Unity 2019.2.0 Beta 4

Select the runtime platforms of your choice from the list below (the desktop runtime is included as standard) or, to install the full complement of runtime platforms, use the download assistant installer above.

Known Issues in 2019.2.0b4

  • 2D: All 2d preview packages throw missing namespace errors on installing. (1140336, 1148392)

  • 2D: [Sprite Atlas] Null reference on selecting sprite atlas during/after play mode (1157053)

  • Animation: Clamp Blendshapes is enabled by default when creating new projects (1146794)

  • Asset Import: Crash when regenerating SpeedTree Materials, but only when using Asset Database V2. (1144442, 1148391)

  • Asset Importers: Crash when regenerating SpeedTree Materials, but only when using Asset Database V2 (1144442)

  • Asset Importers: Editor crashes on FillMeshFromEntities after importing big .skp file on any project (1152480)

  • Assets Management: Crash on "CollectAndProduceGameObject' when opening Project or entering Play mode (1147211)

  • Editor - Other: Batchmode build hangs in PackageManager::RunRequestSynchronously (1137073)

  • Editor - Other: Crash on TextRenderingPrivate::GetFormatString when using specific string (1150645)

  • Editor - Other: [Editor] Error is not highlighted in visual studio when opened from unity console (1154362)

  • Editor: Attempting to change the order of a Reorderable List creates a NullReferenceException. (1146538, 1147292)

  • Editor: CustomPropertyDrawers of array elements inside another array is now working properly on each element. (1156837, 1158011)
    Fixed in 2019.2.0b5.

  • Editor: DLL Errors in IAP occur when upgrading project to 2019.2 or 2019.3. (1152392, 1153071)

  • Editor: Visual Studio 2015 opens up instead of 2017 on updating "Visual Studio Editor Package. (1152149, 1152869)

  • Global Illumination: Impossible to select anything else in scene view if currently selected object has Light Probe Group component (1152479)

  • Global Illumination: [Lighting] Infinite error loop after assigning 2D texture to custom cubemap property of reflection probe (1156727)

  • Graphics - General: D3D12ImmediateContext::BindTexture crash when opening a scene with DirectX3D12 (1155163)

  • LW RP: Building project gets stuck on "Compiling shader variants" dialog when Lightweight Render Pipeline/Lit shader is compiling (1090892)

  • Linux: Fixed submenus from losing focus, thus closing prematurely and not being functional. (1142911, 1144233)
    Fixed in 2019.2.0b5.

  • MacOS: [Mac] [Shader] Importing Tessellation shaders on mac with metal graphic api leads to editor crash (1158299)

  • Package Manager: Test Framework package disappears from the list after removing. (1152815, 1152871)

  • Package Manager: The Package Manager UI does not refresh when packages are installed or removed. (1148329, 1152868)

  • Project Browser/Hierarchy: [Editor] Files are not being added to assets folder if dragged and dropped in empty space below the package manager folder (1150509)

  • Scene Management: [Improved prefabs] Duplicate prefab gets created when undo is pressed after applying override to nested prefabs (1150496)

  • Scene Management: [Improved prefabs] Editor freezes after applying an original prefab as a child through override window (1150176)

  • Scene Management: [Improved prefabs] Editor freezes after applying an original prefab as a child through override window (1150176)

  • Scripting Upgrade: AssemblyUpdater silently fails if its path contains spaces (1154131, 1154970)

  • Scripting: Unable to open more than one script from unity editor on double clicking (1152805)

  • Scripting: Editor silent crash when attempting to load a new Scene after allocating data (1137077)

  • Scripting: UnityEngine.UI reference is missing in Assembly Definition Assemblies and Plugins (1154163)

  • Shaders: [Shader] Editor is fully pink if launched on OpenGL 4.2 (1146762)

  • Terrain: Painting terrain crashes when texture resolution is below FullRes in QualitySettings (1148582)

  • Terrain: Trees are not generated from Code in the Built Game when Terrain Data is created via Code using the Constructor (1148469)

  • UI Elements: Text is overflowing out of scrollview on scrolling down (1153347)

  • UI: Re-enabling game object with "Toggle group" loses information about previously checked toggle (1146883)

  • Unity Test Runner: Tests results for tests ran in player aren't reported back in Test Runner window (1151147)

  • Version Control: Meta Files are now Hidden by Default. (1144410, 1144494)

  • XR: Cardboard projects default to 30fps unless targetFrameRate is set to 60. (1143799, 1144492)

New 2019.2.0b4 Entries since 2019.2.0b3

Backwards Compatibility Breaking Changes

  • XR: Moved Vuforia support to a package.


  • 2D: Added a toggle switch to the Grid Brush for a mode to change Z Positions of Tiles.

  • 2D: Added the CreateTileFromPaletteAttribute to allow users to specify how and what Tiles are created when dragging Assets onto the Tile Palette window.

  • 2D: Exposed GridPaintingState APIs to allow users to programatically change Tile Palette Painting states

  • 2D: Users can now convert Prefabs to Tile Palettes by dragging a valid Prefab onto the Tile Palette window.

  • UI: Adding ability to modify the pixel per unit used during the calculation of sliced and tiled sprites.


  • 2D: Cleaned up and updated the Sorting Group status of Renderers whose GameObjects were activated and then deactivated. (1141682, 1151999)

  • 2D: Fix crash when rendering a Hexagonal Tilemap with Top Left/Right Sort Order in Individual mode (1142429, 1155196)

  • 2D: Fix offset collider shape of Tile using Grid Collider Type with an Isometric Grid (1148573, 1155197)

  • 2D: Fixed an issue where a Particle System's Sorting Fudge value while it is in a Sorting Group caused it to sort correctly. Similar Renderers are now sorted according to their Sorting Group order.

  • 2D: Sprite Atlases are packed by entering Play Mode when Sprite Packer Mode is set to "Enabled for builds". (1136349, 1148007)
    This has already been backported to older releases.

  • 2D: Updated SortingLayerField and SpriteRendererEditor to correctly handle PrefabOverrides. (1109376, 1151997)

  • Animation: Fixed a crash when animating optimized hierarchies with constant animated properties. (1142636, 1151042)

  • Editor: Ensure duplicated prefabs retains transform values and other overrides. (1132860, 1152725)
    This has already been backported to older releases.

  • Editor: Fixed an editor crash when clicking Shader dropdown in Material inspector. (1150686, 1154007)
    This has already been backported to older releases.

  • Editor: Fixed an issue where the AvatarMask Inspector transforms field doesn't show all transforms from the skeleton. (1123656, 1152129)

  • Editor: Fixed crash when duplicating prefabs with ConfigurableJoints. (1137347, 1152722)
    This has already been backported to older releases.

  • Editor: Fixed EditorSettings exception on scene loading. (1143702, 1150444)
    This is a 2019.2 issue, not seen in any released version.

  • Editor: Fixed importing badly broken prefab variants where components could be assigned to multiple GameObjects. (1113802, 1152732)
    This has already been backported to older releases.

  • Editor: Fixed the issue with GameView Scale's minimum value being dependent on the windows display scaling factor. (1099270, 1144225)
    This has already been backported to older releases.

  • Editor: Validate Host local address on GET HTTP request. (1146895, 1152796)

  • Graphics: Delay in bursts no longer works. (1154292, 1156374)

  • Graphics: Fixed excessive stripping of shaders without users keywords resulting in missing usage of vertex components and discarding them. (914736, 1149322)

  • Graphics: Fixed HDRP rendering when using Metal.
    This is a new issue, not seen in any released version.

