Unity 2023.3.0 Alpha 3

Select the runtime platforms of your choice from the list below (the desktop runtime is included as standard) or, to install the full complement of runtime platforms, use the download assistant installer above.

Known Issues in 2023.3.0a3

  • Contextual Menu: [Contextual Menus] Save Layout popup isn't displayed for the user after the contextual menus update (UUM-36800)

  • GI: Fixed an issue where directional lightmaps would contain large values in some scenes with many texel invalidities. (UUM-46069)<br> First seen in 2023.3.0a1. <br>Fixed in 2023.3.0a4.

  • Graphics: Fixed shadows so they no longer cause a crash in a scene with both Built-In Render Pipeline and Scriptable Render Pipeline materials. (UUM-46685) <br>Fixed in 2023.3.0a4.

  • Physics: Fixed an issue where Joint::axis could not be initialized during component construction. (UUM-46606) <br>Fixed in 2023.3.0a4.

  • Shaders: Fixed the WarmupAllShaders API so it warms up all variants instead of only a single variant per pass. (UUM-45992) <br>Fixed in 2023.3.0a4.

  • Terrain: Fixed a player crash when a terrain tile completely made of holes was viewed from a distance. (UUM-45970) <br>Fixed in 2023.3.0a5.

  • UI Toolkit Controls: Editor Crashes on WalkTypeTreeComplete<SerializedObjectTypeTreeWalk::ContainsManagedReferences'::2'::IsManagedReferenceVisitor> when a list with serialize reference fields is re-ordered (UUM-47108)

  • Universal RP: Fixed memory leak from render texture when rtHandle realloc failed to be added to pool. (UUM-46882) <br>Fixed in 2023.3.0a5.

Preview of Final 2023.3.0a3 Release Notes


  • Editor: Introduced IRenderPipelineResources to host SRP resources, which uses the ResourcePath to auto-load resources.

  • Package Manager: Improved Project manifest files to repopulate with default dependencies when the files are empty or full of whitespace.

  • Universal RP: Added the 8192x8192 option in Shadow textures.


  • Burst: Added a new Math.Clamp API, which is available when the API Compatibility Level is set to .NET Standard 2.1.

  • Burst: Added support for default interface methods.

  • Burst: Added support for hashing against different target frameworks.

  • Burst: Added support for string interpolation in exception messages.

  • DX12: Implemented a dedicated GPU memory allocator for small acceleration structures (BLASes) to save GPU memory when using ray tracing.

  • DX12: Optimized writing shader records into shader tables before ray tracing dispatches.

  • Editor: Data used for preview is released when the baked lightmap preview system is not used for 30 seconds.

  • Editor: Implement guard for crash in TimeSliceAwakeFromLoadQueue::IntegrateTimeSliced. (UUM-41509)

  • Editor: Improve exception handling when package load fails. (UUM-16258)

  • Editor: Improve performance when fetching artifacts that are missing (e.g link to an artifact deleted from the project). (UUM-22002)

  • Editor: Improved moving files in the Project window. Moving files in the Project window now takes less memory and is faster. (UUM-44466)

  • Editor: Improvements to the Graphics Settings UI.

  • GI: Implemented tests which target meta passes without light baking.

  • GI: Optimize light baking input extraction by parallelizing surface area calculations.

  • Graphics: Added three new UNITY_DOTS_INSTANCED_PROP variants to give users more control over DOTS instanced property loading performances.

  • Graphics: Improved CPU performance when binding geometry buffers (i.e. unity_MeshVertexBuffers_RT) to ray tracing hit shaders

  • Graphics: Optimize DOTS instanced properties loading code for URP and HDRP stock shaders.

  • HDRP: Avoid clamping to integers for HDR manipulation. (UUM-29767)

  • HDRP: Avoiding the conversion from string to type for each Custom PP.

  • HDRP: Improved the performance of the FrameSettings.Sanitize method.

  • HDRP: Improved water system performances.

  • HDRP: Optimize water surface scripting interactions.

  • HDRP: Reduced GC Alloc when using raytracing and HDRP. (UUM-40657)

  • HDRP: Reduced time taken by default scriptable shader stripping.

  • Scripting: Reduced noise in logs by setting logging level to 'Debug' in AssemblyUpdater when collecting ApiUpdater configurations. (UUM-45511)

  • Shadergraph: Addressed delays related to graph concretization where certain operations were taking longer than expected.

  • UI Toolkit: Added support for setting the searchfield placeholder text via UXML.

  • UI Toolkit: Added warning for UxmlAttributes in a non UxmlElement class. (UIT-2017)

  • VFX Graph: Improvements to texture types to allow using in branch operators. (UUM-38037)

API Changes

  • Editor: Added: EditorGraphicsSettings.TryGetRenderPipelineSettingsForPipeline to access settings of other pipelines than the currently active pipeline.

  • Editor: Added: HandleUtility.GetOverlappingObjects for getting an ordered list of all pickable objects under the give mouse location.

  • Editor: Added: HandleUtility.RegisterRenderPickingCallback and a few peripheral structures that enables custom rendering-based picking solutions to be developed.

  • Editor: Deprecated: ObjectIdResult.DecodeIdFromColor. Users are now encouraged to use HandleUtility.DecodeSelectionId for decoding and HandleUtility.EncodeSelectionId for encoding selection IDs.

  • Editor: Obsoleted: Made PropertyCollectionAttribute obsolete. Use PropertAttribute constructor argument applyToCollection to make a collection attribute.

  • Graphics: Changed: BatchDrawCommand.visibleCount no longer has to be set to 1 when BatchDrawCommandFlags.HasSortingPosition is set

  • Graphics: Changed: HLSL min16float variables are now translated to MSL float in all CPU visible buffers (e.g. Constant Buffers, Structured Buffers, Vertex Shader Input). When accessing these values inside shaders, they are casted to MSL half (16-bit) for faster arithmetic operations. Any project that uses min16float or half in shaders and accesses this data as 16-float (from CPU) on iOS is incompatible with this change. For these cases, a new #pragma metal_fxc_allow_float16_in_cpu_visible_buffers was added so that HLSL min16float variables are converted to MSL half in all CPU visible buffers (just like before).

  • SRP Core: Added: callbacks when RenderPipeline is created or disposed. (UUM-20646)

  • UI Toolkit: Added: disablePlayModeTint on VisualElement to opt-out of playmode tinting. Applies hierarchically so a user could retrieve the rootVisualElement on an EditorWindow to disable playmode tinting entirely on the window.

