iPad models released in 2022.

  • Scripting: Added: New Object.FindFirstObjectByType() and Object.FindAnyObjectByType() functions added as potentially faster alternatives to Object.FindObjectOfType(). These new functions let you decide whether you must have the first (lowest InstanceID) object found or if any instance is adequate. In the latter case the function can be many times faster as no internal sorting is required. See the scripting documentation for both functions for more details.

  • Scripting: Added: New Object.FindObjectsByType() function added as a potentially faster alternative to Object.FindObjectsOfType(). This new function gives users the choice whether or not to perform the expensive sorting by InstanceID on the returned collection of objects rather than having it always performed wasting time when unnecessary. See the scripting documentation for Object.FindObjectsByType() and Object.FindObjectsOfType() for more details.

  • Version Control: Removed: Collab and its dependency from the package.


  • 2D: Added proper manual URL for GridSelection. (UUM-20223)

  • 2D: Fixed a crash when there is an invalid Sprite on a Tilemap and a TilemapRenderer tries to bind the invalid Sprite to a Sprite Atlas. (UUM-19275)

  • 2D: Fixed rendering of GameObjects in a Tile Palette window when a Scriptable Render Pipeline is used. (UUM-22035)

  • AI: Fixed an issue that passage was blocked through seemingly valid polygons after an obstacle carved the NavMesh nearby. (UUM-8240)

  • Android: Fixed build failing when app bundle option is enabled and output file has no extension. (UUM-10941)

  • Android: PermissionCallbacks.DeniedAndDontAskAgain is no longer invoked on Android 11 and later. Use Denied instead on all versions. (UUM-20936)

  • Asset Bundles: Fixed issue where "Failed to decompress data" error occurs when loading bundle. (UUM-6639)

  • Asset Pipeline: Elided asset import paths using ellipsis on the import dialogue if the path length exceeds maximum text width. (UUM-3657)

  • Audio: Updated FMOD's FLAC from version 1.2.1 to 1.3.4. This fixes an issue identified by our application security team. (UUM-400)

  • Build Pipeline: Fixed crash when building ScriptableObject asset in Resources folder, where source filename did not match the class name. (UUM-21886)

  • Build Pipeline: Fixed static batching sorting to ensure deterministic build results. (UUM-11427)

  • DX12: Fixed a crash observed in e.g. HDRP sample project. (UUM-20176)

  • Editor: Camera relative culling options have been added to the Graphics section in Project Settings. This will potentially alleviate light popping issues due to lack of precision when the objects or lights are far from the origin. Enabling the camera relative culling setting for lights will potentially introduces issues for objects or lights that are far from the camera origin. (UUM-7551)

  • Editor: Fixed a memory leak which would manifest when loading then unloading scenes additively. (UUM-18684)

  • Editor: Fixed an Editor crash when calling API's to show modal dialogs while -drawRect is in progress. (UUM-2293)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue that UI Elements property animations, as well as scheduled items, asynchronous tasks and Update() callbacks are now updated as expected when a modal editor window is opened. (UUM-1695)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue that undo skips a value when used on values with [CustomEditor]. (UUM-16740)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue that VideoPlayer.width and height return 0 instead of expected values. (UUM-1899)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue to ensure scene view outline render uses the attributed main texture property name rather than the default name. (UUM-20416)

  • Editor: Fixed case where SetParent allowed setting transforms as parents when they are persistent. (UUM-12399)

  • Editor: Fixed determinism issue with ModelImporter where the current scene root count affects import results. (UUM-1846)

  • Editor: Fixed layout serialization logic: we now discard views that are not properly initialized. (UUM-21599)

  • Editor: Fixed use-after-free in macos menu handling. (UUM-22680)

  • Editor: Improved error message when an incompatible mesh is used with skinning code. (UUM-13268)

  • Editor: OpenSSL updated to 1.1.1s. (UUM-18983)

  • GI: Cached the result of GetLightmapDecodeValues() to make it faster. (UUM-1943)

  • GI: Fixed an issue where Enlighten RTGI schedules material updates indefinitely when animating the emission color of an emissive mesh renderer. (UUM-10037)

  • GI: Fixed baked lighting on terrain holes and better performance. (UUM-1797)

  • GI: Fixed issue where baking a single reflection probe could result in the wrong cubemap being associated with the wrong probe. (UUM-20194)

  • Graphics: Fixed a crash by preventing race condition when opening app from floating icon state on Android. (UUM-576)

  • Graphics: Fixed Texture2D.UpdateExternalTexture not working on Vulkan. (UUM-20405)

  • Graphics: Improved dynamic batching of unlit shaders.