  • Graphics: Graphics Fix hang during shutdown which could happen when running C# Jobs within a ScriptableRenderPipeline. (1142765, 1152344)

  • Graphics: Unity crashes when a VFX is playing and the VFX project settings are reset. (1154099, 1154781)

  • Particles: Added error when calling Gradient.Evalute with a NaN. (1147106, 1154234)

  • Particles: Ensure curve previews are updated when pasting component values. (972302, 1154239)

  • Particles: Ensure Force Fields belonging to disabled Game Objects do not affect any Particle Systems. (1149364, 1154235)

  • Particles: Ensure particle trails start from exact particle spawning position. (1147999, 1154231)

  • Particles: Fixed a crash when a Particle System destroys itself with stop action "Destroy". (1147642, 1154233)

  • Particles: Fixed an assert in debug builds due to invalid sampling of an Animation Curve in a rare edge case. (1111257, 1154236)

  • Particles: Fixed flickering sub-emitter trails if sub-emitter particles are cleared before Particle System finishes playing. (1146677, 1154230)

  • Particles: Fixed the jitter when updating position in LateUpdate and using Custom Simulation Space. (1149016, 1154229)

  • Particles: Fixed the glitches when rendering trails and using Custom Simulation Space together. (1092072, 1154237)

  • Physics: Fixed a crash that happened when destroying Colliders that had OnCollisionStay scripts attached. (1113545, 1149430)

  • Physics: Fixed Rigidbody not following the transform of its parent Rigidbody in some cases. (1140632, 1152939)

  • Profiler: Fixed incorrect memory reported for render texture. (1094084, 1151141)

  • Terrain: Cloning TerrainData now properly clones the alpha splat maps as well. (1132313, 1151345)

  • Timeline: A timeline will now be played correctly when building a player with Mono and Managed Stripping Level set higher than Low. (1133182, 1150584)

  • Timeline: Cleared invalid assets from the Timeline Clipboard when going into or out of PlayMode. (1144473, 1150594)
    This has already been backported to older releases.

  • Timeline: Clips will no longer randomly disappear when showing or hiding inline curves. (1141661, 1150620)

  • Timeline: Copying a Control Clip during play mode no longer throws exceptions. (1141581, 1150613)
    This has already been backported to older releases.

  • Timeline: Fixed director controls being disabled in subtimelines. (1133836, 1151216)
    This has already been backported to older releases.

  • Timeline: Fixed issue where a Signal Emitter placed at the start of a timeline would be fired twice. (1149653, 1150587)

  • Timeline: Fixed issue where an exception was thrown when clicking on a SignalEmitter with the Timeline window in asset mode. (1146261, 1150596)
    This has already been backported to older releases.

  • Timeline: Fixed issue where the Emit Signal property on a Signal Emitter would not get saved correctly. (1148709, 1150601)

  • Timeline: Fixed record button state not updating when offset modes are changed. (1142747, 1150598)

  • Timeline: Going to Play Mode while inspecting a Track Asset will no longer throw exceptions. (1141958, 1150599)

  • Timeline: Playhead will not be drawn above the bottom scrollbar anymore. (1134016, 1150609)
    This has already been backported to older releases.

  • Timeline: Prevented the PlayableGraph from being created twice when playing a timeline in play mode with the Timeline window opened. (1147247, 1148480)
    This has already been backported to older releases.

  • Timeline: Resizing Timeline's window no longer affects the zoom value. (1147150, 1150590)

  • Timeline: Snap relaxing now responds to Command on Mac, instead of Control. (1149144, 1150610)
    This has already been backported to older releases.

  • Timeline: The global/local time referential button will no longer be shown for a top-level timeline. (1080872, 1150607)

  • Timeline: The Signal Asset creation dialog will no longer throw exceptions when canceled on macOS. (1141959, 1150603)
    This has already been backported to older releases.

  • UI: Adding uv2 and uv3 copying from the UIVertex AddVert overloaded API.

  • UI: Dirty the canvas batch when a element is enabled. This will ensure it gets put back into the render order. (1077708, 1154184)

  • UI: Fixed issue where assigning a togglegroup or changing isOn would not set the toggle as dirty. (1141606, 1154185)

  • UI: Fixed issue where rich text tags would get verticies generated causing very large vertex buffers.

  • UI: Fixed performance issue with CanvasGroup getting notifications all the time. (1149387, 1153403)

  • UI: Fixed performance issues with animation by not dirtying the layout if a animation updates the items.

  • UI: Fixed the editor becoming unresponsive when the GICache tab was open in the project preferences. (1149001, 1152685)

  • UI: Recreate the gfx buffer if the stride size changes. (1143087, 1144234)

  • UI: Removed sprite mesh caching optimization as it was causing too many issues. (1143135, 1148361)

  • UI: Update SetChildAlongAxis to have matching SetChildAlongAxisWithScale that takes a scale as default values will cause confusion in which function needs to be used

  • UI Elements: Fixed an issue where using the initial setting in a USS rule caused other settings in the specification to be overlooked. (1152232, 1154377)

  • Version Control: Fixed Script Execution Order inspector "Apply" button in some cases throwing errors under Perforce. (1153207, 1153405)

  • Version Control: Stop prompting when attempting to check out ProjectSettings/XRSettings.asset. (1144407, 1149159)

  • XR: Fixed crash when accessing tracking data after switching from non-VR to VR. (1150910, 1152535)
    This has already been backported to older releases.

  • XR: Harden a few null pointer dereferences reported by Microsoft Watson logs. (1152855, 1152862)

Preview of Final 2019.2.0b4 Release Notes

System Requirements Changes

Nothing changed.


  • 2D: Added a Secondary Textures module to the Sprite Editor.

  • 2D: The Sprite Editor window is now available as a package.

  • Android: Added AAB file size validation to Android app bundles. You can disable this in the Android Player Settings (Warn About App Bundle Size) and adjust the maximum size (App Bundle Size Threshold).

  • Android: Added Optimized Frame Pacing.

  • Animation: Added a selection filter for the Animation window to only show properties and curves of selected GameObjects.

  • Editor: Added VSCode, Visual Studio, and Rider code editor integration as Packages.

  • Editor: Updated behavior so that when you double-click on C# compile messages in the console window in Visual Studio, the corresponding C# file opens at the correct line and column.

  • Editor: Updated behavior so that when you double-click on C# compile messages in the console window, in Visual Studio in Windows, the corresponding C# file opens at the correct line and column.

  • GI: Added Static Scene Dressing, which lets the user choose whether GameObjects that contribute to Global Ilumination should receive GI from Light Probes or Lightmaps.

  • GI: Added support for multiple importance sampling the environment to the GPU lightmapper.

  • GI: Added support for the cross-platform Intel lightmap denoiser, Intel Open Image Denoise.

  • Graphics: Added SpeedTree support to the Scriptable Render Pipeline.

  • Graphics: Added support for all GPU formats for RenderTexture with Vulkan.

  • Graphics: Added support for partial mipmap chains in Texture classes.

  • iOS: Added client/worker multi-threaded rendering support for OpenGL ES 2 and 3.

  • Package Manager: Added the ability to show or hide Packages in the Project Browser and Object Picker.

  • Physics: Upgraded the cloth library to use NVIDIA's NvCloth Library instead of the deprecated PxCloth.

  • Scripting: Added support for Assembly Definition Reference (.asmref) files.

  • UI Elements: Added UIElements Samples window. This window provides quick UIElements code snippets in the Editor.

  • VFX: Added core pieces to support MotionVectors in VFX Editor (preview Package).

Backwards Compatibility Breaking Changes

  • 2D: Updated the 2D Project Template manifest.json to include 'com.unity.2d.sprite' and 'com.unity.2d.tilemap' as core packages.

  • Android: Deprecated x86 support.

  • Android: Increased the minimum Vulkan API version for Adreno drivers to 1.0.38.

  • Animation: Constraints are now evaluated before LateUpdate script (1123107)

  • Editor: Changed default shortcut for Stage/Go Back from O to H to avoid shortcut conflicts in Project templates.

  • Editor: Removed most of the legacy Module Manager. Only extension modules located inside the Unity install are loaded now. Also completely removed the Modules... menu item and window.

  • Editor: UGui Objects use ObjectFactory and default Presets when created from the GameObject menu in the Editor.

  • Facebook: Added deprecation warning for Facebook Gameroom platform.

  • Graphics: Added Rendering Layer Mask to Lights as a filtering option during shadow passes in Scriptable Render Pipelines. This is similar to Renderers Rendering Layer Masks.

  • Graphics: Asynchronous Shader compilation: Blit now never uses cyan dummy Shader.

  • Graphics: Asynchronous Shader compilation: DrawProcedural now skips rendering during compilation instead of trying to use the dummy Shader.

  • Graphics: Moved the Async Shader Compilation option from Preferences to Project Settings.

  • Graphics: Support graphics API switching by restarting Unity.

  • Prefabs: Prefabs created by dragging into the hierarchy are now parents to the correct parent, instead of being a root object. The correct parent will thus be set in Awake calls.

  • Scripting: Made the GarbageCollector.GCMode property only throw an exception on unsupported platforms when trying to change it's value, not when reading it.

  • Timeline: Changed Track Context Menu to show "Add Signal Emitter" at the top of the list of Marker commands. (1131166)

  • Timeline: Clip properties are no longer animated by recording. They are now animated using the inline curves.