  • Universal RP: Added: Made Main Light Shadow Resolution and Additional Light Shadow Resolution settings public in the URP Asset.

  • Universal RP: Added: Made the cascade split settings public in the URP Asset.


  • Build Pipeline: Font assets are not stripped from Dedicated Server builds when Dedicated Server Optimizations are enabled. (UUM-713)

  • Burst: Disabled Direct call for methods that are decorated with both [BurstCompile] and [UnmanagedCallersOnly] attributes because such methods shouldn't be called directly from managed code.

  • Editor: Accessing Transform data from 'OnDestroy' during an Undo operation is no longer allowed and an error message is logged. (UUM-31100)

  • Editor: Added support for hiding RenderPipelineGraphicsSettings in GraphicsSettings page, persistent Scroll position and persistent active Tab.

  • Graphics: Camera API that wasn't compatible with SRP's now correctly logs warnings/errors where applicable. Alos, updated documentation to reflect SRP capabilities in Camera API.

  • UI: Added Unsupported MSAA Fallback in Player settings to specify how to handle cases with unsupported sample counts. (UUM-741)

  • Universal RP: Modified the Scene view camera so it now uses the same renderer that MainCamera uses in the scene instead of always using Default Renderer.

  • URP: Added RenderGraph support to URP Samples.

  • URP: Vulkan URP will use MSAA samples count fallback from Player settings. Prior to this x2 fallback would have been required upgrade to x4. (UUM-741)


  • 2D: Fixed the Pixel Perfect Camera error when scale is set to 0. (UUM-40888)

  • 2D: Fixed GfxVersionList::Impl::GetVersion to no longer crash when opening the Project, Scene, and Game views. (UUM-35341)

  • 2D: Fixed TilemapCollider2D so it no longer crashes when a tilemap with tiles that have invalid Transform matrices is loaded. (UUM-41396)

  • Android: Fixed a bug where the Android Player setting Mute Other Audio Sources would not mute the audio from another application when the Player starts. There are two cases where another app's audio might not get muted when it should. This could happen if the other app is started before the Unity app or if the other app is played via the Android quick panel after the Unity app starts. (UUM-37753)

  • Android: Fixed a potential race condition during pause routine, which would cause application to accidentally quit instead of pausing. (UUM-30732)

  • Android: Fixed an issue that caused custom keystore creation to fail in the Keystore Manager for Android applications. (UUM-46300)

  • Android: Fixed an issue where AndroidJavaProxy cannot find private proxy methods. (UUM-44752)

  • Android: Fixed an issue where a black screen with centred app icon would appear before the splash screen. The black screen is now removed to only display the splash screen. (UUM-41488)

  • Android: Fixed an issue where a black screen would appear for a few seconds when returning to the game after a paused state. (UUM-30881)

  • Android: Fixed an issue where closing the touch screen keyboard incorrectly set TouchScreenKeyboard.hideInput to false. (UUM-39642)

  • Android: Fixed an issue where the Android build system asked for an API level that didn't exist. (UUM-40891)

  • Android: Fixed Android surface background color when rendering over native UI. (UUM-32877)

  • Android: Fixed the JNI:GetInternetReachability exception so that it no longer occurs when using APIs like Application.internetReachability when running with GameActivity. (UUM-42522)

  • Android: Fixed unpatched activity tags in AndroidManifest. (UUM-40774)

  • Android: Fixed AndroidJavaProxy to correctly map Null variables (e.g, empty string) for reflection search and automatic tests. (UUM-30243)

  • Android: Updated BouncyCastle library version from 1.47 to 1.70 to fix security vulnerabilities. (UUM-13774)

  • Animation: Fixed a memory leak that occurred when opening a scene with a subscene containing animator objects. (UUM-40709)

  • Animation: Fixed an issue where animation clips with discrete curves (animating enums), in Asset Bundles built before Unity 2022, would not load properly. (UUM-40841)

  • Animation: Fixed an issue with mask values that occurred in the animation layer mixer when animated values were read from an animation C# job. (UUM-42174)

  • Apple TV: Fixed on screen keyboard unresponsive to controller when Remote.allowExitToHome is set to false. (UUM-39962)

  • Asset Bundles: Fixed an issue where shaders in asset bundles built with older Unity versions treated material keywords as invalid when using SubShaders.

  • Asset Pipeline: Fixed an issue where a transient artifact was not destroyed when a script asset had GUID changed. (UUM-41123)

  • Audio: Added lazy loopEnd evaluation to avoid keeping a value of 0. Downloaded audio files were were not updating this, causing a division by zero in the playback process. (UUM-32163)

  • Audio: Fixed an issue where non-streaming audio clips loaded through UnityWebRequest were using up more memory than needed by keeping two copies of the same data. (UUM-2391)

  • Audio: Fixed Audio Reverb Zone's not being affected by the Global Volume setting when the Spatial Blend of the Audio Source is lower than 1. (UUM-18191)

  • Audio: Fixed the mixer pitch issue not applying correctly to AudioRandomContainer scheduling. (UUM-43495)

  • Build Pipeline: Fixed an issue that generated incorrect AssetBundle dependencies. (UUM-43175)

  • Build Pipeline: Fixed AssetBundle incremental build so that it detects script namespace and assembly changes. (UUM-35766)

  • Build System: clang fails when header file mtimes are updated and a precompiled header isn't regenerated. (UUM-44429)

  • Build System: Fixed pigz-mac-aarch64 artifact which previously was a linux binary. (UUM-42368)

  • Burst: Fixed a compile-time performance regression that could result in slower Burst compilation and increased memory use during compilation.

  • Burst: Fixed a compiler crash that would occur when compiling different assemblies that define methods or types with an identical name and namespace.

  • Burst: Fixed a crash that would occur when Burst could not find an external function.

  • Burst: Fixed an error that would occur when trying to use a direct call to a nested protected class.

  • Burst: Fixed an issue that prevented jobs from being Burst compiled for player builds using the high stripping level.

  • Burst: Fixed an issue when converting a uint to a float.

  • Burst: Fixed an issue where Burst sometimes returned an incorrect value for static readonly fields or static constructors.

  • Burst: Fixed an issue where converting a negated unsigned type to a float in Burst would produce a different value than converting in .Net/Mono.

  • Burst: Fixed an issue where storing avx2 to the stack resulted in a slot with the wrong alignment.

  • Burst: Fixed an issue where the Burst Inspector would handle negation of unsigned types differently than .Net for static readonly fields or static constructors.

