Unity 2023.3.0 Beta 8

Select the runtime platforms of your choice from the list below (the desktop runtime is included as standard) or, to install the full complement of runtime platforms, use the download assistant installer above.

Known Issues in 2023.3.0b8

  • 3D Physics: inertiaTensor does not reset to the original value when setting Rigidbody constraints from FreezeAll to None (UUM-59748)

  • Android: Fixed compatibility problem with com.unity.addressables.android package (UUM-63971)<br> First seen in 2023.3.0b7. <br>Fixed in 2023.3.0b9.

  • Asset - Database: Crash in CollectManagedImportDependencyGetters inside OpenScene in batch mode (UUM-57742)

  • Asset - Database: Memory leak when creating ARC prefab (UUM-61023)

  • Asset Importers: Crash on ConvertBlenderToFBX while importing a specific .blend file (UUM-63758)

  • Audio Authoring: Crash on AudioUtil_CUSTOM_HasAudioCallback when exiting Play Mode while the Inspector is displaying a GameObject with a script attached (UUM-58481)

  • Build Pipeline: Fixed a regression where mesh components are stripped if its shader is made of UsePass only references (UUM-57201) <br>Fixed in 2023.3.0b10.

  • DirectX12: Crash on D3D12Fence::Wait when using Forward+ Rendering Path with Better Shaders asset (UUM-57113)

  • Editor: Fix crash that occurs when opening the Occlusion Culling window. (UUM-506) <br>Fixed in 2023.3.0b9.

  • Editor: Fixed scene template dependency list view in inspector window. (UUM-59838) <br>Fixed in 2023.3.0b9.

  • Editor: Fixes unexpected closure of the Search Window when opening an Advanced Dropdown (UUM-62762)<br> First seen in 2023.3.0b7. <br>Fixed in 2023.3.0b10.

  • Graphics: Fix potential crash in URP Forward+ due to out-of-bounds buffer access (UUM-64148)<br> First seen in 2023.3.0a1. <br>Fixed in 2023.3.0b9.

  • Graphics: Fixed a regression in DrawProceduralIndirect in the Directx 11 backend when it was erroneously throwing "Draw indirect argument buffer too small" when using an argument buffer of 4 ints (UUM-63246) <br>Fixed in 2023.3.0b9.

  • IAP: [Android] The Player crashes with a "JNI ERROR (app bug)" error when the global reference table gets overflowed by BillingClientStateListener (UUM-55105)

  • IL2CPP: [Android] Crash on Android when AndroidJavaProxy is calling from multiple threads (UUM-49357)

  • Metal: [iOS] App crashes with out of memory exception in UnityGfxDeviceWorker when starting the app (UUM-55488)

  • Progressive Lightmapper: The Editor becomes unresponsive and memory allocation errors are spammed in the Console when Generating Lightning (UUM-58017)

  • RP Foundation: Stacked camera is not rendering when using custom post effects is done in PreRender PostRender and Camera is not in HDR (UUM-22444)

  • Scene Management: Crash on GameObject::QueryComponentByType when opening a project (UUM-58461)

  • Scripting: Fixed an issue where debugging a .net 6 project with Visual Studio would make the editor hang on startup (UUM-60296) <br>Fixed in 2023.3.0b10.

  • Shaders: Unlit/Texture material shader is not rendered if added as a skybox in lightning settings

  • Universal RP: Canvas is resized when enabling Bloom (UUM-62691)

  • Universal RP: Errors are thrown and the Scene view is not rendered when Rendering Path is set to Deferred (UUM-63928)

  • Universal RP: Reflection probes are now sorted correctly for Forward+ (UUM-61590) <br>Fixed in 2023.3.0b10.

  • Universal RP: Using both RTHandle and Dynamic Resolution outputs ArgumentNullException, eventually causing a crash (UUM-58686)

New 2023.3.0b8 Entries since 2023.3.0b7


  • WebGL: WebGL: Implemented the following LocationService methods and properties:<br>
    • GetLastHeading()<br>
    • SetHeadingUpdatesEnabled()<br>
    • IsHeadingUpdatesEnabled()<br>
    • GetHeadingStatus()<br>
    • IsHeadingAvailable()


  • AI: The instantiation of NavMeshes into the scene happens slightly faster.

  • Audio: Made it possible to create an ARC from a selection of multiple audio clips.

  • Graphics: Improved performance and memory requirements of Texture API calls such as LoadRawTextureData that write to a Texture2D that was created with the TextureCreationFlags.DontUploadUponCreate flag. (UUM-35989)

  • Mono: Implement stack probes for Windows Arm64.

  • Scripting: Fixed Hierarchy.Remove performance that could never scale when performed in loop. (UUM-63478)<br> First seen in 2023.3.0b5.

  • SRP Core: Improved execution performance with Render Graph.

  • SRP Core: Small improvements for the resource pooling system in Render Graph.

  • Universal RP: SSAO CPU optimization. Many RasterPass into single UnsafePass.

  • VFX Graph: Improve performance of VFX.ProcessCommandList by skipping the use of a RenderingCommandBuffer

  • VisionOS: Add VisionOS as a target for Windows and Linux. (UUM-63466)

API Changes

  • GI: Changed: Only one of ignoreDirectEnvironment and ignoreIndirectEnvironment is relevant in each of the IntegrateRadiance methods in IProbeIntegrator.<br> Removed the unnecessary ignoreIndirectEnvironment parameter from LightTransport.IProbeIntegrator.IntegrateDirectRadiance.<br> Removed the unnecessary ignoreDirectEnvironment parameter from LightTransport.IProbeIntegrator.IntegrateIndirectRadiance. (UUM-61353)<br> First seen in 2023.3.0b1.


  • Universal RP: The Auto option in SH Evaluation Mode, in the URP Asset, now chooses Per Vertex instead of Per Pixel on mobile and similar devices. (UUM-60483)


  • Accessibility: Fixed fully off-screen accessibility nodes being skipped by TalkBack. (UUM-63462)

  • AI: Fixed crash that happens when NavMesh Agents with active avoidance try to move between obstacles that carve the NavMesh in some particular locations. (UUM-49214)

  • Android: Fixed back gesture invoking UI elements. (UUM-48818)

  • Android: Fixed fullscreen mediaplayer autoresume on GameActivity. (UUM-57153)

  • Android: Remove UTF BOM from SDK tools commands. (UUM-60488)<br> First seen in 2023.3.0b3.

  • Asset Pipeline: Fixed "The system cannot find the path specified" popup window when trying to active a Virtual Player. (UUM-63715)<br> First seen in 2023.3.0b4.

  • Audio: Fixed an issue in the audio random container where the sliders in some cases would push the textfield out of the window when randomisation is enabled. (UUM-57188)

  • Audio: Fixed an issue that would cause scheduled clips in the Audio Random Container to be prematurely stopped when enabling scene audio. (UUM-52755)

  • Audio: Fixed an issue that would cause undo/redo to sometimes work incorrectly for the Audio Random Container resource field. (UUM-62119)

  • Audio: Fixed an issue that would sometimes cause a game object to throw an error in the log when drawing the game objects inspector, if the game object implements OnAudioFilterRead. (UUM-61145)

  • Audio: Fixed AudioRendererLeakTest timeout.

  • Burst: Fixed a performance regression for callstack generation when using burst. (UUM-62074)<br> First seen in 2023.3.0f1.

  • Documentation: Removed mentions of web player in Microphone.Start. (UUM-52555)<br> First seen in 2023.3.0a8.

  • Editor: Build Profiles - Fixed 'Missing types referenced from component BuildProfile on game object' every time when entering play mode (UUM-60846)<br> First seen in 2023.3.0b5.

  • Editor: Build Profiles - Fixed for Build Profile Window top buttons that were leaving blue edges after user clicked on them and labels were not centered. (UUM-61621)<br> First seen in 2023.3.0b4.

  • Editor: Fixed an issue where the Columns and Rows values are not updating in a TextureImporter preset. (UUM-59090)

  • Editor: Fixed issue with WebGL and Android subtarget being incorrect when activating build profiles. (UUM-61956)<br> First seen in 2023.3.0b1.

  • Editor: Fixed jam AllAssemblies breaks build profiles window. (UUM-62620)<br> First seen in 2023.3.0b6.

  • Editor: Fixed volumetric clouds in XR. (UUM-61940)<br> First seen in 2023.3.0a1.

  • Editor: Fixed a crash related to throwing BuildFailedException in BuildProcessor.PrepareForBuild. (UUM-62231)

  • Editor: Fixed a performance regression in the TextureImporter. (UUM-36303)

  • Editor: Fixed GPU timings for Ray Tracing shader dispatches and acceleration structure builds on the GPU being always 0 in GPU Profiler module. (UUM-61360)<br> First seen in 2023.3.0a1.

  • Editor: Fixed touch state always stay as moved on Linux Runtime (UUM-61865)

  • Editor: GlobalSettingsHelpBox correctly works with new Graphics Settings. (UUM-58377)<br> First seen in 2023.3.0a19.

  • Editor: Improve UI for light culling mask in Forward+ mode. (UUM-41683)

  • Editor: Fixe Report windows exes as not runnable on OSX &amp; Linux. (UUM-59940)<br> First seen in 2023.3.0b2.

  • Editor: The graphics Tier Settings editor window has been changed back to a horizontal layout with the addition of a scrollbar for when the window is still sized too small to display the full contents. (UUM-59952)

  • Graphics: Ensured non-background materials aren't rendered as six-faced skyboxes. (UUM-62526)

  • Graphics: Fixed undefined behavior in Texture2D.Compress / EditorUtility.CompressTexture / EditorUtility.CompressCubemapTexture when these were dealing with partial mip-chain textures. The APIs now leave the mipmap count of textures untouched. (UUM-35985)

  • Graphics: Invoke the PostRender callback when SceneView uses EditorDrawOutline. (UUM-57025)

  • Graphics: Reset of Graphics Settings asset was breaking rendering. (UUM-62706)<br> First seen in 2023.3.0b7.

  • Graphics: Reset of Graphics Settings was throwing exceptions. (UUM-62671)<br> First seen in 2023.3.0b3.

  • Graphics: Support requesting a DXT compressed texture using ImageConversion.LoadImage and Texture2D.LoadImage on Android. (UUM-52927)

  • Graphics: Using Graphics.CopyTexture to copy the entirety of a texture was briefly more restrictive on allowed formats between source and destination than necessary in 2023.3, this now succeeds without error for compatible formats.

  • HDRP: Fix a performance regression in area light evaluation code (UUM-63204)<br> First seen in 2023.3.0b5.

  • iOS: [Privacy Manifests] Fixed duplicates elements filtering when merging multiple manifests if the children elements of the duplicates are in different order (UUM-59885)

  • Mono: Add support for stack unwind code registration on Windows Arm64. (UUM-49668)<br> First seen in 2023.3.0a5.

  • Networking: Throw exception instead of crashing if UnityWebRequest is sent during app quit, such as from Destroy(). (UUM-63150)

  • Networking: UnityWebRequest scripting API improved and updated.

  • Nintendo Switch: Fixed regression where framerate has worsened in multithreaded rendering mode due to incorrect synchronisation between main thread and render-thread. (UUM-60673)<br> First seen in 2023.3.0b2.

  • Package Manager: Fixed install upm on asset store package selecting random package in package list. (UUM-62656)

  • Package Manager: Fixed the issue where experimental packages are not showing up in the list. (UUM-62031)<br> First seen in 2023.3.0b3.

  • Package Manager: Fixed Installing a package by name@version not showing "installing a package" in package details pane. (UUM-41690)

  • Package Manager: Package Import window retains its functionality when collapsing the root folder of a package. (UUM-52889)

  • Physics: Fixed an issue where physics scenes would get recreated every time a preview scene would be unloaded.