  • Timeline: Moved "Add Signal Emitter" and "Add Signal Emitter From Asset" commands out of their sub-menu. (1131166)

  • Timeline: Updated Timeline package version to 1.1.0.

  • XR: Moved Vuforia support to a package.

  • XR: Oculus (Standalone) and OpenVR (Standalone) package names have been changed to use (Desktop) instead of (Standalone).


  • Android: Updated Bundletool to version 0.7.2.

  • VFX: Changed the awakening process of the VisualEffect component, so you can now use the Inspector even if the component is disabled. (1117103)


  • 2D: Added a toggle switch to the Grid Brush for a mode to change Z Positions of Tiles.

  • 2D: Added the CreateTileFromPaletteAttribute to allow users to specify how and what Tiles are created when dragging Assets onto the Tile Palette window.

  • 2D: Exposed GridPaintingState APIs to allow users to programatically change Tile Palette Painting states

  • 2D: Users can now convert Prefabs to Tile Palettes by dragging a valid Prefab onto the Tile Palette window.

  • Android: AndroidJava* and AndroidJNI APIs moved to built in package AndroidJNI.

  • Android: Enabled Vulkan support for Optimized frame pacing on Android.

  • Android: Implemented Screen.Brightness property for Android (read only)

  • Android: Improved performance of string marshaling between C# and Java (up to 50% faster).

  • Android: Reduce armv7 code size by 20% by enabling thumb.

  • Android: Small reduction in job overhead when few cores are being used.

  • Android: The Unity video player can now be used with the Vulkan renderer.

  • Android: When set to true, you can mimic TouchScreenKeyboard.hideInput by drawing an input field outside the screen.

  • Animation: Added a right-click menu option to jump to a specific AnimatorController State while liveLinked.

  • Animation: Added option to hide read-only clip properties and curves in the Animation Window to improve editor performance.

  • Animation: Added option to hide read-only clip properties and curves in the Animation Window to improve editor performance.

  • Animation: Added selection filter for the Animation Window. Only shows properties and curves of selected game objects.

  • Animation: Added visibility feedback in the Animator Inspector Info box

  • Animation: Added visual feedback and hotkeys for the ripple option in the Animation Window.

  • Animation: Added visual feedback and hotkeys for the ripple option in the Animation Window.

  • Animation: The Animation Window can now be used to preview/author Animation C# Jobs constraints.

  • Animation: Updated animation window to preview/author Animation C# Jobs constraints.

  • Asset Import: Added a new Cancel option for changing the Import Settings for Assets in addition to Apply and Revert. The Cancel option is the default when pressing or closing the popup. Canceling restores the current selection and keeps the unapplied changes.

  • Asset Import: Compressor Quality can now be set in the texture asset import settings for BC6H and BC7 formats allowing compression quality to be traded for import speed.

  • Asset Import: Undo and Redo are now available on the Import Settings window while importing Assets.

  • Asset Import: Updated Sketchup SDK to version 19.0.

  • DX12: Improved performance of async texture loading in DX12 to avoid a rendering stall when 2D textures are created.

  • Editor: Added Enable Code Coverage option in General Preferences. Added a popup and a Console warning that notifies users that enabling Coverage slows performance. The window title now displays [CODE COVERAGE] when Coverage is enabled.

  • Editor: Added a message box whenever the OS fails to delete an asset when deleted from the Project Browser view.

  • Editor: Added a proxy icon for the currently open Scene to the title bar in the main Editor window on macOS.

  • Editor: Added a toggle to the Scene Camera settings for infinite acceleration when navigating with flying mode.

  • Editor: Added Araxis Merge support on Revision Control Diff/Merge tool.

  • Editor: Added new options for expanding/collapsing the components in the inspector context menu.

  • Editor: Added shortcut for Scene Visibility Show All.

  • Editor: Exposed ProjectWindowUtil.CreateScriptAssetFromTemplateFile. This function allows Editor scripts to create new text-based assets from template files in a similar way to how the built-in C# Script template is used to create new MonoBehaviour classes.

  • Editor: Made ProBuilder a recommended package.

  • Editor: Made the RenderDoc capture button in the Scene/Game view work with the Xcode frame debugger in Metal. This requires launching Unity through Xcode with the Metal frame capture enabled.

  • Editor: Moved Camera Easing options from Preferences to Camera Settings in the Scene view.

  • Editor: Moved Camera Easing options from Preferences to Camera Settings in the Scene view.

  • Editor: Optimized Inspector refresh after entering Play mode.

  • Editor: Reduced the number of key presses in order to start a rebind in the Shortcut manager.

  • GI: Added a 'None' mode for emissive GI contribution in the standard shader GUI.

  • GI: Added mixed area lights to culling results, which enable mixed rectangular lights in HDRP.

  • GI: Added Rendering.GraphicsSettings.realtimeDirectRectangularAreaLights to enable HDRP to provide direct realtime area lighting.

  • GI: Improved baking speed for the Progressive lightmapper in cases with many Light Probe sets in the Scene.

  • GI: Improved GPU Lightmapper performance by generating many rays per texel/Light Probe for indirect lighting. Optimized direct lighting by using compaction.

  • GI: Improved the GPU Lightmapper performance by generating many rays per texel/Light Probe for direct lighting.

  • GI: Optimized time to first lit texel for the progressive lightmappers by multithreading heavy functions.

  • GI: Realtime GI now uses correct lightomg falloff for indirect Lights when you use configurable light falloff.

  • GI: Reduced GPU memory footprint for the GPU Lightmapper when baking lighting. This is done by compressing normal vectors and albedo.

  • GI: The GPU Lightmapper now supports the Optix AI denoiser.

  • GI: Upgraded Optix AI Denoiser to version 6. This new version has better performance and a lower memory footprint.

  • Graphics: Added profiler markers for splash screen.

  • Graphics: Added sprite mesh support for Splash Screen logos. You can now use tight mesh mode and Vector sprites.

  • Graphics: Added SRP hooks for detail rendering Shaders.

  • Graphics: Added support for Dynamic Resolution Scaling to the Lightweight Rendering Pipeline.

  • Graphics: Added the ability to disable the blur on the splash screen background.

  • Graphics: Asynchronous Shader compilation: Minimized cyan dummy shader flashes by variant tracking and warmup.

  • Graphics: Deferred the creation of command buffers and render encoders until they are needed in Metal.

  • Graphics: Improved performance of async texture loading on PS4 to remove a rendering stall when 2D textures are created.

  • Graphics: SRP batcher is now supported on OpenGL 4.2+ and OpenGL ES 3.1+.

  • Graphics: The SRP Batcher is now supported on Xbox DirectX11.

  • iOS: Added new iOS device (released in 2018) identification support to the Profiler.

  • iOS: Added LowPowerModeEnabled and WantsSoftwareDimming properties to iOS.Device and a Brightness Property to Screen (currently only supported on iOS).

  • iOS: Can now select architecture for native plugins on iOS & TvOS.

  • iOS: ReplayKit improvements:

    • For local recordings, we can now capture the local camera, microphone, and screen.
    • The size of the preview window overlay can now be adjusted.
    • Added ReplayKit.isPreviewControllerActive, ReplayKit.PauseBroadcasting, and ReplayKit.ResumeBroadcasting.
  • Kernel: Performance improvements in internal Matrix4x4 Invert method used primarily by Rendering and Cameras.

  • Mobile: Improved performance of async texture loading on iOS to remove a rendering stall when 2D textures are created.

  • OSX: Native plugins with the .dylib file extension are now supported.

  • Package Manager: Added support to include built-in packages in the Project as dependencies of other packages.

  • Package Manager: Improved package visibility in the Project view and the Object Picker.

  • Package Manager: Improved Undo/Redo and Cancel button handling in the PackageManifestImporter Editor.

  • Package Manager: Installed modules now appear in the Dependencies list alongside package dependencies.

  • Particles: Expose missing External Forces module properties to script API.

  • Physics: Upgraded the cloth library to use NVIDIA's NvCloth Library instead of the deprecated PxCloth.

  • Plugins: Added Unity Companion license to the Plugin API header.

  • Profiler: Memory Profiler added single threaded platform support. Eg: WebGL.

  • Profiler: Players will show up more consistently in the profiler list, when there are a lot of players running on the same network, previously Editor wouldn't keep up with message processing incoming from a lot of players, thus it was taking a while for a new player to show up in the profiler list.

  • Profiler: Provide dynamic code (Mono JIT) information to VTune Amplifier.

  • Profiler: Reduced profiler overhead when flushing data from Job threads.