  • Burst: Fixed an issue where using the Armv9 target in the Burst Inspector would not correctly format the assembly.

  • Burst: Fixed incorrect alignment for v128 when performing an indirect access.

  • Burst: Fixed System.NotImplementedException: Unimplemented Instruction Extension Tail_ error when the code contained tail-calls.

  • Burst: Prevented Burst emitting errors even when Burst was disabled via the --burst-disable-compilation command line option.

  • Burst: Under some conditions (if the error in compilation occurred in a location that didn't have valid debug information), building a player might not generate any files, and not display any errors.

  • Core: Fixed an issue that caused the Jobs project to fail when EditModeAndPlayMode/Jobs is run over three times. (UUM-40042)

  • Core: Fixed an issue where object creation was recorded on a non-main thread which caused a nullptr in the ObjectDispatcher.

  • Core: Fixed the wizard so it does not ask to upgrade when an upgrade is not required.

  • Core: Updated ForEach jobs to no longer allocate internal data using the TempJob allocator to prevent leaks specific to warnings for long-running jobs. (UUM-45532)

  • Documentation: Updated the Applying default presets to Assets by folder documentation example to prevent an import infinite loop error. (UUM-44046)

  • DX12: Fixed a rare crash when using ray traced reflections in HDRP. (UUM-41580)

  • DX12: Fixed an issue where sub meshes were invisible in ray tracing effects on AMD GPUs. (UUM-44073)

  • Editor: Added a fix to prevent log warnings from appearing when a Progress is registered. (UUM-39631)

  • Editor: Added a tooltip for all properties in the Search auto complete dialog to have the complete property name. (UUM-35583)

  • Editor: Added a top-level memory scope to prevent temporary memory leak. (UUM-39899)

  • Editor: Added a warning for when the Editor doesn't have screen recording permissions to pick colors from other apps with the color picker tool. (UUM-770)

  • Editor: Added an inspector option to remove unused properties. (UUM-39647)

  • Editor: Added horizontal scrolling to the Windows Editor when holding the Shift key and scrolling with a mouse.

  • Editor: Added support to foldouts bound to SerializedProperty.isExpanded to open all child foldouts when you hold the Alt key and select the foldout. (UUM-36151)

  • Editor: Added support to make newly created ScriptableSingleton instances editable. (UUM-40767)

  • Editor: Allow searching for values in Query Builder propositions in camelcase. (UUM-42254)

  • Editor: Appended numbers to shortcut profiles with the default name "New profile" to differentiate them from each other. (UUM-35742)

  • Editor: Calculate Mask value fix for last layer selection in RenderingLayerMask, (UUM-29344)

  • Editor: Fixed a bug that caused a font asset to be recreated with every domain reload. (UUM-32171)

  • Editor: Fixed a bug that caused a warning to display in Visual Studio 2022 about Unity.UIToolkit.SourceGenerator.UxmlSerializedDataGenerator. (UUM-41432)

  • Editor: Fixed a bug that caused the Sprite preview to not display after exiting PLay mode in a project with URP. (UUM-41498)

  • Editor: Fixed a bug that prevented ProjectCapabilityManager.AddGameCenter() from adding the required entitlement. (UUM-44172)

  • Editor: Fixed a bug where the variant Inspector context was not disabled after being disabled. (UUM-44331)

  • Editor: Fixed a crash issue that occured when importing large FBX files. (UUM-38104)

  • Editor: Fixed a crash issue withAudioMixer.SetFloat that occured when entering the Play mode. (UUM-35984)

  • Editor: Fixed a crash that occured when scrolling through context menus with the auto expand delay set to 0. (UUM-36604)

  • Editor: Fixed a crash that occurred when loading certain corrupted scenes. (UUM-43713)

  • Editor: Fixed a crash that would occur when the memorysetup-job-temp-allocator-block-size property was unaligned to the power of 2. (UUM-42428)

  • Editor: Fixed a crash that would occur when trying to reopen a project that has Package Manager resolution errors. (UUM-43054)

  • Editor: Fixed a crash when baking lightmaps with light cookies smaller than 32x32. (UUM-43149)

  • Editor: Fixed a GPU crash on some platforms using HLSLcc when sampling probe volumes in the pixel shader in URP. (UUM-40621)

  • Editor: Fixed a issue where rich text was not rendering in EditorGUILayout.HelpBox. (UUM-44245)

  • Editor: Fixed a race condition in Profiler Recorder which led to a crash. (UUM-44946)

  • Editor: Fixed a rare deadlock that could occur when building DOTS based projects. (UUM-46148)

  • Editor: Fixed alignment issues with the Label and Value fields when editing LazyLoadReference and MinMaxGradient fields. (UUM-29883)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue for macOS where maniulating the game view during Play Mode caused deadlocks.

  • Editor: Fixed an issue in Frame Debugger where the Editor would crash when it retrieved keywords for a custom Compute Shader. (UUM-33301)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue in Frame Debugger where the Event Sliders and Buttons didn't update the window properly. (UUM-37778)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue in FrameDebugger that caused incorrect font sizes in the tree view to display. (UUM-30317)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue in the Editor window so it now minimizes correctly after being clicked on in the Windows taskbar. (UUM-44284)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue on macOS and Linux where the control shortcut modifier (^) was not displaying when introduced inside a custom menu window. (UUM-40686)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue that caused the context menu to break when overriding auto expand delay setting to no delay. (UUM-41764)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue that caused the Editor to freeze after selecting large compressed cubemaps with no mipchain. (UUM-28610)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue that truncated a warning message in UIBuilder. (UUM-40427)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue where 2D collider gizmos were not rendered when selecting the parent. (UUM-41829)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue where Allocator.Temp memory would internally deallocate memory aggressively resulting in temp memory performance regressions.<br> Fixed an issue where flushing on the main thread would cause memory stomp using Allocator.Temp (UUM-45113)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue where context menus could persist after domain reload if they were opened just before the reload. (UUM-36954)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue where Dirty Assets were not being duplicated in the Project window. (UUM-41536)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue where Frame Debugger captures can become unstable.