  • Physics: Fixed an issue where Rigidbody::Move and Rigidbody::MoveRotation would not respect position constraints when used with Rigidbody components set to kinematic. (UUM-61558)

  • Scene/Game View: Fixed an issue where the Transform Tool would not respect the global handle rotation setting. (UUM-62487)

  • Scripting: Ensure that we use a Logical Path rather than an Absolute Path when looking up InstanceIDs. (UUM-63675)

  • SpeedTree: Fixed very poor performance of speed tree wind GPU shader parameters computation in SpeedTreeWindManager. (UUM-13879)

  • TextCore: Ensure GetPreferredValues and GenerateTextMesh return the same size. (UUM-61577)

  • TextCore: Fix Ideographic Variation Selector (UUM-63538)

  • TextMeshPro: Setting the game object layer for the Dropdown blocker game object to match the Canvas value (UUM-62470)

  • uGUI: Fixed an issue that dirties prefab upon opening it when configured with a layout group + content size fitter. (UUM-19577)

  • uGUI: Fixed setting the game object layer for the Dropdown blocker game object to match the Canvas value. (UUM-62470)

  • UI: Fixed compile error on TMP_PostBuildProcessorHandler.cs when building for iOS with "install into source code. (UUM-57710)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed CompositeField subfield value setting when multi-editing. (UUM-63331)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed composite field values remain displayed as mixed when their showMixedValue is set back to false (UUM-33760)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed default runtime theme creation in the UI Builder. (UUM-56954)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed documentation links for UI Toolkit assets and scripts (UUM-28715)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed elements sometimes remaining in the hover pseudo-state after a touch pointer input followed by hiding and showing the element. (UUM-8750)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed elements sometimes remaining in the hover pseudo-state after a touch pointer input has left the them. (UUM-4156)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed FloatField showMixedValue has a different behavior than IMGUI's showMixedValue. (UUM-3456)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed missing picking overlay of runtime panels in game view. (UUM-62288)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed pointer and mouse events sometimes not sent exclusively to capturing element during the TrickleDown phase. (UUM-60384)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed view data persistence not preserving the ListView and TreeView selected items. (UUM-29291)

  • UI Toolkit: Invalid style enum values will now produce an error instead of throwing an exception in the UI Builder. (UUM-60964)

  • UI Toolkit: Removed crashing test case for SetLayoutNode. (UUM-52545)<br> First seen in 2023.3.0a8.

  • Universal RP: Fix Depth of Field for URP RenderGraph. (UUM-62801)<br> First seen in 2023.3.0b4.

  • URP: Fixed errors when calling RTHandles.Alloc() inside ScriptableRendererFeature.Create() (UUM-44048)

  • URP: Fixed a warning in Lens flare shader for URP. (UUM-62715)<br> First seen in 2023.3.0b1.

  • VFX Graph: Disable MeshToSDFBaker shaders on GLES3 to avoid warnings. (UUM-53994)

  • WebGL: Update AudioClip.frequency to return the effective WebAudio AudioBuffer sampleRate value. (UUM-47637)

  • XboxOne: Fixed by removing the D3D12XBOX_RESOURCE_FLAG_DENY_COMPRESSION_DATA from render targets. (UUM-42029)

New 2023.3.0b8 Package Changes since 2023.3.0b7

Packages updated

Pre-release packages added

Preview of Final 2023.3.0b8 Release Notes


  • Android: Added the Addressables for Android (com.unity.addressables.android) package. This package provides Play Asset Delivery support for Addressables.

  • DX12: Added support for indirect Dispatch Rays (part of DXR 1.1). The method is similar to RayTracingShader.Dispatch, but the three dispatch dimensions are retrieved from a GraphicsBuffer. Added RayTracingShader.DispatchIndirect and a new CommandBuffer.DispatchRays signature. Added SystemInfo.supportsIndirectDispatchRays capability status.

  • Editor: Added a custom menu on IRenderPipelineGraphicsSettings.

  • Editor: Added a piercing menu that you can open with Ctrl + Right-click in the Scene view. The piercing menu provides a UI that lists all GameObjects under the pointer. GameObjects in the menu can be highlighted and selected.

  • Editor: Added the ForceNoCrunch option to the Build Windows &gt; Asset Import Overrides &gt; Texture Compression dropdown which forces all textures to disable crunch compression and re-import.

  • Editor: Added Additional App IDs to Steam ID Provider Editor Settings for Multiple App ID support.

  • Editor: Integrated new build profile icons.

  • Editor: Introduced IRenderPipelineResources to host SRP resources, which uses the ResourcePath to auto-load resources.

  • Editor: The Build Profile Diagnostic checkbox is no longer available because the Build Settings window has been replaced with the Build Profile window.

  • Graphics: Added a new backend rendering path for rigid GameObjects in Unity that puts them through the Batch Render Group API when the option is enabled on the Render Pipeline asset ('GPU Resident Drawer'). This functionality creates a persistent GPU state for these objects and they will be rendered by the same fast batching path as used by the entities renderer.

  • Graphics: Added small-mesh culling for gpu-driven instances.

  • Graphics: Added support for GPU occlusion culling of instances that are compatible with the 'GPU Resident Drawer', which can be enabled in the Render Pipeline asset.

  • Graphics: Added UITK support for CustomPostProcessOrder.

  • Graphics: Adding a new per batch layer filtering setting for BatchRendererGroup. This setting is useful for the context of culling out specific batches that go through the batch renderer group.

  • Graphics: Enabled SpeedTree GameObjects rendering using GPU Resident Drawer.

  • Graphics: Updated the default IRenderPipelineGraphicsSettings Inspector to trigger notifications when a value is modified.

  • HDRP: Added AMD FidelityFX Super Resolution 2 (FSR2) Unity script bindings and HDRP integration.

  • HDRP: Added support for overriding material properties such as smoothness, albedo, and normal maps on all materials to facilitate material and lighting debugging. The material override feature in HDRP is available through the Rendering Debugger's Lighting panel when rendering through the path tracer pipeline.

  • HDRP: Added support for Scalable Temporal Post-Processing (STP) upscaling solution.

  • HDRP: Added the Sky Occlusion feature to Adaptive Probe Volumes (APV), to allow time of day with static probe volumes.

  • HDRP: Disabled storing of baked data as Streaming Asset in Adaptive Probe Volumes (APV) to make it compatible with Asset Bundles and Addressables.

  • HDRP: Improved on existing Mipmap Streaming debug views and added more. The current offering in HDRP is consistent with what URP offers.

  • iOS: Added Apple Privacy Manifest support.

  • Package: Patch User Reporting SDK improving UX.

  • Package Manager: Improved Project manifest files to repopulate with default dependencies when the files are empty or full of whitespace.

  • Particles: Add BakeTexture and BakeTrailsTexture scripting methods.

  • Particles: Added the Custom Vertex Streams feature for particle trails.

  • Shadergraph: Added a customizable Heatmap color mode, which by default displays the estimated performance impact of each node in a Shader Graph.

  • Shadergraph: Added a new sample content pack that can be installed with the Package Manager. The samples contain descriptions, examples, and break downs for a majority of the nodes in Shader Graph. These samples help users understand the inner workings of the nodes and see examples of how they work and how they can be used.

  • Shadergraph: Added a zoom step size option in the user preferences.

  • Shadergraph: Added new shortcuts for adding new nodes and toggling sub-window visibility, and moved several existing shortcuts to the Shortcut Manager.

  • Shadergraph: Added the Feature Examples Sample to Shader Graph to show users how to achieve specific effects in Shader Graph.

  • SpeedTree: Added the SpeedTree9Importer, which supports .st9 files exported by SpeedTree Modeler 9 and includes the following:<br>

    • Support for SpeedTree Games Wind and SpeedTree Legacy Wind effects<br>
    • The ability to configure wind strength and direction responsiveness through the Importer Settings<br>
    • New SpeedTree9 shaders for built-in (.cg), URP, and HDRP renderers (.shadergraph)<br>
    • New shaders for the new wind effects, but no major changes to lighting
  • SRP Core: Added the option to cache Render Graph compilation for both URP and HDRP.

  • TextCore: Native TextGenerator Rewrite.

  • UI Toolkit: Added a debugger for the UI Toolkit dynamic atlas.

  • UI Toolkit: Added missing UxmlAttribute converters to support UXML authoring: Gradient, AnimationCurve, ToggleButtonGroupState, Unsigned Int and Unsigned Long.

  • UI Toolkit: Added support in PropertyField for ToggleButtonGroupState serialized properties.

  • Universal RP: Added a Camera History Texture manager and basic interfaces to access per-camera history textures.<br> History textures are wrapped and stored in types which contain all the textures, additional data, and API methods specific for that history.<br> History textures are useful for rendering algorithms that accumulate samples over multiple frames or use data of previous frames as input.

  • Universal RP: Added a new config package that allows you to override the maximum number of lights visible on screen.

  • Universal RP: Added C# script templates to create a post-processing ScriptableRendererFeature that uses a custom VolumeComponent.

  • Universal RP: Added per-camera color and depth history and history access for custom render passes.

  • Universal RP: Added support for foveated rendering in the Forward+ rendering path.

  • Universal RP: Added the 8192x8192 option in Shadow textures.

  • URP: Added Adaptive Probe Volumes (APV) Lighting Scenario Blending to URP

  • URP: Added APV Sky Occlusion support for URP.

  • URP: Added Render Graph Viewer. Access it through the Window &gt; Rendering menu. The tool helps to visualize and debug resource usage of Render Passes in the Render Graph framework.

  • URP: Added six Mipmap Streaming debug views to the Rendering Debugger. These views can be found in the Rendering tab, under Mipmap Streaming. The available debug views are: Mip Streaming Performance, Mip Streaming Status, Mip Streaming Activity, Mip Streaming Priority, Mip Count, and Mip Ratio.

  • URP: Added support for Scalable Temporal Post-Processing (STP) upscaling solution.

  • VFX Graph: Added Camera Buffer Access support in VFX with URP.

  • VFX Graph: Added collision events that allow specific processes upon contact.

  • VFX Graph: Added new profiling/debugging panels in the VFX window.

  • VFX Graph: Added particle count readback for strips, which also allows strips to go to sleep state.

  • VFX Graph: Added support for per-particle sorting in strips.

  • VFX Graph: Allowed instanced rendering of VFX that have exposed textures or graphic buffers.

  • VFX Graph: Built-in and custom attributes can now be handled from the blackboard panel.

  • VFX Graph: Enabled Frustum Culling for strips.

  • VFX Graph: Improved the Shader Graph Cross Pipeline workflow.

  • VFX Graph: Reworked Flipbook player block.

  • VFX Graph: Strips now support the "Indirect draw" option. "Indirect draw" renders only the particles that are active, instead of full capacity.

  • VFX Graph: Support of ShaderKeyword declared in Shader Graph.

  • VFX Graph: The following improvements have been made to shortcuts in VFX Graph:<br>

    • Registered the shortcuts in the global Unity Shortcut window.<br>
    • Synced shortcuts with ShaderGraph where possible.<br>
    • Added new shortcuts.
  • Web: Implemented the following LocationService methods and properties in Web platform:<br>

    • Start()<br>
    • Stop()<br>
    • isEnabledByUser<br>
    • lastData<br>
    • status
  • Web: [Web Platform] Added the ability to copy and paste to and from the Unity player.

  • WebGL: Added support for WebAssembly 2023, which is a Unity-coined term for a collection of newer WebAssembly language features such as, sign-ext opcodes, non-trapping fp-to-int, bulk-memory, bigint, wasm table, native Wasm exceptions, and Wasm SIMD.

  • WebGL: WebGL: Implemented the following LocationService methods and properties:<br>

    • GetLastHeading()<br>
    • SetHeadingUpdatesEnabled()<br>
    • IsHeadingUpdatesEnabled()<br>
    • GetHeadingStatus()<br>
    • IsHeadingAvailable()
  • XR: Added support for Foveated Rendering on Vision Pro.


  • 2D: Improved performance of shadow generation.

  • Accessibility: Improved multiple API documentation for the Screen Reader API.

  • AI: The instantiation of NavMeshes into the scene happens slightly faster.

  • Android: Add options in Player Settings for symbols size threshold warnings.

  • Android: Fixed .androidlib default build.gradle, it will correctly apply android library plugin + targetSDKVersion.

  • Android: Users can now set dependee for .androidlib plugin, allowing you to do the reverse, for ex., make .androidlib depend on unityLibrary, and thus expand an activity by overriding UnityPlayerActivity.

  • Android: When producing the symbols.zip package, Unity will prompt Gradle to produce the zip, which means the symbols.zip package might contain more symbol files, allowing for better stack trace resolution. This also allows you to regenerate the symbols package from within the Gradle project.

  • Android: You can now embed Debug symbols into an app bundle (e.g., in the Build Settings window, choose Debug Symbol &gt; level and format to IncludeInBundle) when uploading .aab files to the Google Play Store. The symbols are uploaded together with aab, which means you don't need to upload the symbols separately.

  • Apple TV: Included platform name in Bundle Identifier error messages. (UUM-52189)

  • Asset Pipeline: Improved error handling when updating ArtifactDB or SourceAssetsDB. (UUM-48669)

  • Audio: Made it possible to create an ARC from a selection of multiple audio clips.

  • Build System: Added deterministic shader ordering in output content.

  • Build System: Content is now deterministically sorted when being pulled from the resource manager.

  • Build System: Made bee_backend's directory deletion explicitly handle read-only files on Windows.

  • Burst: Added a new Math.Clamp API, which is available when the API Compatibility Level is set to .NET Standard 2.1.

  • Burst: Added Burst support for Apple visionOS.

  • Burst: Added support for default interface methods.

  • Burst: Added support for hashing against different target frameworks.

  • Burst: Added support for string interpolation in exception messages.