  • Profiler: Unity created threads are now named in VTune profiler.

  • ps4: Improved PS4 Additional content to support multiple products.

  • Scripting: Enabled incremental Garbage Collection in the Editor.

  • Scripting: Managed debugger will now output which network port it's listening on to the player log

  • Shaders: Added UNITY_SEPARATE_TEXTURE_SAMPLER define in the HlslSupport.cginc for platforms capable of doing separate texture and sampler objects.

  • Shaders: Moved 38 built-in keywords to local keywords. Shaders inspector now shows used global/local keywords by shader.

  • Terrain: Basemap textures now are not generated if the basemap shader is not used.

  • Terrain: Local keywords (those defined using multi_compile_local or shader_feature_local) are now allowed for Terrain shaders.

  • Terrain: Removed terrain material type enum but made Terrain built-in materials actual assets that you can select.

  • Timeline: Added ability to override loop setting on AnimationClips in Timeline. (1140766, 1144743)

  • Timeline: Added the ability to mute an entire group.

  • Timeline: Added UI to animate track and clip properties.

  • Timeline: New read-only mode, when timeline asset is not editable (file readonly flag or by source control).

  • UI: Added ability to modify the UI Dropdown's Alpha fade when showing and hiding.

  • UI: Adding ability to modify the pixel per unit used during the calculation of sliced and tiled sprites.

  • UI: Removed the spritePacking tag option from the TextureImporter when not using the legacy packing mode.

  • UI Elements: Prevented exceptions thrown by user code from corrupting the UI renderer.

  • Video: Improved documentation for platform strings used VideoClipImporter Set/Get/ClearTargetSettings

  • XR: Add Low Overhead Mode setting to Oculus (Android) to do less driver validation, which can potentially increase performance.

  • XR: Moved the Google VR Cardboard and Daydream support to a package and updated to version 1.180.

  • XR: Updated Vuforia to version 8.0.10.

API Changes

  • AI: Added the GetEdgesAndNeighbors() method in the NavMeshQuery class for retrieving the shape of a given node and all the navigation nodes which it connects to. The method can be called in jobs.

  • Android: Added support for JNI Weak References (AndroidJNI class).

  • Asset Import: Added API in model importer to prevent game objects from being sorted by name in imported game object hierarchies.

  • Editor: Added API for Scene Visibility.

  • Editor: Added more API endpoints for TransformHandle to allow granular control over which handles appear.

  • Editor: Added new API to better detect and control async shader compilation in the Editor.

  • Editor: Added AssemblyBuilder.referencesOptions to allow building assemblies using UnityEngine module .dlls instead of the default monolithic UnityEngine.dll.

  • Editor: Added AssetDatabase.OpenAsset() overloads that take both a line number and column number.

  • Editor: Added Editor.DrawFoldoutInspector to draw a nested Inspector with a foldout title bar.

  • Editor: Added EditorWindow.CreateWindow, which works like EditorWindow.GetWindow, but always creates a new window.

  • Editor: Added GameObjectUtility.GetMonoBehavioursWithMissingScriptCount and GameObjectUtility.RemoveMonoBehavioursWithMissingScriptfor removing MonoBehaviours with missing scripts from GameObjects.

  • Editor: Added MaterialEditor.customShaderGUI property that returns the active ShaderGUI object for the current material.

  • Editor: Changing the display name of enum values in the Inspector is now done using the InspectorNameAttribute instead of the DescriptionAttribute. (1115381)

  • Editor: Renamed SceneView.SceneViewCameraSettings to SceneView.CameraSettings.

  • Editor: Replaced EditorTool.OnActivate and OnDeactivate methods with EditorTools events. This addresses callback order problems.

  • Editor: OnOpenAsset attribute now supports method signature (int instanceId, int line, int column)

  • GI: Added Gizmos.exposure texture which, when set, is readback to determine exposure correction for LightProbe gizmos. This is the alternative to correcting them via Postprocessing.

  • GI: Fixed issue where we can't set Lightmap Parameters from script on non-prefab objects. (966408)

  • Graphics: - Changed the SRP signature of BeginCameraRendering and BeginFrameRendering to give access to the ScriptableRenderContext.

    • Added callbacks for end camera and end frame rendering.
  • Graphics: Added the static function, Inverse3DAffine(), to Matrix4x4 to compute the inverse of an affine matrix.

  • Kernel: The function, UnsafeUtility.MemCpyReplicate(), no longer logs a failed assertion or raises an exception when the size or Count parameters are zero. Instead, it passively exits (like the other UnsafeUtility methods).

  • Mobile: Added 'Screen.cutouts' to get display cutout bounding boxes

  • Mobile: Application.absoluteURL property and Application.deepLinkActivated event to handle application activation via deep link, implemented for Android/iOS/UWP

  • Package Manager: Added Editor API for retrieving Package information based on an asset path or an assembly:

    • PackageManager.PackageInfo.FindForAssetPath(string assetPath)
    • PackageManager.PackageInfo.FindForAssembly(Assembly assembly)
  • Scripting: Added UnityEditor.TypeCache API for fast extraction of derived types, methods or classes marked with an attribute.

  • Shaders: Added Shader.FindPassTagValue method for querying the pass tag values.

  • Shaders: Added Shader.passCount property for retrieving the number of shader passes of the active subshader.

  • Terrain: Added a non-alloc version overload to the new TerrainData.GetInterpolatedHeights API.

  • Terrain: Added new callback APIs to monitor the terrain texture changes:

    • TerrainAPI.TerrainCallbacks.heightmapChanged
    • TerrainAPI.TerrainCallbacks.textureChanged These callbacks tell both the rect region being changed and if the change is CPU synchronized or not (i.e. GPU only).
  • Terrain: Added new TerrainData APIs for easier modifying the terrain textures:

    • TerrainData.CopyActiveRenderTextureToHeightmap
    • TerrainData.CopyActiveRenderTextureToTexture These two may be used for copying the content of the active RT into the terrain textures, optionally delaying the CPU synchronization, for instance at the event of mouse move in the middle of painting.

    • TerrainData.DirtyHeightmapRegion

    • TerrainData.DirtyTextureRegion These two may be used alternatively to the two functions above if the user directly changes the GPU resources by other means.

    • TerrainData.SyncHeightmap

    • TerrainData.SyncTexture These two may be used to do a full synchronization from GPU to CPU, for instance at the event of mouse up.

  • Terrain: Added TerrainData.GetInterpolatedHeights method for querying the interpolated terrain height values over a grid of samples.

  • Terrain: Added TerrainData.SetTerrainLayersRegisterUndo for setting the terrainLayers property and can be correctly undone if splat textures are created or destroyed during the process.

  • Terrain: Deprecate Terrain.ApplyDelayedHeightmapModification. Use TerrainData.SyncHeightmap instead.

  • Terrain: Deprecate TerrainData.UpdateDirtyRegion. Use TerrainData.DirtyHeightmapRegion instead.

  • Terrain: Exposed TerrainLayerInspector class.

  • Time: Introduced Time.captureDeltaTime, a more precise floating point reciprocal of Time.captureFramerate

  • Timeline: Added ClipEditor, TrackEditor, and MarkerEditor classes the user can derived from to modify custom clips, tracks and marker functionality inside the Timeline Editor

  • Timeline: Added TimelineEditor.selectedClip and TimelineEditor.selectedClips that gets and sets TimelineClips selected by the Timeline Editor

  • Timeline: Added TrackAsset.mutedInHierarchy to determine if a track is muted because it is in a muted group.

  • Timeline: Exposed FootIK option on Timeline Animation Clips (1115652)

  • Video: MediaEncoder.AddFrame now has overloads that take timestamps for producing Variable Frame Rate movies. Timestamps are expressed using new MediaTime struct.

  • Video: VideoClipImporter and VideoClip now have a sRGBClip and sRGB property, respectively, to describe whether content is sRGB or linear.

  • XR: Added the XRSetting property XR.XRSettings.deviceEyeTextureDimension which allows you to determine what the XR platform's swap chain eye texture layout is.

  • XR: Added UNITY_INITIALIZE_OUTPUT_STEREO_EYE_INDEX to the builtin shader macros to allow for transfering the unity_StereoEyeIndex from a vertex shader to a geometry shader.

  • XR: Added XR.XRDevice.UpdateEyeTextureAntiAliasingSettings to force the hmd swap chain to be reallocated when the MSAA sample count is changed.


  • 2D: Changed position of Tile Instantiated GameObject to align with the Tile Anchor position of the Tilemap.