  • Editor: Fixed an issue where screen space reflection debug lines did not appear (HDRP-3060)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue where some context menu items would send the Editor application window to the background. (UUM-37286)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue where the default value of the Compress Textures on Import setting was changed. (UUM-41982)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue where the Editor height would shrink when changing the layout. (UUM-30875)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue where the Add Component context menu button in the scene view incorrrectly threw errors. (UUM-36296)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue where ManagedTempMemScope was not always correctly created on job worker threads, which could lead to errors being thrown when using Allocator.Temp. (UUM-45483)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue with HelpBox not parsing escape sequence correctly. (UUM-40338)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue with Frame Debugger to prevent textures from leaking when inspecting shadowmaps. (UUM-32862)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue with the Colors Inspector window, where the DrawAAPolyLine method modified the source color values. (UUM-7840)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue with the Check for Updates window displayed in the Window &gt; Panels dropdown menu even when it's meant to be closed. (UUM-26519)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue with the derived components not indexing in Prefabs properly. (UUM-41735)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue with the GameView warning message overlapping the toolbar. (UUM-32297)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue with the Windows Player where an incorrect resolution is used and reported by Screen.width and Screen.height. This occurred when the player was started on a monitor with different DPI settings compared to the main Windows monitor. (UUM-41799)

  • Editor: Fixed Color Space so it no longer triggers an incorrect RenderTexture warning when you change color space. (UUM-16386)

  • Editor: Fixed compute shaders in Vulkan so you can now use reserved GLSL words as buffer variable names. (UUM-41272)

  • Editor: Fixed crash when in Deleted GameObjects as overrides. (UUM-45217)

  • Editor: Fixed crashes in the menu controller that happened during a domain reload. (UUM-34847, UUM-35943)

  • Editor: Fixed creating and cloning new VolumeProfiles through the Global Settings UI so that it no longer creates an empty asset on disk. (UUM-45909)

  • Editor: Fixed dialogs in Windows so new line characters work correctly. (UUM-42521)

  • Editor: Fixed issue that could cause modal windows to be blank when opened. (UUM-927)

  • Editor: Fixed issue where StateMachineBehaviour messages did not send when they were used on Animator Controller Override sync layers. (UUM-41684)

  • Editor: Fixed ObjectField label not updating when assigning a null value through the Inspector window. (UUM-27629)

  • Editor: Fixed potential graphics driver crash when DrawLines is called with an odd number of points. (UUM-39498)

  • Editor: Fixed shader compilation so DXIL files no longer have an unneeded 38-byte header when Unity compiles shaders for DX12. (UUM-37067)

  • Editor: Fixed the 3D texture preview window in the Editor so volumetric previews of 3D textures now work in DX12 and Vulkan. (UUM-39954)

  • Editor: Fixed the Editor on macOS so it no longer presents old frames. (UUM-3147)

  • Editor: Fixed the error message that appeared when binding a shortcut with an invalid key. (UUM-43122)

  • Editor: Fixed the Game view so it no longer flickers to black in Play mode on macOS. (UUM-19574)

  • Editor: Fixed the helper bar so it is visible after exiting Play mode. (UUM-28357)

  • Editor: Fixed the issue with macOS deadlocking in the Editor when leaving the Play mode.

  • Editor: Fixed the issue with the file icon missing in the Inspector window when selecting multiple assets in the Project window. (UUM-34440)

  • Editor: Fixed the issue with AsyncOperation.allowSceneActivation being ignored when refocusing the Editor. (UUM-31366)

  • Editor: Fixed the new context menu delay and extra space. (UUM-40254)

  • Editor: Fixed the order of available Editor tools in the Scene view tools toolbar. (UUM-42846)

  • Editor: Fixed the Search Window to always reflect the state of the searchQueryAssets in the Project. (UUM-41173)

  • Editor: Fixed the Shader Variant Loading settings in Player settings so the Editor no longer crashes if you set the chunk size to 0. (UUM-36663)

  • Editor: Fixed the shortcut profiles order to display alphabetically. (UUM-34461)

  • Editor: Fixed the UsePass ShaderLab command so it searches all subshaders, not only the first one. (UUM-36470)

  • Editor: Fixed the ExecuteInEditMode warning that displays when entering playmode so that it fits in a dialog box. (UUM-44500)

  • Editor: Fixed tooltips for mipmap limit groups so they accurately describe limit offset uploads. (UUM-41881)

  • Editor: Fixed Update Probe Validity so it works after an Editor restart. (UUM-42961)

  • Editor: Fixed AnimationWindowCurve evaluation error after step. (UUM-30927)

  • Editor: Fixed AnimationWindowCurve evaluation error after step. (UUM-31316)

  • Editor: Fixed BuildOptions.ShowBuiltPlayer to now work on Windows machines when the player build path contains ".." as the parent directory. (UUM-40467)

  • Editor: Improved handling of saving a Scene created from MyTemplate. (UUM-42427)

  • Editor: Improved performance when saving Prefabs. (UUM-31437)

  • Editor: Improved the Scene Template options to look consistent in the Inspector window. (UUM-31080)

  • Editor: Increased the Undo buffer maximum size to prevent 'Failed to create Object Undo, because the action is too large' error in console. (UUM-19657)

  • Editor: Inspector windows are now rebuilt correctly if ModelImporter.SaveAndReimport() is called from another window. (UUM-41835)

  • Editor: Made it possible to select text in Windows Editor dialog windows to support copy and paste. (UUM-41283)

  • Editor: Modified Asset info (labels and asset bundle) so that it is shown, but in a disabled state, when the asset is not checked out in Perforce. (UUM-36500)

  • Editor: Modified dynamic resolution to be consistent across all platforms and use discrete scale factors in a range between 0.25 and 1.0 and in increments of 0.05.

  • Editor: Modified the Shortcut Window so it opens as a regular window that can be docked in the Editor or float behind the main window. (UUM-28944)

  • Editor: Prevented blendshape normals calculation when a mesh normal is set to Calculate and blendshape normals is set to None. (UUM-36071)

  • Editor: Removed an internal error message that appeared in the console in certain scenarios. (UUM-33746)

  • Editor: Removed the transparent input field that showed above the TouchScreenKeyboard when TouchScreenKeyboard.hideInput is active. (UUM-37652)

  • Editor: Removed the scrollview in the New Scene dialog to fix an issue with the Scene template. (UUM-40806)

  • GI: Added a Null check to the default LSA asset name when cloning it through the Lighting Window. (UUM-30963)

  • GI: Avoid modifying the built-in default Lighting Data Asset when baking Reflection Probes from the Inspector. (UUM-46158)

  • GI: Fixed a crash caused by invalid data in lighting data assets. (UUM-27652)

  • GI: Fixed a memory leak that would occur when a bake was cancelled. (UUM-41988)

  • GI: Improved the speed of cancelling light baking for scenes with many probes. (UUM-38112)

  • GI: Updated Lightmap Resolution tooltip description with more details of its effects and how it affects the resolution of albedo and emission textures.