  • Burst: Added support for System.Math functions Acosh, Asinh, Atanh, Cbrt, CopySign, Log2, SinCos, FusedMultiplyAdd, and ILogB.

  • Compute: Added logging when a ComputeShader variant is created with no keywords.

  • Core: Clean up and clarify areas of the source code.

  • Core: Improved baking of large scenes that use Probe Volumes.

  • Documentation: Add instructions for blending Adaptive Probe Volumes at runtime.

  • Documentation: Added new and updated existing Accelerator cache server command line argument documentation.

  • Documentation: Added two new workflows to the Timeline Workflows documentation<br>

    • The Use markers and signals for footsteps workflow demonstrates how to use Timeline markers, Signal assets, and Signal Receiver components to play audio sources for footsteps.<br>
    • The Create a Sub-Timeline instance workflow demonstrates how to create a single cut-scene by nesting a Timeline instance within another Timeline instance.
  • Documentation: Improve the scripting documentation for RaycastHit2D.

  • Documentation: Improved code sample for NavMeshAgent.CalculatePath() to better clarify how to interpret and use its results. (UUM-43219)

  • Documentation: [AI] Added some detail to NavMeshPathStatus.PathInvalid. (UUM-43218)

  • DX12: Implemented a dedicated GPU memory allocator for small acceleration structures (BLASes) to save GPU memory when using ray tracing.

  • DX12: Implemented acceleration structure (BLAS) compaction for static meshes to reduce GPU memory consumption in Ray Tracing effects. Compaction reduces memory requirements by more than 50% for BLASes.

  • DX12: Optimized writing shader records into shader tables before ray tracing dispatches.

  • Editor: Add internal Editor API to control Rendering Layers Names in Tag&amp;Layers.

  • Editor: Added a column that displays the shortcut type in the Shortcut Manager window.

  • Editor: Added a general "Graph" category to the "search by type" option in ProjectBrowser.

  • Editor: Added a toggle in the preferences to show the project path instead of the project name in main window title.

  • Editor: Added Deselect and Invert Selection to the context menu.

  • Editor: Added discrete menu items for pasting cut or copied GameObjects as children while preserving local or world transform. (UUM-43090)

  • Editor: Allow for action and clutch shortcuts to use the same mouse button [with or without modifiers].

  • Editor: Build Window Dedicated Server not installed error message. (UUM-45218)

  • Editor: Changed the overlay menu into an overlay itself. This allows us to use the new Overlay Popup feature and to remove the need to maintain two code paths for very similar behaviors.

  • Editor: Clamp gizmo icon render size to prevent gizmos being drawn obstructively large or unreadably small in certain scenes.

  • Editor: CustomPropertyDrawer can be filtered per Render Pipeline with SupportedOnRenderPipeline attribute.

  • Editor: Data used for preview is released when the baked lightmap preview system is not used for 30 seconds.

  • Editor: Implement guard for crash in TimeSliceAwakeFromLoadQueue::IntegrateTimeSliced. (UUM-41509)

  • Editor: Improve exception handling when package load fails. (UUM-16258)

  • Editor: Improve performance when fetching artifacts that are missing (e.g link to an artifact deleted from the project). (UUM-22002)

  • Editor: Improved moving files in the Project window. Moving files in the Project window now takes less memory and is faster. (UUM-44466)

  • Editor: Improved visibility on Volume component when Profile Instance used.

  • Editor: Improvements to the Graphics Settings UI.

  • Editor: Renamed Post-processing and Lighting Quality settings to Tiers.

  • Editor: Reorganized the Edit menu.

  • Editor: Update OpenSSL to 1.1.1w. (UUM-53226)

  • GI: Added missing color legends for texel validity and uv overlap view modes.

  • GI: Added the Bake Reflection Probes menu item.

  • GI: Added the Clear Baked Data menu item.

  • GI: Changed packing of instances into lightmap atlases to be spatially coherent, and prefer packing instances that are located close to be together.

  • GI: Changed several scene view modes to have lit shading, to make them easier to read.

  • GI: Exposed a "Lightmap Scale" slider for baked preview mode, which lets you quickly change the effective lightmap resolution.

  • GI: Finalize APV baking using new probe baking API.

  • GI: Implemented tests which target meta passes without light baking.

  • GI: Improved Typeset lightmap and light probe numbers in the Lighting Window.

  • GI: Optimize initialization time for GPU lightmapper bakes.

  • GI: Optimize light baking input extraction by parallelizing surface area calculations.

  • GI: Optimized scheduling of lightmaps for interactive baking previews by prioritizing the lightmaps that take up most of the viewport.

  • Graphics: Added the option Use Legacy Lightmaps to disable lightmap texture arrays when GPU Resident Drawer is enabled.

  • Graphics: Added three new UNITY_DOTS_INSTANCED_PROP variants to give users more control over DOTS instanced property loading performances.

  • Graphics: Added ShadowDrawingSettings.splitIndex to control which split index is drawn for a shadow renderer list.

  • Graphics: Improved CPU performance when binding geometry buffers (i.e. unity_MeshVertexBuffers_RT) to ray tracing hit shaders

  • Graphics: Improved culling performance when using Batch Render Group.

  • Graphics: Improved performance and memory requirements of Texture API calls such as LoadRawTextureData that write to a Texture2D that was created with the TextureCreationFlags.DontUploadUponCreate flag. (UUM-35989)

  • Graphics: Kick GameObjects shadow casters culling jobs earlier to improve performances.

  • Graphics: Optimize DOTS instanced properties loading code for URP and HDRP stock shaders.

  • Graphics: Updated platform macros for VRR code.

  • HDRP: Add importance setting to reflection probes.

  • HDRP: Add line light support to the Stacklit, Water, Hair, Eye, and Fabric shaders.

  • HDRP: Add support for fixing IRenderPipelineGraphicsSettings on the HDRP Wizard.

  • HDRP: Added a new LOD mode for High Quality Lines that is based on screen coverage.

  • HDRP: Added a warning to the HDRP Wizard if a users project contains materials that can't be upgraded. (UUM-46394)

  • HDRP: Added atmospheric scattering from PBR Sky.

  • HDRP: Added support for tube and disc shaped area lights in the path tracer.

  • HDRP: Avoid clamping to integers for HDR manipulation. (UUM-29767)

  • HDRP: Bumping com.unity.collections package from 1.4.0 to 2.2.0 in HDRP and light-transport packages.

  • HDRP: Following HDRP fixes were made:<br>

    • Support for decals in the Raytracing mode of SSR and SSGI.<br>
    • Changed the value type of Texture Lod Bias from integer to float<br>
    • Support debug rendering of decals' light cluster from Window &gt; Rendering Debugger &gt; Fullscreen Debug Mode &gt; LightCluster, Light Category &gt; Decal.<br>
    • Changed the color of the light cluster in the debug view, so that it uses the same color palette as that of tiled lighting.
  • HDRP: Improve implementation of line lights for all materials as well as performance.

  • HDRP: Improved HDRP build time. (UUM-61700)

  • HDRP: Improved HDRP Water sample example scene to include some VFX.

  • HDRP: Improved path tracer denoising when using AOVs in combination with volumetric fog. Added an option to denoise the volumetric scattering effect separately.

  • HDRP: Improved Render Graph Viewer.

  • HDRP: Improved skyContext caching when the sky renderer changes. (UUM-43697)

  • HDRP: Improved the performance of the FrameSettings.Sanitize method.

  • HDRP: Improved user feedback when a framesetting is disabled.

  • HDRP: Improved water surface underwater backface rendering.

  • HDRP: Improved water system foam generatorattenuation.

  • HDRP: Improved water system performances.

  • HDRP: Improvements in the volumetric lighting performance.

  • HDRP: Made changes to improve the conversion from string to type for each Custom PP.

  • HDRP: Optimize water surface scripting interactions.

  • HDRP: Optimized reflection probe baking performance by baking all probes in a single batch.

  • HDRP: Reduced GC Alloc when using raytracing and HDRP. (UUM-40657)

  • HDRP: Reduced memory consumed by LTC area light table

  • HDRP: Reduced time taken by default scriptable shader stripping.

  • HDRP: Updated description of Decal Projector Draw Distance setting to mention HDRP asset setting (UUM-42539)

  • HDRP: Users can now express the width of High Quality Lines in centimeter units on a per-vertex basis via Shader Graph.

  • Kernel: Added "-timestamps" command line argument to the player, which makes it prepend timestamps at the beginning of each log line. This setting was previously only available to the editor.

  • Mono: Implement stack probes for Windows Arm64

  • Package: Alembic: Prevented a NullReferenceException when upgrading a project with URP and Alembic to Unity 2023.3.

  • Package Manager: A warning is logged in upm.log when a deprecated UPM environment variable is detected.

  • Package Manager: The global cache that contains the uncompressed contents of registry package tarballs is now obsolete and the UPM_CACHE_PATH environment variable is no longer supported.

  • Package Manager: The UPM global cache size can now be configured via the UPM_MAX_CACHE_SIZE environment variable or the maxCacheSize property in the user configuration file and defaults to 10 GB.

  • Particles: Improved two error messages to include the name of the Particle System.

  • Physics: Improved Physics callback dispatching performance by jobifying the processing of trigger and joint break events and only dispatching events that have their callback implemented.

  • Profiler: Released Memory Profiler version 1.1.0. Refer to https://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/com.unity.memoryprofiler@1.1/manual/index.html for more information.

  • Scene/Game View: Changed the overlays order for a consistent one in the Overlay Menu.

  • Scene/Game View: Updated the Cameras overlay icon to be more descriptive.

  • Scripting: Reduced noise in logs by setting logging level to 'Debug' in AssemblyUpdater when collecting ApiUpdater configurations. (UUM-45511)

  • Shadergraph: Added a shader variant limit to the project settings, clarified the difference between the variant limit in user preferences.

  • Shadergraph: Added setting to Canvas and Sprite SubTargets to disable the color tinting, allowing users to override the color completely or use vertex color node to perform custom tinting. (UUM-46771)

  • Shadergraph: Addressed delays related to graph concretization where certain operations were taking longer than expected.

  • Shadergraph: Exposed a scope option for Texture3D, CubeMap, and Texture2D Array blackboard properties.

  • Shadergraph: Improved clarity and behavior of blackboard properties when options are changed. Renamed "Exposed" to "Show in Inspector."

  • Shadergraph: Improved performance of undo/redo in large graphs. (UUM-52220)

  • Shadergraph: Removed Global/Local scope for Keyword properties, replacing them with an "Is Overridable" toggle. Improved corresponding option enablement to clarify behavior.

  • Shadergraph: Updated toolbar UI.

  • Shaders: When compiling shaders with DXC and targeting Metal, HLSL min16float instructions will be converted to 16-bit floating point (MSL half) instructions.

  • SRP Core: Added GPU Resident Drawer debug panel to display culling stats when Instanced Drawing is enabled.

  • SRP Core: Added icons and fixed bugs in Render Graph Viewer.

  • SRP Core: Dumping in the temp folder the stripping of IRenderPipelineGraphicsSettings

  • SRP Core: Improved CPU performance of Native Render Pass Render Graph compiler by 15-40% (combined with NativeList PR and other optimization) depending on the complexity of the rendering and the runtime device

  • SRP Core: Improved execution performance with Render Graph.

  • SRP Core: Improved Render Graph Viewer UI to allow jumping to pass definitions in C# IDE.

  • SRP Core: Improving and unifying render graph profiling markers.

  • SRP Core: Merged rendergraph native render passes that have different depths.

  • SRP Core: Prevented the unnecessary store op of MSAA buffers in URP when using Native Render Pass Render Graph.

  • SRP Core: Reduced AddRaster/Compute/UnsafeRenderPass Render Graph API CPU cost by not clearing internal arrays. Now it relies on the handle IsValid() API instead.

  • SRP Core: Replace overlays inside RenderGraph Viewer with a fixed side panel.

  • SRP Core: Replaced DynamicArray with NativeList in NativeRenderPassCompiler to improve performance

  • SRP Core: Small improvements for the resource pooling system in Render Graph

  • SRP Core: Small optimization, frame allocation checks of Render Graph resource pool are now enabled through Validation checks.

  • SRP Core: Validation checks of Render Graph can be enabled/disabled from the Editor. Enabled by default, disabling them slightly improves Render Graph performance.

  • SRP Core: RenderGraphObjectPool is now three times faster with RasterRenderRenderGraphPass objects by using UnityEngine.Pool.

  • Text: Improved dynamic FontAsset initialization time and reduced the required number of managed memory allocations.

  • uGUI: Provided early out to scenarios where a null mesh was being set on a CanvasRenderer.

  • UI Elements: Refactored the TreeView and MultiColumnTreeView control to use the Hierarchy as its data structure.

