
借助 Unity 的新型高性能、多线程面向数据的技术堆栈 (DOTS),您将能够充分利用多核处理器的优势。DOTS 让您能够创建更丰富的用户体验,并使用更易读和能够在其他项目中重用的 C# 代码进行更快的迭代。

Tune in to this short demo explaining the features of Megacity Metro and how Netcode for Entities can work for action-based multiplayer games. Register now
DOTS workflow cover

ECS for Unity

ECS for Unity (Entity Component System) enables you to build more ambitious games. It’s a data-oriented framework compatible with GameObjects, enabling seasoned Unity creators to achieve more thanks to an unprecedented level of control and determinism.

Burst Compiler

Burst is a compiler that translates from IL/.NET bytecode to highly optimized native code. It uses the industry-proven LLVM compiler infrastructure to give game creators native code performance from C#. Burst also exposes CPU intrinsics, making it possible to fine-tune performance-critical code.

Profiler jobs

C# Job System

This system allows Unity developers to take advantage of multi-core computing platforms with parallelized code that can run safely and at speed. The C# Job System exposes Unity’s internal C++ Job System, giving Unity creators the ability to run their scripts alongside Unity’s internal processing.

Get started with DOTS

Check out some of the resources to help you get started with DOTS and learn about the fundamental concepts of data-oriented design.

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