  • Graphics: Changed the callback dispatch to a single pass. Now Unity batches all updates together, and only makes a call to a managed job once if there are changes to notify the user about.

  • Graphics: Fixed 2D texture arrays so they no longer cause a NullReferenceException if you select them in a project or the Frame Debugger. (UUM-43574)

  • Graphics: Fixed a crash or memory leak that happened when procedural geometries inside an axis-aligned bounding box (AABB) existed in a RayTracingAccelerationStructure. (UUM-43293)

  • Graphics: Fixed a crash that happened when destroying a RayTracingAccelerationStructure that was declared as a static member in a C# class. (UUM-42135)

  • Graphics: Fixed an issue where distance culling without a camera was using a non-zero initial position, which resulted in an error.

  • Graphics: Fixed an issue where maxComputeBufferInputs clamped to its default value when VkPhysicalDeviceLimits::maxPerStageDescriptorStorageBuffers was a max unsigned integer. (UUM-43741)

  • Graphics: Fixed an issue where the culling mode was incorrectly reset for distance-only culling, which resulted in errors.

  • Graphics: Fixed asynchronous scene loads so they no longer leak texture memory. (UUM-35265)

  • Graphics: Fixed cubemap textures on OpenGL ES so that when they're copied, the edges are no longer blurry. (UUM-45754)

  • Graphics: Fixed empty VVL errors when an old VK_EXT_debug_report extension were used. (UUM-37283)

  • Graphics: Fixed GlobalSettingsAsset not being dirtied when modifying it through IRenderPipelineGraphicsSettings.SetValueAndNotify. (UUM-43279)

  • Graphics: Fixed GraphicsBuffers so they no longer crash the Vulkan and OpenGL graphics APIs if you set the wrong GraphicsBuffer.Target. (UUM-42421)

  • Graphics: Fixed multisample anti-aliasing (MSAA) so it falls back to the same sample count, no matter which API you use. (UUM-741)

  • Graphics: Fixed null pointer exception on the player when none of the quality levels were assigned. (UUM-43265)

  • Graphics: Fixed stencil information display error under camera depthNormals mode (UUM-27513)

  • Graphics: Fixed the display position of the Game view for some less common multi-monitor layouts. (UUM-33795)

  • Graphics: Fixed the error 'The transcoded bitstream was invalid' that happened when using Streaming Virtual Texturing (SVT). (UUM-41518)

  • Graphics: Fixed the mipmap streaming system so it correctly calculates mipmap levels if the texture scale property of a material changes at runtime. (UUM-31184)

  • Graphics: Fixed the texture Inspector window so it no longer throws errors due to it incorrectly reading native cubemap textures. (UUM-22094)

  • Graphics: Improved Always/Vertex pass to be accepted by the ForwardRenderer loop and receive the main light's screenspace shadowmap. (UUM-36912)

  • Graphics: Synchronizing speed up backend data and serialized data for IRenderPipelineGraphicsSettings when the RenderPipelineGlobalSettings asset is edited outside the editor. (XPIPELINE-795)

  • Graphics: Updated documentation to reflect camera distance calculation is coupled with camera. (UUM-12523)

  • HDRP: Added a warning to the reflection probe editor to prevent a user from baking in a low quality level. (UUM-41531)

  • HDRP: Added behavior to enable or disable HDR during run time. (UUM-29770)

  • HDRP: Enabled HDR output for macOS.

  • HDRP: Fixed a black spot caused by a point light under a water surface

  • HDRP: Fixed a GraphicsBuffer leak in APV binding code.

  • HDRP: Fixed a performance reduction caused by MemClear calls on large frame buffers in HDRP PrepareLightsForGPU.

  • HDRP: Fixed a potential GPU crash/hang when using local volumetric fogs. (HDRP-3051)

  • HDRP: Fixed an issue for macOS where passing the Probe Volumes buffer an unexpected stride caused a crash. (UUM-41474)

  • HDRP: Fixed an issue so that the water inspector appears correctly when no SRP is active (UUM-40843)

  • HDRP: Fixed an issue so that volumetric cloud wind works with realtime Reflection probes. (UUM-37387)

  • HDRP: Fixed an issue where the Bloom Mip Bias in a Screen Space Lens Flare overwrote the original Bloom mip map. (UUM-45060)

  • HDRP: Fixed an issue where the material preview texture was the incorrect size. (UUM-31221)

  • HDRP: Fixed an issue where water deformation wasn't visible in wireframe mode

  • HDRP: Fixed out of bounds access when XR is enabled. (UUM-41445)

  • HDRP: Fixed refractive material preview when Multisample anti-aliasing (MSAA) is enabled.

  • HDRP: Fixed the appearance of water excluders when a camera is underwater (UUM-33247)

  • HDRP: Fixed the depthstencil buffer so that it binds the correct depthBuffer when refraction is enabled. (UUM-37978)

  • HDRP: Fixed the size of the helpbox in the LightProbeGroup Inspector. (UUM-38113)

  • HDRP: Global Settings always exist when HDRP is the current active pipeline. (XPIPELINE-796)

  • HDRP: Removed the Render Graph option from the rendering debugger Rendering panel.

  • IL2CPP: Avoid a semaphore link in the IL2CPP runtime that can occur during lock contention for multiple threads. (UUM-40104)

  • IL2CPP: Fixed an issue where an ARM64 build would fail when Script Debugging is enabled. (UUM-37939)

  • IL2CPP: Fixed an issue where pointer types could be affected by an unsigned shift right. (UUM-41406)

  • IL2CPP: Fixed the offset of properties in Explicit layout structs with FieldOffset. (UUM-43158)

  • iOS: Fixed an issue where launch screen images weren't being included in builds for iOS and tvOS. (UUM-44326)

  • iOS: Fixed an issue where the managed debugger window didn't display and froze the application. (UUM-39644)

  • iOS: Fixed an issue where the multiline keyboard would not appear after it was closed while editing the text field. (UUM-21521)

  • Kernel: Fixed in DynamicHeapAllocator reallocating of persistent memory to size greater than 4GB. (UUM-12004)

  • Linux: Fixed a bug that caused the Editor to get focused when saving script files with Jetbrains Rider. (UUM-36463)