  • UI Toolkit: Added support for defining null UxmlObjects by using the &lt;null/&gt; tag.

  • UI Toolkit: Added support for generic UxmlAttributeConverters and Types.

  • UI Toolkit: Added support for setting the searchfield placeholder text via UXML.

  • UI Toolkit: Added support for undo/redo when creating a binding. (UUM-49503)

  • UI Toolkit: Added support for UxmlObjects to use custom property drawers for their serialized data.

  • UI Toolkit: Added validation of UXML attribute and element names to ensure they are valid XML names. (UUM-54829)

  • UI Toolkit: Added warning for UxmlAttributes in a non UxmlElement class. (UIT-2017)

  • UI Toolkit: Changing a UxmlElements namespace or class name is now supported with the MovedFromAttribute.

  • UI Toolkit: Improved performance of the UXML attributes view in the builder on undo/redo. (UIT-2161)

  • UI Toolkit: Improved the UI Builder performance when using UXML serialization and data bindings.

  • UI Toolkit: Improved UI Builder Attribute type picker field to use a popup selector instead of a completer. (UUM-59486)

  • UI Toolkit: In the UI Builder, you can now preview changes to the inline value of a UXML attribute or a USS property even if they are bound

  • UI Toolkit: The builder attribute field tooltips now include the value.

  • UI Toolkit: The Editor now tracks which fields are overridden in UXML in the UxmlSerializedData. During the deserialize process, the Editor only applies the overridden fields instead of all of them.

  • UI Toolkit: The UI Builder no longer unnecessarily reacts to asset changes if it is not opened. (UIT-2157)

  • UI Toolkit: UI Builder: Exposed the align-content USS property in the BuilderInspector. (UIT-1703)

  • UI Toolkit: Updated the bound fields in the UI Builder Inspector so they can be navigated through keyboard events.

  • Universal RP: Added checks to avoid building shadow atlases, adjusting shadow resolution, calculating rendering layers, etc when features are disabled.

  • Universal RP: Bloom post processing effect CPU optimization. Many RasterPass into single UnsafePass.

  • Universal RP: Disabled implicit use of all globals in URP passes

  • Universal RP: Improved performance for AdditionalLightShadowCasterPass and BuildAdditionalLightsShadowAtlasLayout

  • Universal RP: Improved performance for Deferred Rendering when using many lights.

  • Universal RP: Improved performance when creating shadow data.

  • Universal RP: Improved runtime performance by adding checks for _ALPHATEST_ON when rendering depth, shadows, and depth normals.

  • Universal RP: Improved stripping logic for Accurate G-buffer normals when using Deferred rendering on Vulkan.

  • Universal RP: New Renderer Feature updated with Render Graph code.

  • Universal RP: SSAO CPU optimization. Many RasterPass into single UnsafePass.

  • Universal RP: Updated NewRendererFeature Template.

  • Universal Windows Platform: Improved performance of repeated checks whether accelerometer and gyrometer are supported.

  • URP: Enabled APV Disk Streaming in URP.

  • URP: Enabled the APV Lighting Scenario Baking in URP.

  • URP: Enabled renderViewportScale for XR intermediate textures.

  • VFX Graph: Improve compilation times with VFX Graph using Subgraphs.

  • VFX Graph: Improve performance of VFX.ProcessCommandList by skipping the use of a RenderingCommandBuffer

  • VFX Graph: Improved AddComponent performance for VFX by precaching script pointers in common case operation.

  • VFX Graph: Improved and optimized both undo and redo.

  • VFX Graph: Improved error feedback and added more error feedback.

  • VFX Graph: Improved Position, Collision, and Kill blocks.

  • VFX Graph: Improved the collision system so it is more stable, robust, and energy conservative.

  • VFX Graph: Improvements to texture types to allow using in branch operators. (UUM-38037)

  • VisionOS: Add VisionOS as a target for Windows and Linux. (UUM-63466)

  • Web: Improved performance for instance rendering in WebGPU.

  • WebGL: Improved IndexedDB filesystem performance by avoiding redundant filesystem persistence operations.

  • WebGL: Improved Web builds to be able to allocate up to 4GB of WebAssembly Memory, up from the previous limit of 2GB. Note that at the time of development, this feature does not work in Firefox ( https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1838218 ), so the default memory limit on the web is still set to 2048 MB.

API Changes

  • Accessibility: Added: Added mobile screen reader support for sliders, allowing them to be made compatible with TalkBack (Android) and VoiceOver (iOS).

  • Accessibility: Added: Support added for the Dismiss Gesture (Two-finger scrub) on iOS and the Dismiss Action (Action Menu item) on Android when using a screen reader.

  • Accessibility: Added: support for reading the bold text system setting on Android and iOS.

  • Accessibility: Added: support for reading the closed captioning system setting on Android and iOS.

  • Accessibility: Added: support for reading the font scale system setting on Android and iOS.

  • Accessibility: Changed: Made label parameter on AccessibilityHierarchy.AddNode and AccessibilityHierarchy.InsertNode null by default to make some use cases easier to achieve

  • Accessibility: Changed: Toggle role added to the AccessibilityRole enum.

  • AI: Added: All the new NavMeshEditorHelpers.CollectSourcesInStage() methods have been copied from the NavMeshBuilder.CollectSourcesInStage() methods, which, in turn, have been deprecated.

  • AI: Added: NavMesh.GetAreaNames() has been added to replace the deprecated method GameObjectUtility.GetNavMeshAreaNames().

  • AI: Deprecated: All methods from GameObjectUtility related to NavMesh area names have been deprecated. Use the similar methods from the NavMesh class instead.

  • AI: Deprecated: All methods from GameObjectUtility that assign and retrieve NavMesh area types to/from GameObjects have been deprecated. Instead, use NavMeshBuildMarkup and UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshBuilder to designate different area types in a generated NavMesh.

  • AI: Deprecated: The editor-only NavMeshBuilder class has been deprecated. Use UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshBuilder instead.

  • AI: Deprecated: The NavMeshBuilder.CollectSourcesInStage() methods have been deprecated. Use NavMeshEditorHelpers.CollectSourcesInStage() instead.

  • Android: Added: ConfigurationManager has new APIs:<br>

    • ApplyPluginList.AddPluginFromPath<br>
    • ApplyPluginList.AddPluginFromRaw<br>
    • Ndk.DebugSymbolLevel
  • Android: Changed: Unity.Android.Gradle.GradlePropertiesFile.EnableUncompressedNativeLibs was replaced with Unity.Android.Gradle.JniLibs.UseLegacyPackaging.

  • Core: Added: ContextContainer to SRP Core. A storage container which works like a dictionary with the key being a generic type id and the value being the value of the given type.

  • Core: Added: Component.GetComponentIndex() returns a components index on it's GameObject.

  • Core: Added: ContentLoadInterface.GetIntegrationTimeMS() and ContentLoadInterface.SetIntegrationTimeMS() for timeslicing integration from Content Files.

  • Core: Added: Object.Instantiate(Object,Scene) allows for directly instantiating an object to a specific scene.

  • Editor: Added: a flag for recursive dependency calculation. For use with the Compatibility Pipeline API.

  • Editor: Added: Added API for collecting in-scene assets and promoting them to project assets.

  • Editor: Added: Added RenderingLayerMask as a separate Runtime structure.

  • Editor: Added: Added the ScriptableRenderPass.requiresIntermediateTexture flag to allow individual ScriptableRenderPasses to request offscreen rendering

  • Editor: Added: Exposed new MenuItem attribute constructor with a path to iconResource.

  • Editor: Added: Layout field in the DropdownMenuDescriptor to the behavior of the menu when there is a large number of items.

  • Editor: Added: Make OverlayCanvas.SetOverlaysEnabled and OverlayCanvas.overlaysEnabled public API.

  • Editor: Added: PrefabUtility callbacks for prefab instance apply.

  • Editor: Added: public methods RegisterToolContext and DeregisterToolContext to the ShortcutManager class to allow users to register and unregister custom shortcut contexts.

  • Editor: Added: the IShortcutToolContext interface to allow users to create their own custom shortcut context.

  • Editor: Added: EditorGraphicsSettings.TryGetRenderPipelineSettingsForPipeline to access settings of other pipelines than the currently active pipeline.

  • Editor: Added: GameObject.GetComponentAtIndex() returns the component at the specific index on a GameObject.

  • Editor: Added: HandleUtility.GetOverlappingObjects for getting an ordered list of all pickable objects under the give mouse location.

  • Editor: Added: HandleUtility.RegisterRenderPickingCallback and a few peripheral structures that enables custom rendering-based picking solutions to be developed.

  • Editor: Added: SceneManager.MoveObjectToSceneBatch allows for moving objects in batches to a scene.

  • Editor: Changed: EditorUserBuildSettings.androidCreateSymbols was replaced with UnityEditor.Android.UserBuildSettings.DebugSymbols.level and UnityEditor.Android.UserBuildSettings.DebugSymbols.format.

  • Editor: Changed: Renamed ArticulationBody.velocity to ArticulationBody.linearVelocity in order for the API to be symmetric with ArticulationBody.angularVelocity

  • Editor: Changed: Renamed Rigidbody.velocity to Rigidbody.linearVelocity in order for the API to be symmetric with Rigidbody.angularVelocity

  • Editor: Deprecated: The property ChildCount on HierarchyNodeFlattened was renamed to ChildrenCount.<br> The following methods are now deprecated: GetExpanded replaced by DoesNotHaveFlags(Collapsed), GetSelected replaced by HasFlags(Selected), SetExpanded replaced by ClearFlags(Collapsed), and SetSelected replaced by SetFlags(Selected).

  • Editor: Deprecated: Using XRSettings.enabled to enable/disable XR for an application is now deprecated in favor of calling Start()/Stop() on an XRDisplaySubystem instance.<br> Using XRSettings.LoadDeviceByName to load XR devices is now deprecated in favor of querying subsystem descriptors to create and start the subsystems of your choice with the SubystemManager.

  • Editor: Deprecated: ObjectIdResult.DecodeIdFromColor. Users are now encouraged to use HandleUtility.DecodeSelectionId for decoding and HandleUtility.EncodeSelectionId for encoding selection IDs.

  • Editor: Obsoleted: Made PropertyCollectionAttribute obsolete. Use PropertAttribute constructor argument applyToCollection to make a collection attribute.

  • Editor: Obsoleted: Using Unsupported.CaptureScreenshotImmediate will now result in a compilation error. Please use ScreenCapture.CaptureScreenshot instead.

  • Editor: Removed: IOSLaunchScreenType.CustomXib launch screen option was removed.

  • Editor: Removed: SceneManager.MoveObjectToSceneBatch becase it was never was properly exposed.

  • EmbeddedLinux: Deprecated: UnityEditor.EmbeddedLinuxArchitecture enum and UnityEditor.EditorUserBuildSettings.selectedEmbeddedLinuxArchitecture are deprecated. UnityEditor.EmbeddedArchitecture and UnityEditor.EmbeddedLinux.EmbeddedLinuxSettings.Get().architecture should be used instead.

  • GI: Added: Add functions for better manipulating LightTransport.BufferSlice, including LightTransport.BufferID.Slice, LightTransport.BufferSlice.SafeReinterpret and LightTransport.BufferSlice.UnsafeReinterpret.

  • GI: Added: New light probe baking API. A data driven, stateless, public API for GI probe baking without dependencies on game objects. The API provides CPU and GPU integrators for direct and indirect radiance, validity and a post processing API for conversion to irradiance and other operations needed to composite results before rendering.

  • GI: Changed: Added IDisposable to LightTransport.IProbeIntegrator, LightTransport.IWorld and LightTransport.PostProcessing.IProbePostProcessor interfaces.

  • GI: Changed: Change LightTransport.BufferSlice to carry a type annotation, indicating the type of elements in the buffer slice.

  • GI: Changed: Changed LightTransport.IDeviceContext.WriteBuffer and LightTransport.IDeviceContext.ReadBuffer to take a LightTransport.BufferSlice rather than a LightTransport.BufferID. This lets you provide an offset for your reads and writes.

  • GI: Changed: Renamed LightTransport.IDeviceContext.WaitForAsyncOperation and LightTransport.IDeviceContext.IsAsyncOperationComplete to LightTransport.IDeviceContext.Wait and LightTransport.IDeviceContext.IsComplete.

  • Graph Tool Foundation: Removed: GTF and CSO modules removed from the editor. Use package com.unity.graphtoolsauthoringframework instead.

  • Graphics: Added: Added a "Texture.SetStreamingTextureMaterialDebugProperties" overload that takes in a "materialTextureSlot" integer. This overload can be used to debug any (non-hidden) texture property on materials used by renderers.

  • Graphics: Added: API to reconstruct SRP using a certain IRenderPipelineGraphicsSettings in the Editor.