  • IL2CPP: Fixed Monitor.IsEntered returning true when the monitor was entered on a different thread than the current thread. (UUM-22329)

  • iOS: Fixed iOS wrong orientation output when in split view mode. (UUM-17545)

  • Linux: Fixed SystemInfo.batteryStatus and SystemInfo.batteryLevel does not work on Linux Laptops. (UUM-16083)

  • Mono: Fixed an issue to use a relative path to the gdiplus dynamic library in the dllmap entry in the config file. (UUM-20719)

  • Package Manager: Added security anchor to the Scoped Registry's "Read more" link in project Settings. (UUM-25262)

  • Particles: Fixed a crash caused by Particle EmissionModule::Transfer handling of bursts array. (UUM-8886)

  • Particles: Fixed particle rendering from command buffers. (UUM-16501)

  • Physics: Fixed a crash that happened when resetting the mass properties of a disabled articulation body. (UUM-22526)

  • Profiler: Fixed sorting order in Show Related Objects panel to be numerical instead of alphabetical. (UUM-1950)

  • Scene/Game View: Fixed Gizmos Icons not showing. (UUM-20432)

  • Scene/Game View: Fixed overlapped UI elements not being picked based on the order they are rendered. (UUM-18939)

  • Search: Shared the same search debouncing threshold with the project browser and the quick search window. (UUM-1937)

  • uGUI: Fixed UI Components where the test is not getting displayed after scrolling in Playmode. (UUM-1823)

  • UI Toolkit: Added animated drag and drop support to ListView. Use reorderMode property. (UUM-2201)

  • Video: Fixed an issue that the first video's frame is drawn after some time when the H.264 B-Frames video is used. (UUM-819)

  • Video: Fixed Video Player crash/malfunction on Android versions less than 9. (UUM-1843)

  • Video: Fixed virtual camera not playing due to DevicePath missing. (UUM-3367)

  • XR: Fixed XRSettings.gameViewRenderMode does not work in SRPs. (UUM-1963)

System Requirements

For development

OS: Windows 7 SP1+, 10, 64-bit versions only; macOS 10.13+. (Server versions of Windows & OS X are not tested.)

CPU: SSE2 instruction set support.

GPU: Graphics card with DX10 (shader model 4.0) capabilities.

The rest mostly depends on the complexity of your projects.

Additional platform development requirements:
  • iOS: Mac computer running minimum macOS 10.13+ and Xcode 9.0 or higher.

  • Android: Android SDK and Java Development Kit (JDK); IL2CPP scripting backend requires Android NDK.

  • Universal Windows Platform: Windows 10 (64-bit), Visual Studio 2015 with C++ Tools component or later and Windows 10 SDK

For running Unity games

Generally content developed with Unity can run pretty much everywhere. How well it runs is dependent on the complexity of your project. More detailed requirements:

  • Desktop:

    • OS: Windows 7 SP1+, macOS 10.13+, Ubuntu 18.04+
    • Graphics card with DX10 (shader model 4.0) capabilities.
    • CPU: SSE2 instruction set support.
  • iOS player requires iOS 11.0 or higher.

  • Android: OS 4.4 or later; ARMv7 CPU with NEON support; OpenGL ES 2.0 or later.

  • WebGL: Any recent desktop version of Firefox, Chrome, Edge or Safari.

  • Universal Windows Platform: Windows 10 and a graphics card with DX10 (shader model 4.0) capabilities

  • Exported Android Gradle projects require Android Studio 3.4 and later to build

Package changes in 2020.3.45f1

Packages updated

Pre-release packages added


Third Party Notices

For more information please see our Open Source Software Licenses FAQ on the Unity Support Portal

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