  • Linux: Fixed a bug with surround sound hardware not being detected on Linux. Fixed an issue on Windows where we would not re-init audio output correctly, when the Unity project requested surround sound, and the Editor or player was started with no such hardware available. When surround sound hardware is later enabled and set as the default output, it will now be used. (UUM-348)

  • Linux: Fixed an issue with Vulkan falsely reporting that HDR is supported on Linux. (UUM-43364)

  • Linux: Fixed issue where copying text could replace it with a line break. (UUM-40156)

  • Linux: Fixed issue where text could be duplicated when pasted into a search field. (UUM-39837)

  • Linux: Fixed minor bug in GetOperatingSystemNumeric Linux API. (UUM-45625)

  • Linux: Fixed perspective changes that are slow when quickly scrolling through the Scene View. (UUM-40326)

  • Linux: Fixed Scroll works when a window is attached to the left half of the secondary monitor. (UUM-43910)

  • Linux: Improved the Unity player from using excessive CPU when the Run in the background option is turned off. (UUM-38092)

  • macOS: Fixed a bug that would cause crashes when creating certain VFX Graphs. (UUM-42943)

  • macOS: Fixed an issue where focussing on a Modal window that opened in front of an application would cause the application to hang. (UUM-22691)

  • Mono: Fixed an issue that caused deadlock when taking a memory profiler snapshot. (UUM-40688)

  • Networking: Fixed an issue where virtual methods in DownloadHandlerScript were being stripped. (UUM-34034)

  • Package: - Add an argument to LiveStreamCaptureDeviceEditor.DrawDefaultLiveStreamInspector to fix the feature that checks the required components for the camera tracking.<br>

    • LiveStream.Properties now uses a Dictionary instead of an IEnumerable to avoid type casting and boxing issues.
  • Package: [XR] Updated XR Interaction Toolkit to version 2.4.1.

  • Package Manager: Add a scroll control to the package manifest description field in the Inspector window. (UUM-42618)

  • Package Manager: Added a fix to ignore the ProjectVersion file when importing a package to fix the downgrading of the project version. (UUM-46086)

  • Package Manager: Added a horizontal scrollbar to ensure multi-select buttons are viewable in the Package Manager window. (UUM-45948)

  • Package Manager: Updated the rules to determine the recommended version of a package. (UUM-46466)

  • Particles: Added Custom Render Queue UI to built-in particle shaders.

  • Particles: Fixed a crash that could happen when particle systems with mesh particles were deleted. (UUM-26623)

  • Particles: Fixed particles flickering on Vulkan. (UUM-21106)

  • Particles: Fixed that ParticleSystems playing in Edit mode no longer plays after undoing changes, applying or reverting prefab instances or copy-pasting. (UUM-28514)

  • Physics: Fixed an issue where Cloth crashed when attempting to bake using a mesh that had duplicate vertices and all the particles pinned. (UUM-34029)

  • Physics: Fixed an issue where Rigidbody.freezeRotation would incorrectly added RigidbodyConstraints.FreezePosition to the Rigidbody constraint flags (UUM-44454)

  • Physics: Fixed an issue where small bodies would tunnel through large bodies in continuous collision detection mode at high simulation frequencies (~200Hz). (UUM-19349)

  • Physics 2D: Modified RelativeJoint2D to show Angular offset in degrees instead of radians when Auto Configuration Offset is enabled. (UUM-42690)

  • Player: Fixed a memory regression issue in Player. (UUM-40679)

  • Prefabs: Fixed a bug that caused the error "Prefab mismatch: The instance object in the scene is referencing a corresponding source object in the Prefab of a different type." to be thrown when an added GameObject was applied to a Prefab. (UUM-36238)

  • Prefabs: Fixed a bug where the properties of some children were not being reverted when multi-editing a property under one Prefab instance. (UUM-42527)

  • Scene/Game View: Fixed an issue that caused high CPU usage when more than one Game view was open. (UUM-44719)

  • Scene/Game View: Fixed an issue where shader dispatch events did not show up in the GameView RenderDoc capture data. (UUM-29955)

  • Scene/Game View: Fixed an issue where the Add button in the GameView's Resolution Size menu was slightly obscured. (UUM-42590)

  • Scene/Game View: Fixed an issue where the curve keyframes context menu would only have the "Add Key" option. (UUM-41464)

  • Scene/Game View: Fixed an issue with CamerasOverlay styling when docked in a toolbar and pop-up mode. (UUM-45894)

  • Scene/Game View: Fixed the Edit/Frame Selected setting not focusing the last active Scene view when the Hierarchy window is focused. (UUM-43944)

  • Scripting: Deprecated PrefabUtilitiy.InstantiateAttachedAsset. (UUM-33714)

  • Scripting: Editor no longer crashes if a coroutine is not persisted. (UUM-29293)

  • Scripting: Fixed an issue that prevented scripts from compiling and filing up the Editor logs. (UUM-45593)

  • Search: Fixed an issue where items with the same name didn't appear when using the Advanced Search Picker. (UUM-43907)

  • Search: Fixed an issue where Search's placeholder texts overlapped and escaped the search field. (UUM-44349)

  • Search: Fixed Search's "Press Tab to filter" so its icon displays. (UUM-44351)

  • Search: Fixed the Search saved queries sort button to display the dropdown with the ordering options that wasn't showing up briefly. (UUM-41038)

  • Serialization: Fixed an Editor crash that occured when creating asset bundle with fully supported inflated types. (UUM-37034)

  • Serialization: Fixed an issue so that the class name of an inflated types does not include the namespace. (UUM-27766)

  • Serialization: Fixed the TypeDB path in BuildPlayerDataGenerator. (UUM-28069)

  • Shadergraph: Fixed an issue where the Save/Save as hotkeys weren't being caught by the Shader Graph window.

  • Shadergraph: Fixed incorrect documentation links from the editor for Custom Interpolators and Property Types.

  • Shadergraph: Fixed minor usability issues with Custom Function Nodes.

  • Shadergraph: Removed a non-valid character from the name of an imported material sub asset.

  • Shaders: Fixed shader compiling so shaders with the Native16Bit requirement no longer compile with FXC instead of DXC for the Metal graphics API.