  • Graphics: Added: New method overloads accepting GraphicsTexture parameters were added to the Graphics.CopyTexture API

  • Graphics: Added: Texture2D.CopyPixels, Texture2DArray.CopyPixels, Texture3D.CopyPixels, Cubemap.CopyPixels, CubemapArray.CopyPixels allow copying readable pixel data only on the CPU.

  • Graphics: Added: UseBufferRandomAccess and UseTextureRandomAccess to IRasterRenderGraphBuilder

  • Graphics: Added: watermark API to indicate if watermark is visible.

  • Graphics: Changed: BatchDrawCommand.visibleCount no longer has to be set to 1 when BatchDrawCommandFlags.HasSortingPosition is set

  • Graphics: Changed: HLSL min16float variables are now translated to MSL float in all CPU visible buffers (e.g. Constant Buffers, Structured Buffers, Vertex Shader Input). When accessing these values inside shaders, they are casted to MSL half (16-bit) for faster arithmetic operations. Any project that uses min16float or half in shaders and accesses this data as 16-float (from CPU) on iOS is incompatible with this change. For these cases, a new #pragma metal_fxc_allow_float16_in_cpu_visible_buffers was added so that HLSL min16float variables are converted to MSL half in all CPU visible buffers (just like before).

  • Graphics: Changed: Updated contextual menu drawer API with PropertyDrawer information.

  • HDRP: Added: Added an API to set and get the material type via script on HDRP Materials.

  • HDRP: Added: Fix missing API to get deformation buffer (UUM-48355)

  • HDRP: Added: New forceVisible API on light to get information from a light from SRP even if it is not in frustrum.

  • Package: Added: Added GetCustomId method to PlayerInfo

  • Package: Added: Added SignInWithSteamAsync method with appId parameter for Multiple App Id Support

  • Package: Changed: Added LinkWithSteamAsync method with appId parameter for Multiple App Id Support

  • Particles: Added: New custom vertex streams: particle index, mesh axis of rotation, and color packed as 2 floats.

  • Physics: Changed: Renamed Rigidbody.angularDrag to Rigidbody.angularDamping to create symmetry between ArticulationBody and Rigidbody APIs

  • Physics: Changed: Renamed Rigidbody.drag to Rigidbody.linearDamping to create symmetry between ArticulationBody and Rigidbody APIs

  • Physics: Removed: Removed long deprecated type field SoftJointLimit.bouncyness

  • Physics: Removed: Removed long deprecated type field SoftJointLimit.damper

  • Physics: Removed: Removed long deprecated type field SoftJointLimit.spring

  • Player: Added: AsyncInstantiateOperation.GetIntegrationTimeMS() and AsyncInstantiateOperation.SetIntegrationTimeMS() for time slicing integration times of InstantiateAsync().

  • Player: Added: Object.InstantiateAsync&lt;T&gt;().

  • QNX: Deprecated: UnityEditor.QNXArchitecture enum, UnityEditor.EditorUserBuildSettings.selectedQnxArchitecture, UnityEditor.EditorUserBuildSettings.selectedQnxOsVersion are deprecated. UnityEditor.EmbeddedArchitecture and UnityEditor.QNX.QNXSettings.Get().architecture should be used instead.

  • Scripting: Added: Constructor to TextAsset which takes a ReadOnlySpan of bytes.

  • Scripting: Added: New methods on Hierarchy class: GetChild to retrieve a child at specified index, GetChildrenCountRecursive to get number of children including children of children, DoesChildrenNeedsSorting to get whether or not a node requires its children to be sorted, and EnumerateChildren to get a children enumerable to iterate children without copying them.<br> New methods on HierarchyFlattened class: EnumerateChildren to get a children enumerable for the specified node, GetChildrenCountRecursive to get number of children including children of children.<br> New methods on HierarchyViewModel class: several methods to manipulate and query bit flags on nodes, such as SetFlags, ToggleFlags, ClearFlags, HasFlags, DoesNotHaveFlags, GetNodesWithFlags, GetIndicesWithFlags, EnumerateNodesWithFlags and EnumerateNodesWithoutFlags.<br> New classes and structs to support new functionality: several new enumerables, such as HierarchyFlattenedNodeChildren, HierarchyNodeChildren and HierarchyViewNodesEnumerable.<br> A new enum flags HierarchyNodeFlags used by the HierarchyViewModel.<br> A new struct HierarchyNodeMapUnmanaged to store unmanaged data per node that is O(1) lookup time, implemented as a sparse array.

  • Scripting: Changed: Several methods have had their parameter taking a Span changed to a ReadOnlySpan, to indicate that the content of the span will not be modified and only used as input.<br> Hierarchy.RegisterNodeTypeHandler now returns the handler.<br> The Hierarchy.SortChildren method got a new parameter, to enable sorting recursively.

  • Scripting: Removed: Removed overloads of method Hierarchy.Add that did not take a parent node. (UUM-54851)

  • Scripting: Removed: UDP SDK package is now deprecated.

  • Shaders: Added: Support for typed texture declarations in HLSL which allow developers to sample integer texture formats robustly on all platforms

  • SRP Core: Added: Added TEMPLATE_X_FLT_HALF shader macros that defines functions with both min16float and float.

  • SRP Core: Added: Added TEMPLATE_X_HALF shader macros that define functions using min16float only.

  • SRP Core: Added: callbacks when RenderPipeline is created or disposed. (UUM-20646)

  • SRP Core: Added: Foveated rendering API to fix FSR rendering

  • SRP Core: Added: New useDynamicScaleExplicit flag to render graph's TextureDesc which can be used to control the underlying RenderTexture's dynamic scaling behavior

  • SRP Core: Changed: Fixed typo in RenderGraph API, using lowercase for nativeRenderPassesEnabled property

  • SRP Core: Changed: Major update of the Native Render Pass Render Graph API (URP), moving out of Experimental.

  • SRP Core: Changed: Recent UISubset API has been adjusted and UI overlay pass made safer with URP RG.

  • SRP Core: Removed: Removed TEMPLATE_X_REAL shader macros.

  • TextCore: Obsoleted: Obsolete TextSettings.fallbackSpriteAssets. (UUM-52191)

  • UI Toolkit: Added: A string array named paths to the drag and drop API to reproduce what was available in the Editor.

  • UI Toolkit: Added: API to get the result of the last binding operation for a given binding id.

  • UI Toolkit: Added: disablePlayModeTint on VisualElement to opt-out of playmode tinting. Applies hierarchically so a user could retrieve the rootVisualElement on an EditorWindow to disable playmode tinting entirely on the window.

  • UI Toolkit: Added: toggleOnLabelClick attribute to Toggle and Foldout. This is enabled by default but can be disabled to prevent clicking on the elements label from triggering the value change. (UUM-52184)

  • UI Toolkit: Changed: Added Column.comparison and sortingMode on MultiColumnListView and MultiColumnTreeView to give a default sorting algorithm for sortable columns. This replaces the previous sortingEnabled API.

  • UI Toolkit: Changed: Exposed the enabledSelf property to both UXML and bindings.

  • UI Toolkit: Changed: Make VisualElement.disablePlayModeTint public

  • UI Toolkit: Changed: Marked UxmlTraits, UxmlFactory, and associated API as obsolete. This is now replaced by the UxmlElementAttribute.

  • Universal RP: Added: Added RG path only function for AddRenderPasses using ContextContainer instead of RenderingData

  • Universal RP: Added: ContextContainer items used as frame data for UniversalRenderer and Renderer2D e.g. UniversalLightData &amp; UniversalCameraData.

  • Universal RP: Added: Exposed opaqueLayerMask and transparentLayerMask in UniversalRenderingData.

  • Universal RP: Added: Made Main Light Shadow Resolution and Additional Light Shadow Resolution settings public in the URP Asset.

  • Universal RP: Added: Made the cascade split settings public in the URP Asset.

  • Universal RP: Obsoleted: Mark non-rendergraph APIs as obsolete.

  • Video: Added: WebCamKind.Unknown to be used as fallback when camera type is not recognized.


  • AI: Built-in navigation components are no longer hidden from the Add Component menu if the AI Navigation package is not installed. Instead, affected workflows provide shortcuts to install the package.

  • AI: Deprecated OffMeshLink component no longer displays in the Add Component Menu under any circumstances.

  • Android: JDK 17 is required to build Android apps.

  • Android: The launcher/build.gradle evaluation now depends on unityLibrary/build.gradle evaluation. Therefore, the unityLibrary/build.gradle can no longer have any dependencies on the launcher/build.gradle.

  • Android: Unity uses Android Gradle Plugin 8.1.3 by default.

  • Android: Unity uses Gradle 8.4 by default.

  • Android: Unity uses targetSdkVersion and compileSdkVersion 34 by default.

  • Android: Unity will no longer need to force debugging symbols if Unity Cloud Diagnostics (UCD) is enabled. Users can manually choose the appropriate debug symbol level. Choosing the level affects how stack traces are resolved by UCD. For example, public symbols are enough to properly resolve function names, while debugging symbols provide filenames and line numbers. Debugging symbols, due to their size can increase build time and build size, which might be a limitation for some users.

  • Android: When producing the symbols.zip package, the symbols will contain .so.sym or .so.dbg extension depending on the debugSymbolLevel. These extensions are provided by the Android Gradle plugin for backwards compatibility but you can still force the .so extension (for more information, check out Debug Symbol &gt; format in the Build Settings window).

  • Asset Bundles: AssetBundle hash now depends on Multiplayer Roles only if the feature is enabled.

  • Asset Bundles: Modified the AssetBundle hash so it now depends only on the respective Multiplayer Role settings it targets.

  • Build Pipeline: Font assets are not stripped from Dedicated Server builds when Dedicated Server Optimizations are enabled. (UUM-713)

  • Build Pipeline: Made the Player Settings &gt; Dedicated Server optimizations option, that strips all shaders and fonts, enabled by default.

  • Burst: Disabled Direct call for methods that are decorated with both [BurstCompile] and [UnmanagedCallersOnly] attributes because such methods shouldn't be called directly from managed code.

  • Burst: Removed all code specific to DOTS Runtime.

  • Burst: Update default LLVM to version 16.

  • Burst: Use mimalloc as our native allocator on Windows to speed up concurrently executing LLVM work.

  • Editor: Accessing Transform data from 'OnDestroy' during an Undo operation is no longer allowed and an error message is logged. (UUM-31100)

  • Editor: Added a new RenderingLayerMask type for serialized property and a RenderingLayerMaskField to draw it.

  • Editor: Added command to support Hub creating a new project, and connecting a project to Unity Version Control.

  • Editor: Added support for hiding RenderPipelineGraphicsSettings in GraphicsSettings page, persistent Scroll position and persistent active Tab.

  • Editor: Build Report printed to the Editor log no longer contain entries for "Scripts" and "Included DLLs". (UUM-56321)

  • Editor: Changed overlay's layout when dragging over a container that would enforced a specific layout.

  • Editor: Do not write cloudProjectId in ProjectSettings.asset anymore since it should only be managed by Services.

  • Editor: Improved visual anchoring of overlays.

  • Editor: Modified the ghost behavior of overlays.

  • Editor: Renamed the shortcut that opens the context menu in the Scene view from "Show Action Menu" to "Show Scene view context menu".

  • Editor: Reverted the new contextual menu.

  • Editor: Reworked the Physics project settings window and converted it to use UI Toolkit.

  • Editor: Switched to use drawers for Rendering Layers connected to Tags &amp; Layers.

  • Editor: Updated the macOS Editor's minimum OS version requirement to macOS 11.

  • Editor: [Android] Moved Play Library checks for plugins and gradle dependencies into methods in 23.2 for use in Editor Tests, to avoid building player in every test. (UUM-44744)

  • Editor: [Android] Removed exceptions for unspecified versions when including Play Libraries due to logic changes when fixing Regex for Core-Common. (UUM-44744)

  • GI: Add code signing for the unity denoising DLLs.

  • GI: Moved code related to sampling to its own subfolder in the Light Transport package.

  • Graphics: BatchRendererGroup now supports procedural and indirect draw commands

  • Graphics: Camera API that wasn't compatible with SRP's now correctly logs warnings/errors where applicable. Alos, updated documentation to reflect SRP capabilities in Camera API.

  • Graphics: Moved the editor for GlobalSettingsAssets directly to ProjectSettings &gt; Graphics.

  • Graphics: When IRenderPipelineGraphicsSettingsStripper is defined, it owns the stripping of the IRenderPipelineGraphicsSettings, which previously required isAvailableInPlayerBuild. (XPIPELINE-804)

  • HDRP: Added Volumetrics settings to Area lights similar to other light types, to control their influence on volumetric fog when using the path tracer.

  • HDRP: Changed how the mask map ambient occlusion channel is taken into account in rendering to have better consistency between area lights and emissive quads.