  • 2D: Cleaned up and updated the Sorting Group status of Renderers whose GameObjects were activated and then deactivated. (1141682, 1151999)

  • 2D: Fix crash when rendering a Hexagonal Tilemap with Top Left/Right Sort Order in Individual mode (1142429, 1155196)

  • 2D: Fix offset collider shape of Tile using Grid Collider Type with an Isometric Grid (1148573, 1155197)

  • 2D: Fixed an issue where a Particle System's Sorting Fudge value while it is in a Sorting Group caused it to sort correctly. Similar Renderers are now sorted according to their Sorting Group order.

  • 2D: Fixed an issue where a Sprite Atlas did not change when its associated "Object for Packing" Texture was modified by a custom AssetPostprocessor script. (1135638)

  • 2D: Fixed links to documentation for Tilemap components. (972901)

  • 2D: Updated SortingLayerField and SpriteRendererEditor to correctly handle PrefabOverrides. (1109376, 1151997)

  • Analytics: Passing Unity objects to AnalyticsEvent causes allocation leak warnings (1086690)

  • Android: File system: Fixed incomplete reading of large files (1111919)

  • Android: Fix apk version parsing failing due to unexpected java output (1133867)

  • Android: Fix Editor crash on opening Player Settings when Android SDK is not setup. (1143624, 1144223)

  • Android: Fix error when trying to sign a development build (1137971)

  • Android: Fix large Unicode character marshaling between C# and Java on Android 4 and 5. (1123693)

  • Android: Fix [Android] Only part of Static Splash Image is visible on load when Splash Image is transparent. (1136826)

  • Android: Fixed a crash when using Android JNI methods from custom thread. (545977)

  • Android: Fixed a problem when building with split APKs on Android. (1149203, 1152984)

  • Android: Fixed ASTC HDR textures in Mac Editor. (1142953, 1145497)

  • Android: Fixes an issue where custom android libraries would not be initialized after launching an app after previously exiting the app via Application.Quit. (1116123)

  • Android: Make Android handle an Application.targetFrameRate value of -1 as 30 fps again.

  • Android: Touch and mouse position's y value will be inverted in the native backend instead of managed code in the new input system

  • Animation: Allow deleting curve keys whilst dragging, without throwing errors. (1129837)

  • Animation: Fix live link not showing the right edge (1032879)

  • Animation: Fixed a crash when animating optimized hierarchies with constant animated properties. (1142636, 1151042)

  • Animation: Fixed a crash when unloading animations that are part of an AnimatorController. (1122054)

  • Animation: Fixed an issue where RectTransform properties would show missing curves that were not actually missing (1115014)

  • Animation: Fixed an issue where the Animation Component would stay ActiveAndEnabled when the GameObject was disabled. (1094567)

  • Animation: Fixed an issue where the AnimationEvent "Function" field would accept spaces. (1111933)

  • Animation: Fixed an issue where the Avatar preview would not react to ObjectSelector changes. (1113154)

  • Animation: Fixed an issue where the preview of transitions with exitTime == 0 would generate some NaN errors (1092857)

  • Animation: Fixed AnimationUtility.SetAnimationClipSettings not regenerating runtime data. (1091972)

  • Animation: Fixed Bezier curve segments conversion to Hermite when evaluating Animation Curves with weighted tangents. (1124522)

  • Animation: Fixed crash when changing controller in Animator Override Controller used in a Playable Graph. (1104518)

  • Animation: Fixed FileNotFoundException when double-clicking to open an Animator Controller asset. (1127826)

  • Animation: Fixed issue with .NET 4.0 causing issues with System.Single conversion (1057751)

  • Animation: Fixed memory leak in AnimationWindow when inspecting animation with large number of keyframes (1092423)

  • Animation: Fixed TransformStreamHandle.GetPosition not returning global position when applyRootMotion is off and user is controlling the root transform. (1115701)

  • Animation: Properly stop graph when switching to manual update mode (1084441)

  • Animation: Right clicking on an item in a ReoderableList will select it, but will not trigger dragging logic (907650)

  • Animation: Throw argument exception when legacy clip is used with AnimationClipPlayable (1100643)

  • Asset Import: An error message now appears in the Texture Import Settings window when assigning an invalid texture format for a given platform and texture type. (1115190)

  • Asset Import: Fixed a compression quality issue found with some textures using DXT1/BC1 and DXT5/BC3 compressed texture formats. (1132906, 1148707)

  • Asset Import: Fixed a regression where the contextual menu items for adding and deleting events were not working on the Animation tab of the Import Settings window. (1136900, 1144451)

  • Asset Import: Fixed an issue where imported Assets were reverting to their names at the time of export, if they didn't match the name associated with the GUID. (1130301)

  • Asset Import: Fixed an issue where re-importing a Shader caused a property size to keep growing even when the Shader failed to compile. (1127367)

  • Asset Import: Fixed cases where Sketchup files, originating from Sketchup 2019, failed to import successfully.

  • Asset Import: Fixed issue where clicking Cancel on the Import Package dialog failed to invoke the importPackageCancelled callback. (1037916)

  • Asset Import: Fixed issue where Unity returned an error instead of creating an empty package if no Assets can be exported. (1105480)

  • Asset Import: The Import Settings window now shows a specific error when the Editor is not a valid MonoScript type. (1127110)

  • Asset Pipeline: Fixed an issue with Unity crashing when a Material that is highlighted in the Project window is overwritten from a script. (1119351)

  • Audio: Removed "raw speaker mode" option from Project Settings for audio, as it was never usable and made the matching enum value obsolete. (1062387)

  • Build Pipeline: Fix "Sprite Atlas Sprites Included in Bundle Multiple Times" (1121868)

  • Build Pipeline: Fix Unity allows to build project via script with not compatible color space and graphics API. (1076664)

  • Build Pipeline: Fixed an issue where BuildPipeline.BuildAssetBundles was not releasing memory frequently enough leading to a out of memory crash

  • Build Pipeline: We now Include the splash screen background textures even when the splash screen is disabled. If we dont then using the scripting api to draw the splash screen produces logos but no background. (1114547)

  • DX12: Fixed exclusive fullscreen always reverting to windowed fullscreen.

  • DX12: Fixes for sparse textures flickering or incorrect when modified (1119913, 1119915)

  • Editor: Acknowledge [Normal] attribute in shader when checking that normal maps have "Normal Map" texture usage (1132148)

  • Editor: Added an error message to EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck when the stack is empty.

  • Editor: Added Material checkout support from within the Game Object Inspector. Previously it was only possible to check it out by selecting a Material asset in the Project panel. (962080)

  • Editor: Added support for a new toolbox format for Rider.

  • Editor: Added support for menu trees in EditorTool context menu.

  • Editor: Assume calls in UnityTest are now treated as an inconclusive result. (1075663)

  • Editor: Editor windows now restore size when pulled from the top bar when maximized. (1126516)

  • Editor: Entering of exiting Playmode when some AssetImporter are focused in the Inspector does not crash anymore. (1141570, 1144208)

  • Editor: Fix editor windows respond to mouse events outside the window (1143721, 1144224)

  • Editor: Fix inspector is stuttering when scrolling through the large serialize list (1131250)

  • Editor: Fix issue with "Assembly has duplicate references" error not listing the duplicate references correctly. (1132593, 1148355)

  • Editor: Fix issue with "Multiple precompiled assemblies with the same name" error not listing the paths of the precompiled assemblies. (1138754, 1148356)

  • Editor: Fix issue with "Use GUIDs" being enabled in the Assembly Definition File inspector when GUID references were not used. (1140806, 1148354)

  • Editor: Fix issue with C# solution not getting regenerated when changing "Allow 'unsafe' code" project setting. (1105512, 1148358)

  • Editor: Fix issue with CompilationPipeline.GetAssemblies(AssemblyType.Player) not returning test assemblies. (1137205, 1148357)

  • Editor: Fix layout being saved/loaded incorrectly when saving undocked or maximized tabs (1122565)

  • Editor: Fix Shift+Delete does not remove an empty element from the array in the Inspector window (1105084)

  • Editor: Fix shortcuts not being updated in Main Menus after user unbinds it. (1109108)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue where gamepad input was not detected when 3 Xbox controllers were connected. (1127453)

  • Editor: Fixed a delay when dragging the end cap of an edge in GraphView.

  • Editor: Fixed a holdover of the alt modifier in the Editor when gaining focus for Linux editor from alt+tab (1104979)

  • Editor: Fixed a NullReferenceException when changing reorderable list order.