  • Shaders: Fixed shader importing so it no longer sometimes crashes the Editor. (UUM-42369)

  • Shaders: Fixed shader warmup when a scriptable render pipeline initializes in OpenGL. The GPU no longer hangs if you specify a shader preloading asset. (UUM-43199)

  • SpeedTree: Fixed popping Level Of Detail (LOD) transitions for the Crossfade mode for URP. (UUM-40046)

  • SRP Core: Avoid getting UnityEditor.SceneManagement.PrefabStage with reflection from the static ctor of CoreUtils. (UUM-43722)

  • SRP Core: Fixed a crash caused by the Volume Profile context menu in the HDRP or URP Asset. (UUM-46030)

  • SRP Core: Fixed lens flare so that it performs occlusion with a certain Occlusion Offset value when the camera is facing a light (UUM-3984)

  • Terrain: Fixed Terrain shaders for grass and SpeedTree to ensure billboard grass and trees are visible for all depth priming modes. (UUM-31371)

  • Test Framework: Fixed issue where memory tracking fixture would not print callstacks when use in leak mode. (UUM-42432)

  • TextCore: Added Nirmala UI font family as the global fallback for Hindi (Indian language) script on Windows.

  • TextCore: Fixed a bug that caused a crash when upgrading materials. (UUM-32513)

  • TextCore: Fixed FontAsset menu items. (UUM-36040)

  • TextMeshPro: Added a fix to ensure PreferredHeight handles the line height settings correctly. (TMPB-198)

  • TextMeshPro: Added missing _ScaleRatioA to HDRP and URP shaders. (TMPB-169)

  • TextMeshPro: Applied a fix to ensure that PreferredHeight handles various line height correctly and does not cut off text. (TMPB-165)

  • TextMeshPro: Ensured that sprites now use the correct indexes. (TMPB-200)

  • TextMeshPro: Fixed a bug that would crash the Editor when upgrading materials. (TMPB-187)

  • TextMeshPro: Fixed the Maskable property so it propagates to SubMesh. (TMPB-191)

  • TextMeshPro: Fixed the TMP Importer window so it does not repeatedly pop up. (UUM-41289)

  • TextMeshPro: Set the FaceInfo setter to public. (TMPB-182)

  • UI Toolkit: Added a Save Event data in the UI Builder to detect Uxml Serialization and UxmlTraits custom elements.

  • UI Toolkit: Added a warning to display when a UXML file contains more than one UxmlObject type defined in a single instance attribute. (UIT-1544)

  • UI Toolkit: Added an option to the Library's settings that allows you to use a blank VisualElement by default when adding from the Library. (UUM-19254)

  • UI Toolkit: Added missing description labels for PanelSettings properties. (UUM-44278)

  • UI Toolkit: Added support for setting ListView.ScrollToItem and ScrollView.scrollOffset when the content container size is still being calculated. (UUM-33784)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed "invalid vertex" errors (UUM-42891)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed a bug that caused the UI Builder new selector text to display incorrectly after a select is added. (UUM-39626)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed a bug that caused EnumField to not update its displayed text when it changed back from showMixedValue mode. (UUM-41395)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed an exception that was thrown when adding a hidden column to a multi-column control. (UUM-39648)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue in the UI Builder that caused an exception when using a CustomRenderTexture where a RenderTexture was expected. (UUM-37729)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue in the UI Builder where editing an element in-canvas would sometimes have an offset. (UUM-17577)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue where adding a UXML Object to the UI Builder caused errors to appear in the console. (UUM-43340)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue where applying the [UxmlElement] tag to a custom control featuring a UxmlFactory/UxmlTraits led to duplicate entries in the UI Builder's Project panel. (UIT-2013)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue where generic type UI controls appeared in the UI Builder's Library panel. (UIT-2014)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue where PropertyField was incorrectly resolving the type when displaying an ObjectField, and a class shared the same name as a built-in type. (UUM-29499)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue where the Data Binding Source completion popup being updated when the UI Builder window was moved or resized. (UIT-1849)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue where the UI Builder databinding popup window didn't close, resize, and wasn't displayed because of some focus actions. (UUM-43981)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue where the MultiColumnTreeView and MultiColumnListView view controllers lost reference to the sortColumnDescriptions after deserializing from UXML. (UUM-33663)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue where users could not update UXML schema for custom controls created with UxmlElementAttribute.

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue where PanelSettingsInspector displayed the wrong scale mode. (UUM-35021)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue with the Unset all option not unsetting the data in the Data Binding window. (UUM-37010)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue with ListView.itemsChosen being incorrectly called when clicking on two separate items. (UUM-42450)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue with ListView being stuck when trying to scroll up. (UUM-28510)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed attributes loading the wrong asset when the reference was to a subasset. (UUM-41963)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed duplicating elements in UI Builder does not copy UXML objects and bindings.

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed gaps between background repeat stamps. (UUM-36753)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed missing update trigger field in the binding window when editing a custom binding.

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed the Dynamic height ListView scrolling to the wrong item when using ScrollToItem. (UUM-40674)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed the inconsistent Bezier offset issue when using Painter2D.

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed the issue with ObjectField not clearing up when using the Backspace key. (UUM-35034)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed the misalignments found in the composite controls. (UUM-25403)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed the order of the spacing and border fields in the UI Builder inspector to match Unity Style Sheets (USS) order.

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed the vertical scroller visibilty issue of the TextField control. (UIT-2027)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed the contentContainer for RadioButtonGroup. (UUM-39830)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed the ListView single-click issue when EventSystem and StandaloneInputModule are used in the scene. (UUM-42106)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed the TreeView element not being expanded fully when trying to expand it more than once. (UUM-27589)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed UI builder so a warning box does not display when entering play mode. (UUM-37271)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed USS files reordering in UI Builder. (UUM-37728)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed RadioButtonGroup such that its choices clear properly. (UUM-40687)

  • UI Toolkit: Improved performance of selecting and adding elements in the UI Builder.

  • UI Toolkit: Improved the ListView content container to prevent resizing smaller than it should be when reordering items. (UUM-42365)

  • UI Toolkit: Modified EnumFlagsField so they can have the Everything and None flags declared anywhere in the enum. (UUM-40696)

  • UI Toolkit: UXML Enum attributes are no longer case sensitive. (UUM-33414)

  • UI Toolkit: You can now use single clicks to select the data binding source path in the popup in UI Builder.