  • HDRP: HDRP: Cleaning the usages of the HDRP runtime resources.

  • HDRP: Made the Texture Streaming scene view debug draw mode unavailable. Use the reworked Mipmap Streaming debug views in the Rendering Debugger instead.

  • HDRP: Rectangle light and Line light now share same implementation.

  • IL2CPP: Prevent references to unused shared generic types from being collected when the script debugging is enabled.

  • macOS: Updated the macOS Runtime's minimum OS version requirement to macOS 11.

  • Package: Updated the package version of com.unity.scripting.python to 7.0.1.

  • Package Manager: Modied Client.AddAndRemove so it does not throw an error if the same packages are specified in packagesToAdd and packagesToRemove.

  • Package Manager: The package installation folder names have been shortened from &lt;packageName&gt;@&lt;version&gt; to &lt;packageName&gt; in the Library/PackageCache folder.

  • Package Manager: The UPM environment variable UPM_NPM_CACHE_PATH is now considered deprecated. Using the UPM_CACHE_ROOT environment variable instead of UPM_NPM_CACHE_PATH is recommended.

  • Physics: Errors related to mesh data will no longer print the assets path. This change was done in order to decouple error generation from some specific editor only functionality. We will be reworking the error messaging in the following patch releases.

  • Physics: Removed compatibility code that allowed loading joints directly from assets created in Unity 4.x and older.

  • Physics: OnTriggerEnter events now have their matching OnTriggerStay dispatched after an OnTriggerEnter event, rather than wait for all OnTriggerEnter events to be dispatched.

  • Profiler: The Highlights profiler module is now visible by default.

  • UI: Added Unsupported MSAA Fallback in Player settings to specify how to handle cases with unsupported sample counts. (UUM-741)

  • UI Toolkit: Added checked background to GradientField so the transparency is easier to see. (UUM-60804)

  • UI Toolkit: Removed unused border element from GradientField.

  • UI Toolkit: Users can no longer drag disabled selectors when using in-context editing in the UI Builder. (UUM-16090)

  • Universal RP: Added per renderer filtering for renderer features.

  • Universal RP: Modified the Scene view camera so it now uses the same renderer that MainCamera uses in the scene instead of always using Default Renderer.

  • Universal RP: Moved the RenderObjects renderer feature out of Experimental namespace.

  • Universal RP: The Auto option in SH Evaluation Mode, in the URP Asset, now chooses Per Vertex instead of Per Pixel on mobile and similar devices.. (UUM-60483)

  • URP: Added RenderGraph support to URP Samples.

  • URP: Vulkan URP will use MSAA samples count fallback from Player settings. Prior to this x2 fallback would have been required upgrade to x4. (UUM-741)

  • Version Control: Added button for organization owner/admins to upgrade to DevOps subscription.

  • Version Control: Included new decorators for retained &amp; locked files.

  • Version Control: Moved the button to invite users to the organization from the submenu to the toolbar.

  • Version Control: Show a message with a link to invite users to the organization after the first checkin.

  • Version Control: Updated description in the package.json, including an updated link to get started.

  • XR: Changed reported Screen.width and Screen.height when using MagicLeap device.

  • XR: Removed the use of an intermediate texture when not required for XR rendering when scaling is used.

  • XR: The Oculus XR Plugin package has been updated to 4.2.0.

  • XR: Updated the Oculus XR Plugin package to 4.1.2.


  • 2D: Fixed am issue where a SpriteShapeRenderer with mask interaction set is unable to be masked by a SpriteMask when using a URP pipeline. (UUM-59737)

  • 2D: Fixed an issue where a GameObject instantiated by a Tile is recreated on the player when the user refreshes the Tile without changing the Tile. (UUM-45589)

  • 2D: Fixed an issue where LineRenderer and TrailRenderer lines were not visible when using URP Sprite materials. (UUM-44445)

  • 2D: Fixed an issue with ShadowCaster2D where they would sometimes throw an exception when provided with degenerate sprites. (UUM-37115)

  • 2D: Fixed dynamic batching to work with the Tilemap Renderer in Individual mode and the Sprite Renderer in URP when Renderers use a non-SRP batchable material and can be dynamically batched. (UUM-53185)

  • 2D: Fixed issue causing AnimatedTile to not animate in a player build. (UUM-55931)

  • 2D: Fixed issue with the TilemapCollider2D where the user updates Tiles in CompositeOperation.None and switches to CompositeOperation.Merge, and the collider shape is not updated accordingly. (UUM-58154)

  • 2D: Fixed local bounds of 2D Freeform Light from changing when scene is reloaded. (UUM-49000)

  • 2D: Fixed mem leak for ShadowCaster2D. (UUM-46391)

  • 2D: Fixed the Pixel Perfect Camera error when scale is set to 0. (UUM-40888)

  • 2D: Fixed the Tilemap Renderer by setting a default texture shader property so that it no longer uses the texture shader property from a previous renderer if the property is not set. (UUM-55308)

  • 2D: Fixed the high memory usage and crashing issue related to DynamicHeapAllocator::CreateTLSFBlock when opening project with Sprite Atlas V2 enabled. (UUM-43709)

  • 2D: Fixed the importing of sprite sheets with ISpriteEditorDataProvider so that it no longer generates broken sprites. (UUM-56410)

  • 2D: Fixed the issue causing a Sprite Atlas' secondary textures to not be rendered when used in a Shader Graph. (UUM-46398)

  • 2D: Fixed the Shader Graph light texture node to work correctly with prefabs and preview windows. (UUM-1946)

  • 2D: Fixed Tile's StartUp not being called when refreshed if the Tile has an instantiated GameObject. (UUM-57053)

  • 2D: Fixed URP Freeform Lights so that they no longer glitch when Light points are close to one another. (UUM-43318)

  • 2D: Fixed FullScreenRenderPass when using with the Pixel Perfect Camera. (UUM-34852)

  • 2D: Fixed GfxVersionList::Impl::GetVersion to no longer crash when opening the Project, Scene, and Game views. (UUM-35341)

  • 2D: Fixed TilemapCollider2D so it no longer crashes when a tilemap with tiles that have invalid Transform matrices is loaded. (UUM-41396)

  • 2D: Fixes Post Processing and Anti-aliasing during camera stacking when using Renderer2D. (UUM-40770)

  • 2D: Improved the performance of the Tilemap Renderer when you change material properties that does not require a BuildChunkJob. (UUM-53411)

  • 2D: Max Size is only applicable. On Master Textures and Secondary Textures always use the size as Master Texture (MainTex). (UUM-55671)

  • 2D: Removed the material upgrade dialog box during material upgrades for templates. (UUM-47093)

  • 2D: The Tilemap Renderer in Individual mode will use all secondary textures associated with sprites, when the sprites are using a Sprite Atlas texture with different secondary texture sources. (UUM-53666)

  • Accessibility: Fixed a crash when launching a project through the Android Studio debugger that uses the Screen Reader API while TalkBack is enabled on the test device. (A11Y-477)

  • Accessibility: Fixed accessibility nodes with the Slider role not being announced when focused with TalkBack. (A11Y-436)

  • Accessibility: Fixed an issue that prevented Unity from creating new AccessibilityNodes when the hierarchy is already active. (UUM-48004)

  • Accessibility: Fixed app hanging on iOS after turning VoiceOver on and off a few times. (UUM-62340)

  • Accessibility: Fixed fully off-screen accessibility nodes being skipped by TalkBack. (UUM-63462)

  • Accessibility: Fixed late update of isActive value on AccessibilityNode for Android issue.

  • Accessibility: Fixed the node that is focused on touch. (UUM-55447)

  • Accessibility: Replaced the broken AccessibilityNode.extraData API with AccessibilityNode.hint and made AccessibilityNode.selected an event. (UUM-44252)

  • AI: Clear the NavMesh.onPreUpdate callback list when entering play mode.

  • AI: Fix crash that happens when NavMesh Agents with active avoidance try to move between obstacles that carve the NavMesh in some particular locations (UUM-49214)

  • AI: Fixed an issue where NavMesh.onPreUpdate listeners would get cleared after MonoBehaviour.OnEnable has been called.

  • AI: Fixed crashes and instabilities arising from hiding built-in Navigation components in menus. (UUM-53002)

  • AI: Linked NavMeshAgent, NavMeshObstacle and OffMeshLink components to their documentation pages. (UUM-55359)

  • Android: Added Auto Rotation behavior to the Orientation section. (UUM-44021)

  • Android: Added missing super.onRequestPermissionsResult for onRequestPermissionsResult call for both Activity and GameActivity. (UUM-58225)

  • Android: Added symbol settings to Android build profile.

  • Android: AndroidJavaObject will correctl follow dispose pattern and will now call Dispose(false) from finalizer, previously it called Dispose(true). (UUM-53674)

  • Android: Applied a fix to correctly set the sensor name and vendor when reporting to the input system package. Previously only sensor type was being reported, while name and vendor were empty strings. (UUM-47130)

  • Android: Fix back gesture invoking UI elements (UUM-48818)

  • Android: Fixed a missing IPostGenerateGradleAndroidProject deprecation warning, it will be visible now. (UUM-57693)

  • Android: Fixed a bug where the Android Player setting Mute Other Audio Sources would not mute the audio from another application when the Player starts. There are two cases where another app's audio might not get muted when it should. This could happen if the other app is started before the Unity app or if the other app is played via the Android quick panel after the Unity app starts. (UUM-37753)

  • Android: Fixed a crash in development build when passing array of AndroidJavaObject to Java method. (UUM-60779)

  • Android: Fixed a crash, when one of the extracted il2cpp resource is delete in application data folder, in case like this, application will reextract il2cpp resources again. (UUM-46362)

  • Android: Fixed a potential race condition during pause routine, which would cause application to accidentally quit instead of pausing. (UUM-30732)

  • Android: Fixed ad banner disappearance after suspend/resume (UUM-57151)

  • Android: Fixed an Android AAudio issue, where audio output latency could be 300ms or more. (UUM-41494)

  • Android: Fixed an issue that caused custom keystore creation to fail in the Keystore Manager for Android applications. (UUM-46300)

  • Android: Fixed an issue when picking target API level which is not the highest installed API level, Unity will now show a dialog asking if you want install it and will install missing API level upon request, previously Unity would throw an error and would ask you to install API level manually. This new behavior will be available only in non batch mode, in batch mode you would still receive an error, the reason is to avoid potential implicit errors. (UUM-52052)

  • Android: Fixed an issue where AndroidJavaProxy cannot find private proxy methods. (UUM-44752)

  • Android: Fixed an issue where a black screen with centred app icon would appear before the splash screen. The black screen is now removed to only display the splash screen. (UUM-41488)

  • Android: Fixed an issue where a black screen would appear for a few seconds when returning to the game after a paused state. (UUM-30881)

  • Android: Fixed an issue where closing the touch screen keyboard incorrectly set TouchScreenKeyboard.hideInput to false. (UUM-39642)

  • Android: Fixed an issue where splash background color was not always editable for Android, even if a splash screen background image is set. (UUM-60293)

  • Android: Fixed an issue where the Android build system asked for an API level that didn't exist. (UUM-40891)

  • Android: Fixed an issue where the Player didn't update correctly when changed to a pop-up view using Swipe for Pop-up view feature in Samsung devices. (UUM-48173)

  • Android: Fixed an issue with downloading multiple asset packs in one request. (UUM-49133)

  • Android: Fixed an issue with JNI global reference table overflow when AndroidJavaObjects are deleted by garbage collector. (UUM-60727)

  • Android: Fixed an issue with with using AndroidJavaObject.Set() for AndroidJavaProxy. (UUM-59734)

  • Android: Fixed an issue with APP_CMD_WINDOW_INSETS_CHANGED to correctly report for GameActivity when soft keyboard is opened/closed. (UUM-47094)

  • Android: Fixed an OnApplicationQuit issue that was missing scripting calls on Activity. (UUM-46396)

  • Android: Fixed Android surface background color when rendering over native UI. (UUM-32877)

  • Android: Fixed Graphics.Blit with Vulkan PreTransform creating corrupted RenderTexture data in landscape orientation. (UUM-52910)

  • Android: Fixed Input.multiTouchEnabled setter. Previously, for some platform, if the setter was called before any touch event, the values would be disregarded. (UUM-47104)

  • Android: Fixed merged manifest path for permissions event. (UUM-51545)

  • Android: Fixed missing manifest.AddUsesPermissionSdk23 API in Configuration Manager.

  • Android: Fixed OnDemandRendering's ignored renderFrameInterval. (UUM-32486)

  • Android: Fixed patch button being disabled for active build profile.

  • Android: Fixed PersistentUnitySurface potentially crashing on destroy if given context is not an Activity.

  • Android: Fixed problem with usymtoolarm64 not being copied to exported Gradle project (UUM-53558)

  • Android: Fixed render sorting performance regression.