  • Editor: Fixed a possible crash when the splash screen was playing and a sprite that was being drawn was modified or deleted . We now cancel the splash when an asset is modified or deleted. (857060)

  • Editor: Fixed an Editor crash that occurred when switching to DirectX 12. (1127388)

  • Editor: Fixed an error when closing a detached Material preview window belonging to a second instance of a InspectorWindow. (1119612)

  • Editor: Fixed an exception when expanding the Mesh Renderer's Shader section in the Tree Inspector. (1145010, 1145056)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue in Unity Test Runner where tests timed out early when using large Timescale values. (1098090)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue where Console windows disappear when Unity Editor is not in focus (1109182)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue where ShowObjectPicker freezes editor when it's invoked right after another ObjectPicker is closed. (1113046)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue where the AvatarMask Inspector transforms field doesn't show all transforms from the skeleton. (1123656, 1152129)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue where the Edit button became stuck in its enabled state. (1120360)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue where the Editor window "cropped" render textures. (1127773)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue where the FilePathAttribute constructor threw an exception if called from a MonoBehaviour constructor or another thread. (1077857)

  • Editor: Fixed assertion message 's2 != NULL' in log files.

  • Editor: Fixed bug where uniformly scaling a zero-sized PrimitiveBoundsHandle with the Shift key modifier would simply cause the center point to drift. Uniform scaling now applies to all axes if the bounding volume had zero size at the time the control handle was clicked. (1021975, 1152362)

  • Editor: Fixed checkbox button not toggling when shortcut key(space) is pressed. (1136216)

  • Editor: Fixed clicking on AudioListener toggled some empty space (1122847)

  • Editor: Fixed console log that has paranthesis in the path. (1139181, 1149504)

  • Editor: Fixed creating a material with multiple inspector windows open would trigger IndexOfOfRange errors (1122847)

  • Editor: Fixed issue where Inspector context menu Reset option clears name property for MonoBehaviour assets. (1092051)

  • Editor: Fixed issue where PropertyAttribute was not applied on arrays (1140241)

  • Editor: Fixed issue wih Camera preview having a fixed size when scene view tools popup is present (1125006)

  • Editor: Fixed issue with orphan host views while loading an editor window layout (1079742)

  • Editor: Fixed play mode tint affecting parts of the editor after exiting play mode due to compilation failiures. (1130997)

  • Editor: Fixed resize borders on floating windows to better expose window controls. This also fixes an issue where dragging from other parts of the window triggered resizing. (1116567)

  • Editor: Fixed security vulnerability UNITY-SEC-2144.

  • Editor: Fixed splitter view layout and resizing rounding issues. (1099360)

  • Editor: Fixed the preview pane in the object selector.

  • Editor: Fixed the Splash Screen Unity logo not fitting inside the logo list item box when the inspector is wide. (976154)

  • Editor: Made the "Add Component" popup window receive focus in Linux editor. (1098140)

  • Editor: Renamed MeshRenderer Priority in the Editor to match the documentation.

  • Editor: Renamed the "Logging" preference in "Stack Trace" to avoid confusion. (1118914)

  • Editor: Renamed the UI Transparency Priority to Renderer Priority in MeshRenderer component.

  • Editor: Unity native DefaultImporter is now excluded from Presets. (1129083)

  • Editor: Update windows splash screen.

  • Editor: Validate Host local address on GET HTTP request. (1146895, 1152796)

  • GI: Creash when recompiling shaders (both when manually doing it or when switching pipeline).

  • GI: Fixed an intermediate lookup issue in Enlighten when using SSDs with Realtime GI and Baked GI enabled (1128583, 1134676, 1134702, 1143679, 1143686, 1143687)

  • GI: Fixed case of missing lighting when baking with GPU lightmapper. (1121705)

  • GI: Fixed error related to cached G buffer data: "Failed reading from a9/a9af123a12f31.ghd" when using the progressive lightmapper while having data from older versions in the GI cache.

  • GI: Fixed hashing issue when writing out AO textures for PLM.

  • GI: Fixed issue where probes had corrupted gizmos when they had 1 static object in the scene. (1123892)

  • GI: Fixed issue where push off parameter in Lightmap Parameters asset is ignored when baking lightmaps. (1117680)

  • GI: Fixed issue where selecting probe groups crashed Editor when using Metal (OSX). (1123971)

  • GI: Fixed so that the Lighting Explorer saves the column settings after restart of the Editor. (1131422)

  • GI: Fixes a potential baking crash when objects HideFlags are configured. (1129038)

  • GI: GPU lightmapper: Ensure OpenCL kernel are recompiled on Nvidia even when only the include files changes.

  • GI: GPU lightmapper: Fix crash on application exit when GPU lightmapper openCL context is lost.

  • GI: GPU lightmapper: Handle out of memory gracefully when BVH doesn't fit in GPU memory. This can happen when baking a terrain with high heightmap resolution.

  • GI: GPU lightmapper: Light shadow casting flag is respected for direct light from bounces. (1111135)

  • GI: GPU lightmapper: Make render jobs resilient to not yet prepared materials. This fix a crash when GPU lightmapper fallback to CPU. (1133816, 1149276)

  • GI: Renamed "Auto Bake On/Off" to "Auto Generate Lighting On/Off" in the app bar.

  • GI: Skybox and lighting for Prefab Mode environment scenes now works correctly. This requires the lighting settings of the environment scene to have Auto Bake disabled. (1112978, 1146199)

  • GI: Use AI denoising for shadow mask and direct environment samples when baking with the GPU lightmapper. (1138839, 1144432)

  • Graphics: Create texture now occurs on a thread in cases when async loading to update an existing texture.

  • Graphics: Delay in bursts no longer works. (1154292, 1156374)

  • Graphics: Do not try to do gpu skinning with blend shapes having zero vertices (this IS in line with cpu skinning behavior) (1121794)

  • Graphics: Enabled GPU skinning for BlendShapes on Metal.

  • Graphics: Fix crash caused by Unknown LightMode in ShaderLab shader (1132088)

  • Graphics: Fixed a crash that happened when updating mesh data from script when using Vulkan and graphics jobs. (1090932)

  • Graphics: Fixed an issue where visual flickering happened when mesh data was edited from a script when graphics jobs are in use in Vulkan. (1075277)

  • Graphics: Fixed an issue with game view not updating streaming mips fully when in edit mode. (1141222, 1145166)

  • Graphics: Fixed cases where overlapping cross fading objects somtimes appear to be opaque. (916831)

  • Graphics: Fixed dynamic resolution when using Vulkan. (1148341, 1148390)

  • Graphics: Fixed Editor when using Vulkan on AMD GPUs. (1145367, 1149413)

  • Graphics: Fixed excessive stripping of shaders without users keywords resulting in missing usage of vertex components and discarding them. (914736, 1149322)

  • Graphics: Fixed indices being kept in memory for non readable mesh when loading from built data (1126675)

  • Graphics: Fixed issue where shadow quality settings were hidden when using an SRP, which meant that culling sometimes didn't include shadow casters.

  • Graphics: Fixed issue where Vulkan implementation of Texture2D.SetPixels may pipeline stall. (1141239, 1145494)

  • Graphics: Fixed Material.Lerp() crash when 'start' or 'end' argument is null. (1093930)

  • Graphics: Fixed memory leak when using Vulkan. (1137290, 1147000)

  • Graphics: Fixed missing caps for Pixels32 APIs (1129776)

  • Graphics: Fixed missing IsEACFormat and IsXRFormat APIs (1129777)

  • Graphics: Fixed RenderTextureFormat BGRA support. (1141798, 1144325)

  • Graphics: Fixed ShadowMask rendering with SRP Batcher in some conditions. (1146861, 1147163)

  • Graphics: Fixed the app bar to show "Compiling shader 'x'" instead of just the shader name.

  • Graphics: Fixed vertex compression being disabled for all components for skinned mesh (as opposed to being disabled only for pos/nrm/tan) (1118278)

  • Graphics: Fixed Video Player Leaks GfxDriver Memory. (1136233, 1148733)

  • Graphics: Fixed: Instancing batcher would crash hard on Vulkan if attempting to draw without an active GPU program.