  • Undo System: Improved performance on Undo Flush when using the serialization system. (UUM-10900)

  • Universal RP: Added an RTHandle pool to fix the RTHandle reallocation at runtime. (UUM-40249)

  • Universal RP: Added depth and stencil operations to FullScreenPassRendererFeature and allowed users to opt-out of depth-stencil being bound per feature in the "Additional Properties" section. (UUM-26399)

  • Universal RP: Disabled Soft Shadow Quality per-light levels on Quest and HoloLens platforms to improve XR performance. (UUM-33025)

  • Universal RP: Fixed an issue that caused Game View not to render after enabling URP Dynamic Resolution with DirectX 12. (UUM-29260)

  • Universal RP: Fixed an issue where additional lights were not rendering correctly when using a mix of shadow settings in deferred. (UUM-46577)

  • Universal RP: Fixed an issue where data-driven lens-flare was missing occlusion. (UUM-31662)

  • Universal RP: Fixed an issue where Shader ID's weren't reset properly in the DepthNormals pass. (UUM-36069)

  • Universal RP: Fixed ArgumentNullException when trying to use a FullScreenPassRenderer feature with "None" in the requirements mask with Render Graph. (UUM-27276)

  • Universal RP: Fixed FullScreenPassRendererFeature only using the material of the last full screen feature in a frame, this allows multiple passes to work correctly within one frame. (UUM-30970)

  • Universal RP: Fixed issue so that Native RenderPass no longer produces errors when using RenderingLayers. (UUM-34728)

  • Universal RP: Fixed missing "_BlitScaleBias" upload for text shaders using the CoreRP Blit.hlsl header. (UUM-35591)

  • Universal RP: Fixed overlay cameras so they always have their clear flag set to nothing during Play mode. (UUM-2386)

  • Universal RP: Fixed the missing _Color exception for the Shader property. (UUM-35520)

  • Universal RP: Fixing an issue with RenderRequest using the wrong renderer. (UUM-38158)

  • Universal Windows Platform: Fixed an issue with invalid characters appearing at the beginning of the StoreManifest.xml file in UWP. (UUM-42689)

  • URP: Fixed a bug with Light Layers not working correctly when Additional Lights are set to Per Vertex. (UUM-40810)

  • URP: Fixed issue so that the Editor creates color textures in custom render passes for 2D. (UUM-14400)

  • URP: Fixed the Overlay UI so it does not disappear when the Render Graph and HDR display support is used in the Editor. (UUM-45545)

  • URP: Global Settings always exist when URP is the current active pipeline. (XPIPELINE-796)

  • UTR: Fixed the conversion of total duration in the PlayerBuildInfo message.

  • Version Control: Fixed an issue where an existing checkout operation has locked the workspace, which was triggered by saving the current scene at check-in.

  • Version Control: Fixed an issue where the Unity Version Control toolbar icon would disappear.

  • VFX Graph: Enabled Dynamic Resolution Scaling on blocks and operators that sample depth or color (UUM-546)

  • VFX Graph: Fixed a compilation error caused by Cube outputs that share a texture with another context (UUM-41037)

  • VFX Graph: Fixed a console error caused by deleting a VFX asset. (UUM-41333)

  • VFX Graph: Fixed a corruption error caused by creating a new VFX in an open VFX (UUM-41334)

  • VFX Graph: Fixed an error where a VFX asset was overwritten with a VFX that contains different systems from the original file. (UUM-42188)

  • VFX Graph: Fixed an exception that happened when seting a fabric material to transparent. (UUM-41220)

  • VFX Graph: Fixed an issue where a material's size increased in runtime and caused a reduction in performance. (UUM-40722)

  • VFX Graph: Fixed an issue where the "materials" and "sharedMaterials" properties returned all materials instead of returning only the active materials. (UUM-21328)

  • VFX Graph: Fixed an issue where the overlay is offset when a VisualEffect component is rotated in HDRP (UUM-13531)

  • VFX Graph: Fixed an issue with wrong texture or flickering when two instances of the same VFX use different textures (via exposed texture) and if that texture is connected to another block in an output context. (UUM-43274)

  • VFX Graph: Fixed automatic sorting mode on SpriteLit and SpriteUnlit materials. (UUM-22486)

  • VFX Graph: Fixed the error "Option to clear stale reference" while using a SpriteLit or Sprite Unlit target material. (UUM-22349)

  • VFX Graph: Fixed undefined behavior of SpawnerSetAttribute when an expression is connected to activation slot (UUM-35461)

  • VFX Graph: Fixed unexpected behavior when outputting to multiple meshes during material setup. (UUM-35755)

  • VFX Graph: Fixed unexpected NaN direction values on primitives with a position and scale of 0 (UUM-41463)

  • VFX Graph: Removed the option to support VFX Graph on incompatible targets. (UUM-26673)

  • Video: Fixed a bug where a white screen displays instead of a video, and "Cannot read file" is logged after resuming the video if the Video Player was paused and the app was minimized and opened. (UUM-40973)

  • Video: Fixed an issue that caused irregular playback speed in the Video Player component for Web platform applications. (UUM-33747)

  • Video: Fixed an issue where after changing the scene, WebCamTextures did not properly destroy the internal GraphicsTexture which crashed the Editor. (UUM-44774)

  • Video: Fixed an issue with the Video Player component that caused performance degradation when using the linear color space for Web platform applications. (UUM-32755)

  • Video: Fixed the WebCamTexture API so it no longer cause errors with the GraphicsTexture API when you use it to create a texture.

  • Video: Improved VP8Encoder compression and encoding speed. (UUM-20744)

  • Visual Scripting: Fixed a migration deserialization bug that was introduced in version 1.8.0 of the Visual Scripting package. (UVSB-2492)

  • Visual Scripting: Fixed an issue where code for custom nodes was being stripped in AOT builds when Managed Stripping Level is set to High. (UVSB-2437)

  • Web: Fixed a syntax issue that caused Web platform builds to fail when multithreading was enabled. (UUM-44273)

  • Web: Fixed an issue in the Web platform's FMOD implementation that caused the console to be flooded with errors when using the PlayOneShot API. (UUM-40643)

  • WebGL: Fixed a syntax issue that caused Web platform applications to establish connections on unsupported network ports.

  • WebGL: Fixed an issue that prevented background images from loading when compression was enabled for Web platform applications. (UUM-8692)

  • Windows: Fixed a possible crash when the non-client area is redrawn before the player is fully initialized. (UUM-43075)

  • Windows: Fixed the Restart Unity as a standard user button so it now works when the Editor is run as an administrator because the Unity Hub is running as administrator or due to Unity's executable compatibility flags being configured to be run as administrator. (UUM-42508)

  • XR: Added support for foveation maps on platforms, such as DX12 and Vulkan, where the origin of the y-axis is at the top of the RenderTarget. (UUM-40561)

Preview of Final 2023.3.0a3 Package changes

Packages updated

Packages added


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