  • Android: Fixed screen brightness issue with Android phones, Oppo and Xiaomi, on which Screen.brigthness now returns correct values. Previously the values would sometimes be more than 1.0.

  • Android: Fixed Screen.brightness setter on Xiaomi phones with Android 11 or higher. The minimum screen brightness value will be capped at 0.04, since setting this value lower would default to system brightness setting. (UUM-47926)

  • Android: Fixed Screen.brigthness getter will adjust logarithmic scale for Android Pie or higher. (UUM-48141)

  • Android: Fixed Setting Screen.brightness is it will work correctly. It will be applied via https://developer.android.com/reference/android/view/WindowManager.LayoutParams#screenBrightness, thus system setting 'display brightness' will remain unaffected, thus not affecting other applications.

  • Android: Fixed SoftInput layout issue on some Android device (Samsung Android 12+ devices). (UUM-59379)

  • Android: Fixed SoftInput visibility issue on some Android device when hideInput is enabled (Samsung Android 12+ devices). (UUM-57858)

  • Android: Fixed the JNI:GetInternetReachability exception so that it no longer occurs when using APIs like Application.internetReachability when running with GameActivity. (UUM-42522)

  • Android: Fixed UnityEditor.Android.GradleDependencies.GetEngineGradleDependencies() to return game activity dependencies, when both Activity and GameActivity are selected in application entry points.

  • Android: Fixed unpatched activity tags in AndroidManifest. (UUM-40774)

  • Android: Fixed AndroidJavaProxy to correctly map Null variables (e.g, empty string) for reflection search and automatic tests. (UUM-30243)

  • Android: fullscreen mediaplayer autoresume on GameActivity (UUM-57153)

  • Android: Google play.asset-delivery package version is updated to 2.1.0 to solve PAD related compatibility problem with Android 14. (UUM-54157)

  • Android: Improved ANR recovery logic, Unity will try not to exceed ANR threshold (5 seconds) when pausing the application, in case of a failure to sync UI thread with main game thread, Unity will ignore the synchronization and will attempt to continue the application execution. You can also control the timeout for synchronization via UnityPlayerForActivityOrService.SynchronizationTimeout.setTimeoutForAll, an overridden activity java file is required for this purpose. Or perform a call via C# new AndroidJavaClass("com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerForActivityOrService$SynchronizationTimeout").CallStatic("setTimeoutForAll", 1000); (UUM-56705)

  • Android: Make it possible to target API Level 32, when building with GameActivity, in this case, Unity will downgrade the following package version - androidx.appcompat:appcompat 1.6.1 -&gt; 1.5.1, androidx.core:core 1.9.0 -&gt; 1.8.0 (UUM-61916)

  • Android: Removed deprecation warning for IPostGenerateGradleAndroidProject. (UUM-61103)

  • Android: Temporarily hide 'Upgrade templates to C#...' button in Player Settings.

  • Android: Temporarily hide AndroidProjectFiles properties - GradleProperties, GradleSettings, LauncherBuildGradle, LauncherManifest, ProjectLevelBuildGradle, UnityLibraryBuildGradle, UnityLibraryManifest until Google's EDM4U will no longer requires templates.

  • Android: UI integration for Android build profile settings.

  • Android: Updated BouncyCastle library version from 1.47 to 1.70 to fix security vulnerabilities. (UUM-13774)

  • Android: Updated GetEngineGradleDependencies() API to return asset pack dependencies. (UUM-21692)

  • Android: You can override UnityPlayerActivity.java, by placing the file directly in Unity project, this was accidentally broken with incremental build pipeline. (UUM-57761)

  • Animation: Fixed a crash when destroying an animator with a playable graph which containts a scene handle when the graph hasnt been executed. (UUM-48364)

  • Animation: Fixed a crash when loading asset bundle with an animation clip build with 2021.x or earlier. (UUM-59736)

  • Animation: Fixed a memory leak that occurred when opening a scene with a subscene containing animator objects. (UUM-40709)

  • Animation: Fixed a potential editor hang when previewing transitions to states set with an extremely large speed multiplier. (UUM-35558)

  • Animation: Fixed a transition preview issue that was ending before the target state has fully played. (UUM-59080)

  • Animation: Fixed an issue with mask values that occurred in the animation layer mixer when animated values were read from an animation C# job. (UUM-42174)

  • Animation: Fixed Animator.parameters returning 0 until you start play mode in some cases. (UUM-55778)

  • Animation: Fixed blend tree preview not displaying when inspecting blend tree. (UUM-54402)

  • Animation: Fixed bug where animation rigging constraints and AnimationScriptPlayable could not set translation on the hips of a humanoid, even if its root motion was disabled. (UUM-51103)

  • Animation: Fixed crash with multithreaded evaluation after calling ApplyOverrides on AnimatorOverrideController. (UUM-31848)

  • Animation: Fixed deleting StateMachine leaking outgoing transitions. (UUM-58996)

  • Animation: Fixed for a previous safety check on DiscreteCurve preventing the creation of curves when the specified binding path is not found. (UUM-56995)

  • Animation: Fixed incorrect display of the event markers in the FBX importer Animation tab. (UUM-49717)

  • Animation: Fixed issue where animation clips with discrete curves (animating enums) in asset bundles built before unity 2022 would not load properly. (UUM-40841)

  • Animation: Fixed size of Animator right panel when left panel is closed (UUM-46921)

  • Animation: Prevent UnityEditor.EditorCurveBinding.DiscreteCurve API from creating unsupported discrete curve bindings. (UUM-49567)

  • Apple TV: fixed build of generated xcode project with xcode beta. (UUM-44352)

  • Apple TV: Fixed on screen keyboard unresponsive to controller when Remote.allowExitToHome is set to false. (UUM-39962)

  • Asset Bundles: Added note about texture streaming in the AssetBundle.UnloadAllAssetBundles docs. (UUM-62176)

  • Asset Bundles: Fixed a deadlock in AssetBundleUnloadOperation. (UUM-48887)

  • Asset Bundles: Fixed an issue where a race condition during multiple Asset Bundle unload operations could result in a crash. (UUM-49715)

  • Asset Bundles: Fixed an issue where AssetBundles aren't rebuilt when the "BatchRendererGroup Variants" shader stripping setting is changed. (UUM-48757)

  • Asset Bundles: Fixed an issue where shaders in asset bundles built with older Unity versions treated material keywords as invalid when using SubShaders.

  • Asset Bundles: Fixed hangs with GC and crashes in Content File loading.

  • Asset Import: Fixed an issue where an fbx with missing materials would cause a crash during import. (UUM-53167)

  • Asset Import: Fixed assertion errors that occur when importing case insensitive plugins. (UUM-55556)

  • Asset Import: Fixed closing the editor after reverting the properties in editor. It now resets the m_DirtyIndex to 0. (UUM-21202)

  • Asset Import: Fixed issue where "Multiple plugins with the same name" error occurs when importing bundle files in .androidpack folders on Mac. (UUM-35317)

  • Asset Import: Fixed Mac texture size limit bug and Arm64 macOS compatibility by updating PVRTexTool from v4.17 to v5.5. (UUM-3775)

  • Asset Pipeline: Accelerator settings accessors check for null settings ptr. (UUM-46142)

  • Asset Pipeline: Fixed an issue where a transient artifact was not destroyed when a script asset had GUID changed. (UUM-41123)

  • Asset Pipeline: Prevent folders hidden in Project Browser causing new empty folders. (UUM-33443)

  • Audio: Added lazy loopEnd evaluation to avoid keeping a value of 0. Downloaded audio files were were not updating this, causing a division by zero in the playback process. (UUM-32163)

  • Audio: Fix crash when AudioSource set to loop with AudioRandomContainer set to automatic + pulse + time 0 (no randomization) (UUM-47270)

  • Audio: Fixed a crash that occurred when entering and leaving playmode while a game object is selected in the hierarchy. (UUM-58481)

  • Audio: Fixed a performance issue that would occur when having many inactive audio sources in a scene. (UUM-52194)

  • Audio: Fixed an issue that caused the clip volume in the Audio Random Container window to appear as if it is magically synchronised with the main volume.

  • Audio: Fixed an issue in the audio random container where the sliders in some cases would push the textfield out of the window when randomisation is enabled. (UUM-57188)

  • Audio: Fixed an issue that caused the Audio Random Container window to constantly repaint. (UUM-49804)

  • Audio: Fixed an issue that made it difficult to see the icons on the Audio Random Container in light mode. (UUM-40487)

  • Audio: Fixed an issue that occurred when selecting a game object with an audio source that points to an audio random container. The issue would throw an UI error in the editor console. (UUM-54810)

  • Audio: Fixed an issue that occurs when you change the resource field on an AudioSource from one AudioRandomContainer to another and press play. (UUM-49293)

  • Audio: Fixed an issue that prevented signals generated via OnAudioFilterRead from functioning as expected. (UUM-58426)

  • Audio: Fixed an issue that would cause scheduled clips in the Audio Random Container to be prematurely stopped when enabling scene audio. (UUM-52755)

  • Audio: Fixed an issue that would cause the ARC to crash for certain parameter settings. (UUM-54898)

  • Audio: Fixed an issue that would cause undo/redo to sometimes work incorrectly for the Audio Random Container resource field. (UUM-62119)

  • Audio: Fixed an issue that would make it appear is if the volume of audio random container clips is magically synced to the main volume of the asset.

  • Audio: Fixed an issue that would sometimes cause a game object to throw an error in the log when drawing the game objects inspector, if the game object implements OnAudioFilterRead. (UUM-61145)

  • Audio: Fixed an issue where non-streaming audio clips loaded through UnityWebRequest were using up more memory than needed by keeping two copies of the same data. (UUM-2391)

  • Audio: Fixed Audio Reverb Zone's not being affected by the Global Volume setting when the Spatial Blend of the Audio Source is lower than 1. (UUM-18191)

  • Audio: Fixed AudioMixer clicks when abruptly changing volume in Start() (UUM-368)

  • Audio: Fixed AudioRendererLeakTest timeout

  • Audio: Fixed AudioSource.Play() not starting from time=0 after manually seeking with AudioSource.time and then calling AudioSource.Stop(). (UUM-48572)

  • Audio: Fixed clip list in the AudioRandomContainer editor window not redrawing correctly after undoing a reorder of the list elements. (UUM-54744)

  • Audio: Fixed crash when resetting AudioSettings during async object loading. (UUM-10237)

  • Audio: Fixed exception being thrown when collapsing and expanding the clip list in the AudioRandomContainer editor window. (UUM-46923)

  • Audio: Fixed exposed parameters in audio mixers not being applied in standalone builds. (UUM-52523)

  • Audio: Fixed issue where creating an audio source while the editor window for the AudioRandomContainer asset was open could throw an error. (UUM-55731)

  • Audio: Fixed issue where interacting with the editor window for the AudioRandomContainer asset could possibly break the rendering of other windows, e.g. the scene view. (UUM-55116)

  • Audio: Fixed issue where the editor window for the AudioRandomContainer asset would throw an error after restoring an asset with unsaved changes from outside the editor. (UUM-58713)

  • Audio: Fixed issue where the editor window for the AudioRandomContainer asset would throw an error every frame after deleting the selected asset and docking the window. (UUM-58713)

  • Audio: Fixed issue where the editor would possibly crash when clicking the preview button in the editor window for AudioRandomContainer. (UUM-45676)

  • Audio: Fixed not being able to undo adding a clip to the list via drag-and-drop in the AudioRandomContainer editor window. (UUM-32031)

  • Audio: Fixed the mixer pitch issue not applying correctly to AudioRandomContainer scheduling. (UUM-43495)

  • Audio: Fixee a crash that occurs when you change the resource field on an AudioSource from one AudioRandomContainer to another and press play. (UUM-49287)

  • Audio: [Android] Fixed a crash when an audio device is recording, either the device is disconnected or AudioSettings.Reset is called, and then the recorded AudioClip properties are accessed. (UUM-45665)

  • Audio: [Platform Audio] Add .buginfo for Code Ownership &amp; Issue Handling.

  • Bug Reporter: Fixed an issue that could cause Bug Reporter project archives to fail when creating multiple editor instances with the MPMM package. (UUM-53115)

  • Build Pipeline: Fixed adding or removing assets to bundles will cause other assets to be rebuilt. (UUM-57495)

  • Build Pipeline: Fixed an issue that generated incorrect AssetBundle dependencies. (UUM-43175)

  • Build Pipeline: Fixed AssetBundle incremental build so that it detects script namespace and assembly changes. (UUM-35766)

  • Build Pipeline: Improved the performance of "Write data build dirty tracking information" for AssetBundle builds. (UUM-46585)

  • Build Pipeline: Log error in editor rather than closing the editor if building a player failed due to invalid inputs. (UUM-40764)

  • Build Pipeline: Enable Dedicated Server optimizations option fails on incremental Asset Bundle builds. (UUM-32589)

  • Build System: clang fails when header file mtimes are updated and a precompiled header isn't regenerated. (UUM-44429)

  • Build System: Fixed a compile database generation crash and duplicate entries when using dependencies.