  • Graphics: Graphics Fix hang during shutdown which could happen when running C# Jobs within a ScriptableRenderPipeline. (1142765, 1152344)

  • Graphics: Metal: Artifacts appear when using Dynamic Resolution with MSAA (1111105)

  • Graphics: Preview image of Billboard Renderer is now correctly shown in Project Window and LODGroup preview panel. (769753)

  • Graphics: Remove 4G limit on texture mip streaming budget. (1147394, 1150741)

  • Graphics: Textures unsupported by mip map streamin such as reflection probes and decals now load highest mip. (1115306, 1145164)

  • Graphics: Unity crashes when a VFX is playing and the VFX project settings are reset. (1154099, 1154781)

  • Graphics: VFX : Enable/Disable doesn't restart effect. (1133474, 1152230)

  • Graphics: Vulkan: Fixed a crash that occcured when setting rendertexture sampler properties before creating the actual texture. (1115165)

  • Graphics: Vulkan: Fixed an issue that caused an error message to repeatedly occur when attempting to draw with missing bindings.

  • Graphics: Vulkan: Fixed crash when rendering reflection probes on Android. (1108968)

  • Graphics: Vulkan: Fixed crash when using MSAA.

  • IL2CPP: Corrects an intermittent crash when a managed exception occurs on a back ground thread while the process is shutting down.

  • IL2CPP: Marshal an array of primitive types as SAFEARRAY by default when if it used as a field. (1131557, 1146301)

  • IL2CPP: Throw a managed exception at runtime when a generic type is marshaled as a delegate parameter. (1122074)

  • Input: New Input System: Fix a crash when trying to map a key when a non-ASCII key mapping is selected, which does not produce characters for single key presses (e.g. Japanese).

  • Input: New Input System: Make scrolling delta on mac work with old-school clicker mice

  • Internal: Fixed BatchRendererGroup group removal.

  • iOS: Added missing iOS devices to the device list used by the editor for profiler, Unity Remote, etc. (1111598)

  • iOS: Fixed a crash on startup when using P3 Color Gamut. (1136841)

  • iOS: Fixed AA depth unconditionally discarding in Metal. (1009642, 1105101, 1145252)

  • iOS: Fixed an issue where the Xcode framework search paths setting was overridden when appending an Xcode project. (703217)

  • iOS: Fixed build failure when Xcode DerivedData path was set relative to the project. (1117371)

  • iOS: Fixed identification of iPad 6th (it used to be identified as iPadPro10Inch2Genor or iPadUnknown with iOS.Device.generation) (1065983)

  • iOS: Fixed Screen.autorotateTo causing missing call to UnityOrientationRequestWasCommitted, effectively resulting in running some code every frame from now on erroneously. (1122902)

  • iOS: Made Screen.currentResolution.refreshRate return the actual refresh rate instead of hardcoding 30. (1117877)

  • iOS: [iOS] Audio is "jumpy" on some iOS devices, skipping a few frames every few seconds (1124966)

  • Kernel: Fixed possible crashes in Editor when methods in UnsafeUtility receive a null pointer. (1077692, 1144754)

  • Kernel: Fixed: Resizing array through SerialziedPropertie could lead to a crash. (1123752)

  • Linux: Fix: [Linux] Editor overwrites PlayerPrefs file when launched (1072116)

  • Linux: Fixed Editor crashing when started from the Hub (1140369, 1154319)

  • Linux: Fixed Linux Standalone Player touch events for IMGUI (1106839)

  • Linux: Fixed non-printable characters being allowed in GUI text objects in the Linux Editor. (1126208)

  • Linux: Linux Editor no longer fails to delete assets on partitions or network drives that do not contain trash directories. (1062162)

  • Linux: Pausing the Linux editor while playing with cursor lock mode set to locked or confined will now free the cursor. (1132336)

  • Lumin: Fixed error preventing running playmode tests on a Lumin device.

  • Lumin: Re-add package signing support for MagicLeap packages.

  • Multiplayer: Fixed NetworkManagerHUD "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'id' of null" thrown when clicking Lan Client on WebGL build (860733)

  • OSX: Fixed incorrect Input.keyCode value when keyboard layout changes on macOS.

  • OSX: Fixed queued key events getting incorrect modifiers flags causing the wrong shortcut to be executed.

  • OSX: Support smooth scrolling when a trackpad or magic mouse is being used. (1144634, 1150396)

  • OSX: [Metal] Fixed excessive fencing causing all GPU workload to be serialized

  • Package Manager: A local package (using the file:/ protocol) is no longer allowed to reference a sub folder inside "Assets", "Library" or "ProjectSettings".

  • Package Manager: Fixed an error in the Package Manager UI when the OS uses a language other than English.

  • Package Manager: Fixed an issue where a Git dependency resolved to the locked hash even after removing the commitish part of a Git URL.

  • Package Manager: Fixed an issue where cloning a Git repository could wait indefinitely for user input if credentials for that repository were not configured.

  • Package Manager: Fixed an issue where the status icons got corrupted whenever a user exits search mode. (1142542, 1144549)

  • Package Manager: Fixed an issue with hidden elements erroneously appearing in the UI. (1139170)

  • Package Manager: Fixed incorrect error messages in the Package Manager UI while disabling the Built-in package. (1131602, 1145317)

  • Package Manager: Fixed issues with samples display overlaps. (1140326)

  • Particles: Added error when calling Gradient.Evalute with a NaN. (1147106, 1154234)

  • Particles: Apply fade and soft particle properties to the Emissive color of the Standard Particle Shaders.

  • Particles: Ensure curve previews are updated when pasting component values. (972302, 1154239)

  • Particles: Ensure Force Fields belonging to disabled Game Objects do not affect any Particle Systems. (1149364, 1154235)

  • Particles: Ensure particle trails start from exact particle spawning position. (1147999, 1154231)

  • Particles: Fixed a crash when a Particle System destroys itself with stop action "Destroy". (1147642, 1154233)

  • Particles: Fixed an assert in debug builds due to invalid sampling of an Animation Curve in a rare edge case. (1111257, 1154236)

  • Particles: Fixed flickering sub-emitter trails if sub-emitter particles are cleared before Particle System finishes playing. (1146677, 1154230)

  • Particles: Fixed stuttering when using scripted simulation with long times. (753940, 1144335)

  • Particles: Fixed the jitter when updating position in LateUpdate and using Custom Simulation Space. (1149016, 1154229)

  • Particles: Fixed the glitches when rendering trails and using Custom Simulation Space together. (1092072, 1154237)

  • Particles: Opening a legacy Prefab with a ParticleSystem in Prefab Mode: ParticleSystemRenderer component is now correctly hidden in the Inspector.

  • Physics: Fix issue with cloth transform tools. (962773)

  • Physics: Fixed a crash that happened when destroying Colliders that had OnCollisionStay scripts attached. (1113545, 1149430)

  • Physics: Fixed Rigidbody not following the transform of its parent Rigidbody in some cases. (1140632, 1152939)

  • Player: Make PlayerConnection API work when reconnecting after disconnecting.

  • Player: New Input System: Fix order of event timestamps on windows. (1132707)

  • Player: New Input System: Fix potential deadlock when adding new devices.

  • Player: New Input System: Make Input Debugger work in edit mode.

  • Prefabs: Fix loosing selection of Prefab root in Prefab Mode after draggging script to Inspector.

  • Prefabs: PrefabMode: For broken prefabs use the root that the PrefabImporter has chosen when opening the prefab file in Prefab Mode, other dangling roots are deleted.

  • Prefabs: When multi-selecting Prefab instances and clicking Apply All, imports are now batched.

  • Profiler: Fixed incorrect memory reported for render texture. (1094084, 1151141)

  • Scripting: Assembly Definition Reference editor - enable useGUID by default when the reference field is empty.

  • Scripting: Constructors called twice on ScriptableObjects with custom attributes when referencing the ScriptableObject instance. (1113071)

  • Scripting: Fix running editor with old scripting runtime if incremental GC is enabled in Project Settings. (1119216)

  • Scripting: Fix TargetInvocationException when using ML.NET. (1109657)

  • Scripting: Fix: Assertion failed on expression: '!m_CoroutineEnumeratorGCHandle.HasTarget()' is thrown when GC is collected (1094391)

  • Scripting: Fix: prevent user scripts from explicitely unloading global game managers (1114406)

  • Shaders: Fixed non-deterministic shader binaries in asset bundles (749340)

  • Shaders: Fixed shader upgrader to not add exclude_renderers due to const array usage. (1053734, 1143646)

  • Shaders: Minor HLSLcc fixes. (1105361, 1142484, 1143647, 1143648)

  • SpeedTree: Fixed collision object importing from SpeedTree v8 assets.

