Unity 5.4.3 Patch 2

Select the runtime platforms of your choice from the list below (the desktop runtime is included as standard) or, to install the full complement of runtime platforms, use the download assistant installer above.


  • Shaders: Increased the number of allowed shader keywords to 256 (up from 128). Optimized related parts of the code, so it's often actually faster now.


  • (844606) - Android: Fixed crash on some devices when multiple sprite objects are in scene.
  • (821909) - Collab: Auto Refresh is no longer force enabled even after Collab is turned off.
  • (800613) - Deployment Management: Report build-time-generated streaming resources, such as texture atlases, at the correct size in the build report.
  • (827803) - Graphics: Fixed Rendering.CommandBuffer crash when drawing meshes.
  • (849701) - IL2CPP: Fixed a crash that can occur in the player when a virtual method was called on a value type and that value type implements an interface which had an overload of that virtual method.
  • (851098) - IL2CPP - Android: Fixed an issue whereby compiler/linker error output were not captured.
  • (849072) - IL2CPP: Implemented the array SetValue method for arrays of nullable types.
  • (847838) - IL2CPP: Prevented a compiler error in generated C++ code when calling Interlocked.CompareExchange from some managed code.
  • (845174) - IL2CPP: Prevented a stack overflow exception in the player at run time when an infinitely nested generic method is used.
  • (846956) - IL2CPP: Support managed stack traces on Android now.
  • (840773, 849280) - IOS: Fixed an issue of freezes related to ARM atomics.
  • (852363, 814365, 823587) - iOS: Fixed several crashes with regards to WWW and WebRequest.
  • (801761) - Prefabs: Fixed an issue where a prefab instance could be incorrectly marked inactive when first loading a scene.
  • (850350) - Scripting: Fixed MonoDevelop build errors when building UnityScript and Boo projects.
  • (847853) - WebGL: Fixed crash when user writes a file using custom ArrayBuffer
  • (822480) - Windows Store: Fixed duplicate assembly warning when building Universal 8.1.

Revision: 81dd4868cb4c


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