  • Terrain: Cloning TerrainData now properly clones the alpha splat maps as well. (1132313, 1151345)

  • Timeline: A timeline will now be played correctly when building a player with Mono and Managed Stripping Level set higher than Low. (1133182, 1150584)

  • Timeline: Clips will no longer randomly disappear when showing or hiding inline curves. (1141661, 1150620)

  • Timeline: Fixed an issue where dragging and dropping objects between tracks did not insert a new track correctly. (1011381)

  • Timeline: Fixed an issue where the Track group background would disappear while scrolling. (876340)

  • Timeline: Fixed an issue with dragging and dropping objects on a Track group. (1014774)

  • Timeline: Fixed Disable the possibility to add Markers to tracks of a Timeline that is ReadOnly (1134463, 1146268)

  • Timeline: Fixed issue where a Signal Emitter placed at the start of a timeline would be fired twice. (1149653, 1150587)

  • Timeline: Fixed issue where the Emit Signal property on a Signal Emitter would not get saved correctly. (1148709, 1150601)

  • Timeline: Fixed record button state not updating when offset modes are changed. (1142747, 1150598)

  • Timeline: Going to Play Mode while inspecting a Track Asset will no longer throw exceptions. (1141958, 1150599)

  • Timeline: Reactions for Signals were not correctly drawn (1134422)

  • Timeline: Resizing Timeline's window no longer affects the zoom value. (1147150, 1150590)

  • Timeline: The global/local time referential button will no longer be shown for a top-level timeline. (1080872, 1150607)

  • UI: Adding uv2 and uv3 copying from the UIVertex AddVert overloaded API.

  • UI: Dirty the canvas batch when a element is enabled. This will ensure it gets put back into the render order. (1077708, 1154184)

  • UI: Fixed an issue where enabling a Canvas and polling its RectTransform data in Awake/Start returned incorrect values for root RectTransforms.

  • UI: Fixed issue caused by deleting a dropdown list while it is open. (1106263)

  • UI: Fixed issue where assigning a togglegroup or changing isOn would not set the toggle as dirty. (1141606, 1154185)

  • UI: Fixed issue where rich text tags would get verticies generated causing very large vertex buffers.

  • UI: Fixed memory leak when rendering to a Camera with a disabled display. (944603)

  • UI: Fixed performance issue with CanvasGroup getting notifications all the time. (1149387, 1153403)

  • UI: Fixed performance issues with animation by not dirtying the layout if a animation updates the items.

  • UI: Fixed poor wording in Advance Texture importing of tiled sprites. (1040453)

  • UI: Fixed the editor becoming unresponsive when the GICache tab was open in the project preferences. (1149001, 1152685)

  • UI: Fixing issue with IndexedSet not returning -1 when element is not found in dictionary.

  • UI: Recreate the gfx buffer if the stride size changes. (1143087, 1144234)

  • UI: Removed sprite mesh caching optimization as it was causing too many issues. (1143135, 1148361)

  • UI: Update SetChildAlongAxis to have matching SetChildAlongAxisWithScale that takes a scale as default values will cause confusion in which function needs to be used

  • UI Elements: A default asset is now created when a USS file import fails. (1125716)

  • UI Elements: Fixed an invalid texture for toolbar elements in Light skin. (1117232)

  • UI Elements: Fixed an issue that caused the Editor to freeze when adding new elements while clearing children. (1102592)

  • UI Elements: Fixed an issue that caused UIElements not to render on OpenGL Core 4.3 and 4.4. (1146281, 1146289)

  • UI Elements: Fixed an issue where resizing a clipper could leave child clippers with an invalid clipping state. (1119623)

  • UI Elements: Fixed an issue where the Material Editor constantly repainted the Inspector window. (1111923)

  • UI Elements: Fixed an issue where using the initial setting in a USS rule caused other settings in the specification to be overlooked. (1152232, 1154377)

  • UI Elements: Fixed broken edge expansion system and tesselation.

  • UI Elements: Fixed Play mode tint in the Editor for UIElements. (1129564)

  • UI Elements: Fixed the foldout triangle size. (1122034)

  • UI Elements: Improved consistency of MouseEnter and MouseLeave events. (1081998, 1150185)

  • UI Elements: Invalid Scale values on the Z component are now ignored and do not prevent the VisualElement from disappearing. (1134758, 1147315)

  • UI Elements: Picking is now faster in UIElements. (1124338)

  • UI Elements: Prevented the activation of Content Dragger from the Blackboard in GraphView. (1146288)

  • UI Elements: Prevented zooming in and out with the scroll wheel while the mouse pointer is over the Blackboard in GraphView. (1139333, 1146282)

  • UI Elements: Removed support for instantiating elements with DoCreate() in UXMLFactories

  • UI Elements: Resizing a VisualElement no longer causes unnecessary nudges or repainting of children. (1109689, 1144434)

  • UI Elements: UI element that has focus now loses focus when the window loses focus, and gets focus back when window is gets focus back. (984433)

  • Universal Windows Platform: Fixed case of IL2CPP crashing when using certain new types (like Windows.Foundation.GuidHelper.Equals) in Windows SDK 17763 or newer.

  • Version Control: Fixed Script Execution Order inspector "Apply" button in some cases throwing errors under Perforce. (1153207, 1153405)

  • Version Control: Stop prompting when attempting to check out ProjectSettings/XRSettings.asset. (1144407, 1149159)

  • Video: Fixed a Lumin video player shutdown crash. (1143515, 1143516)

  • WebGL: Fixed an issue with saving PlayerPrefs in WebGL. (1140820, 1145636)

  • Windows: Fix key 9 sending key events in the input system on Windows. (1132663)

  • Windows: Fix standalone Windows player hanging on startup on machines with strict group policies (1083303)

  • Windows: Improved Windows crash handling reliability.

  • XR: Added Incremental GC on Lumin.

  • XR: Deprecated UnityEngine.XR.InputTrackings GetLocalPosition and GetLocalRotation.

  • XR: Fix for standalone player with Vulkan api and single-pass instanced mode showing black screen in HMD. (1142602)

  • XR: Fix for Vulkan draw calls not drawing to second slice of texture array during stereo instancing (1129656)

  • XR: Fix for Vulkan Y-flipped on final rendered image when single-pass stereo instancing is enabled (1135134)

  • XR: Fix Unity shaders on Vulkan not setup for stereo instancing (1129654)

  • XR: Fixed case of Vulkan instance extensions not being applied on Oculus. (1123193)

  • XR: Fixed Magic Leap package download in Lightweight Render Pipeline template. (1106219, 1146997)

  • XR: Fixed OpenVR package from failing to download when Virtual Reality is enabled for new projects. (1082031, 1146995)

  • XR: Harden a few null pointer dereferences reported by Microsoft Watson logs. (1152855, 1152862)

  • XR: Renamed the two types of raycasts in the XRRaycastSubsystem profiler to XR.RaycastFromScreen and XR.RaycastRay for easier identification.

  • XR: [Lumin] Fixed a crash in the Unity video player when open fails. (1150947, 1151174)

System Requirements

For development

OS: Windows 7 SP1+, 8, 10, 64-bit versions only; macOS 10.12+. (Server versions of Windows & OS X are not tested.)

CPU: SSE2 instruction set support.

GPU: Graphics card with DX10 (shader model 4.0) capabilities.

The rest mostly depends on the complexity of your projects.

Additional platform development requirements:
  • iOS: Mac computer running minimum macOS 10.12.6 and Xcode 9.0 or higher.

  • Android: Android SDK and Java Development Kit (JDK); IL2CPP scripting backend requires Android NDK.

  • Universal Windows Platform: Windows 10 (64-bit), Visual Studio 2015 with C++ Tools component or later and Windows 10 SDK

For running Unity games

Generally content developed with Unity can run pretty much everywhere. How well it runs is dependent on the complexity of your project. More detailed requirements:

  • Desktop:

    • OS: Windows 7 SP1+, macOS 10.12+, Ubuntu 12.04+, SteamOS+
    • Graphics card with DX10 (shader model 4.0) capabilities.
    • CPU: SSE2 instruction set support.
  • iOS player requires iOS 9.0 or higher.

  • Android: OS 4.1 or later; ARMv7 CPU with NEON support or Atom CPU; OpenGL ES 2.0 or later.

  • WebGL: Any recent desktop version of Firefox, Chrome, Edge or Safari.

  • Universal Windows Platform: Windows 10 and a graphics card with DX10 (shader model 4.0) capabilities


Third Party Notices

For more information please see our Open Source Software Licenses FAQ on the Unity Support Portal