  • Build System: Fixed an issue where building a player could fail because of file paths being longer than 260 characters on Windows.

  • Build System: Fixed an issue where building a player could fail because of file paths being longer than 260 characters on Windows. (UUM-49428)

  • Build System: Fixed pigz-mac-aarch64 artifact which previously was a linux binary. (UUM-42368)

  • Build System: Maked MsvcInstallationLocator.ParseVSWhereResult accept input with a BOM.

  • Burst: Burst recompiles assemblies due to hashes mismatching because of the way assembly defines are combined into the hash.

  • Burst: Fixed a bug where Burst would emit errors when Burst was disabled via the --burst-disable-compilation command line option.

  • Burst: Fixed a compile-time performance regression that could result in slower Burst compilation and increased memory use during compilation.

  • Burst: Fixed a compiler crash that would occur when compiling different assemblies that define methods or types with an identical name and namespace.

  • Burst: Fixed a crash that would occur when Burst could not find an external function.

  • Burst: Fixed an error that would occur when trying to use a direct call to a nested protected class.

  • Burst: Fixed an error thrown by the Burst Inspector when opening a non-static job with special characters in its name.

  • Burst: Fixed an issue that caused an empty variable to be returned if it is between a zero initializer.

  • Burst: Fixed an issue that prevented jobs from being Burst compiled for player builds using the high stripping level.

  • Burst: Fixed an issue when converting a uint to a float.

  • Burst: Fixed an issue where Burst sometimes returned an incorrect value for static readonly fields or static constructors.

  • Burst: Fixed an issue where converting a negated unsigned type to a float in Burst would produce a different value than converting in .Net/Mono.

  • Burst: Fixed an issue where storing avx2 to the stack resulted in a slot with the wrong alignment.

  • Burst: Fixed an issue where the Burst Inspector would handle negation of unsigned types differently than .Net for static readonly fields or static constructors.

  • Burst: Fixed an issue where underflows of nint and nuint at compile time would lead to incorrect code.

  • Burst: Fixed an issue where use of certain intrinsics could cause a compile error even if properly guarded by the appropriate IsXXXSupported property.

  • Burst: Fixed an issue where using the Armv9 target in the Burst Inspector would not correctly format the assembly.

  • Burst: Fixed an issue where, if a compilation error occurred in a location without valid debug information, building a player might not generate any files and wouldn't display an error message.

  • Burst: Fixed android builds throwing a NullReferenceException.

  • Burst: Fixed arithmetic and bitwise negation on native integers.

  • Burst: Fixed burst not differentiating between overloaded generic functions such as T foo(int val) and T foo(T val) when the function calls are foo(1); foo&lt;int&gt;(1). Burst would previously only compile the T foo(T val) function.

  • Burst: Fixed constant SHUFFLE function not seen as a constant when called indirectly through a FunctionPointer.

  • Burst: Fixed incorrect alignment for v128 when performing an indirect access.

  • Burst: Fixed invalid burst string formats leading to internal compiler error.

  • Burst: Fixed QNX player builds on 32-bit ARM

  • Burst: Fixed that changing certain player build platform settings (like SDK version) would not trigger Burst to recompile.

  • Burst: Fixed the Burst Inspector not displaying target methods if namespace/class contained the method name.

  • Burst: Fixed the managed fallback for bursts intrinsic functions cvt_ss2si, cvtss_si32, and cvtss_si64 to follow midpoint rounding standard of nearest even.

  • Burst: Fixed System.NotImplementedException: Unimplemented Instruction Extension Tail_ error when the code contained tail-calls.

  • Burst: For native debug information, type symbols can now be referenced using :: separator between namespaces (C++ style) - E.g. Example.Type becomes Example::Type.

  • Burst: If an exception is thrown from burst compiled code in the Editor on Windows there was potential for certain callee saved registers to be corrupted. In order to fix this ( editor only - player builds are unaffected), we now save some additional context on each entry point.

  • Burst: Linking libstdc++/libc++ statically on HMI platforms.

  • Burst: Native debug information would fail to reflect the contents of parameters to functions.

  • Core: Fies Probe Volume helpbox refers to "simplification levels" which is inconsistent with other UI. (UUM-49254)

  • Core: Fixed a data race inside the job system where weak memory systems could hang when waiting and attempting to steal parallel work submitted from another thread. (UUM-41806)

  • Core: Fixed an issue that caused the Jobs project to fail when EditModeAndPlayMode/Jobs is run over three times. (UUM-40042)

  • Core: Fixed an issue where importing a hybrid package could fail if there was already a package with a prefix of the hybrid package's UPM package name. (UUM-43102)

  • Core: Fixed an issue where object creation was recorded on a non-main thread which caused a nullptr in the ObjectDispatcher.

  • Core: Fixed APV compilation on webgl. (UUM-56418)

  • Core: Fixed blending scenario option visible on URP. (UUM-48529)

  • Core: Fixed error when clearing APV data. (UUM-49469)

  • Core: Fixed GameObject being set to dirty after setting layer to the existing layer value.

  • Core: Fixed the location of the light probe's intensity scale control. (UUM-47263)

  • Core: Fixed the wizard so it does not ask to upgrade when an upgrade is not required.

  • Core: Fixed tooltip. (UUM-54574)

  • Core: Improved shutdown sequence. (UUM-29648)

  • Core: Updated ForEach jobs to no longer allocate internal data using the TempJob allocator to prevent leaks specific to warnings for long-running jobs. (UUM-45532)

  • Documentation: Update documentation on SystemInfo.hdrDisplaySupportFlags. (UUM-59911)

  • Documentation: Updated the Applying default presets to Assets by folder documentation example to prevent an import infinite loop error. (UUM-44046)

  • DX12: Fixed a crash caused by allocating too many descriptor heaps in DirectX 12 and ray tracing. (UUM-40496)

  • DX12: Fixed a memory leak in DX12 when the profiler was open. (UUM-29297)

  • DX12: Fixed a rare crash when using ray traced reflections in HDRP. (UUM-41580)

  • DX12: Fixed an issue that caused the error "ReleaseDynamicVBOFrame: Unexpected frame". TryDequeue was not being used properly internally, which would cause wrong frame dequeues and a frame mistach ID.

  • DX12: Fixed an issue where sub meshes were invisible in ray tracing effects on AMD GPUs. (UUM-44073)

  • DX12: Fixed enable_ray_tracing_shader_debug_symbols pragma not making HLSL source code available when debugging Ray Tracing shaders in PIX or NVIDIA NSIGHT. (UUM-46164)

  • DX12: Fixed for Intel GPU driver crash when querying multisample quality levels with sampler feedback formats and sample counts larger than 1. (UUM-47661)

  • DX12: Removing assert that was added accidentally "ReleaseDynamicVBOFrame: Expected node in client scratch release queue" in dx12.<br> Explanation:<br> This was a previous fix were ReleaseDynamimcVBOFrame: Unexpected frame kept spamming. This fix did not remove another assert "ReleaseDynamicVBOFrame: Expected node in client scratch release queue" which is now included in this change.<br> The expectation is that dx12 should now not produce any TTY errors when opening / closing projects. (UUM-28962)

  • Editor: "Assertion failed on expression" errors spammed due to an attachment limit. (UUM-42643)

  • Editor: - Fixed OnMouseDown not working when using multiple displays that have been resized or moved (Display C# API) on Windows.<br>

    • Fixed Display.RelativeMouseAt() reporting invalid values when using multiple displays that have been resized or moved (Display C# API) on Windows.<br>
    • Fix Input.mousePosition reporting invalid values when using multiple displays (Display C# API) on Windows. (UUM-44474)
  • Editor: Add placeholder label in inspector for uninitialized managed reference. This provides parity with IMGUI behavior. (UUM-54080)

  • Editor: Added a fix to prevent log warnings from appearing when a Progress is registered. (UUM-39631)

  • Editor: Added a space in contextual menu for TMP. (UUM-55626)

  • Editor: Added a tooltip for all properties in the Search auto complete dialog to have the complete property name. (UUM-35583)

  • Editor: Added a top-level memory scope to prevent temporary memory leak. (UUM-39899)

  • Editor: Added a warning for when the Editor doesn't have screen recording permissions to pick colors from other apps with the color picker tool. (UUM-770)

  • Editor: Added an inspector option to remove unused properties. (UUM-39647)

  • Editor: Added character limit of 1024 to context menu search field. (UUM-45672)

  • Editor: Added command line argument to select active build profile.

  • Editor: Added context menu tooltips for build profile window.

  • Editor: Added horizontal scrolling to the Windows Editor when holding the Shift key and scrolling with a mouse.

  • Editor: Added IDisposable support for both decorators and property drawers. Now, when the Editor is destroyed, the IDisposable feature allows for automated cleanup, making it easier to safely remove the drawer from editor event subscriptions and efficiently manage resources. (UUM-44220)

  • Editor: Added MultiColumnListView editor bindings. (UIT-2079)

  • Editor: Added reporting of allocation errors that used to cause a crash. (UUM-41211)

  • Editor: Added support to foldouts bound to SerializedProperty.isExpanded to open all child foldouts when you hold the Alt key and select the foldout. (UUM-36151)

  • Editor: Added support to make newly created ScriptableSingleton instances editable. (UUM-40767)

  • Editor: Addressed an editor inconsistency where shortcuts for GameObject actions weren't shown in the Scene Hierarchy context menu. (UUM-55597)

  • Editor: Allow searching for values in Query Builder propositions in camelcase.

  • Editor: Appended numbers to shortcut profiles with the default name "New profile" to differentiate them from each other. (UUM-35742)

  • Editor: Avoid a type initialization exception that can occur on Apple Silicon when a .NET executable is run as part of the Unity Editor tooling. (UUM-44304)

  • Editor: Build profile and context menu integration. It's possible to duplicate, delete and rename build profiles from build profile window.

  • Editor: Bunch of small improvements for Global Settings and Graphics Settings.

  • Editor: Changed lens flare behavior to ignore Camera Culling Masks. (UUM-44191)

  • Editor: Changed the behaviour of the Rendering Layer Mask option UnusedLayer31 to select all layers except UnusedLayer31. (UUM-29344)

  • Editor: Closing the gradient editor window prior to closing the gradient color picker window will no longer prevent the gradient color picker window from being opened again. (UUM-45382)

  • Editor: Copying shared scenes when duplicating a classic build profile.

  • Editor: Corrected load Editor Sharpness on first use. (UUM-44470)

  • Editor: Custom bindings should be preserved when converting subgraph properties into subgraphs. (UUM-46780)

  • Editor: Disable unstable test (UUM-49538)

  • Editor: Disabled started animation in DetachFromPanelEvent callback. (UUM-45660)

  • Editor: Disabling build and build and run buttons and displaying warning when editor is compiling or when virtual texturing is enabled and not valid for build profile window.

  • Editor: Editor crash fix with entities.graphics if "projector component" is in a scene (UUM-34313)

  • Editor: EditorApplication.focusChanged now gets triggered using operating system dependent application focus events. (UUM-41894)

  • Editor: Ensure starting Unity doesn't restart Indexing. (UUM-55851)

  • Editor: Ensure X is visible in Picker mode if needed, and that pressing X actually return back to the initial query. (UUM-61201)

  • Editor: Ensured that instance ID is setup within built-in fragment shaders prior to crossfade dither macro calls, which uses the shader instanced property unity_LODFadeArray. (UUM-48066)

  • Editor: Ensured that that APV data is not written into the LightProbes object. (UUM-53434)

  • Editor: Ensured we do not change the scroll area if a selection is identical. (UUM-47748)

  • Editor: Enum fields shown as Integer when serialized in a nested structure (UUM-47081)

  • Editor: Fix an issue where the Columns and Rows values are not updating in a TextureImporter preset. (UUM-59090)

  • Editor: Fix APV debug shaders names and tags on URP (UUM-47145)

  • Editor: Fix crash when reordering some nested lists in MonoBehaviours (UUM-47108)

  • Editor: Fix issue where scene view wireframe mode and shaded wireframe mode would not work with GPU driven enabled.

  • Editor: Fix that a bad merge of scene file can cause a crash in RuntimeSceneManager::UnloadAllScenesWithoutDestroyingGameObjects when exiting Play Mode. (UUM-53145)

  • Editor: Fix that Scene view's: "Frame Selected" is not working for GameObjects in Sub Scenes for Entities (UUM-53521)

  • Editor: Fix to make sure Clear commands work when using RenderPass API and Vulkan (UUM-41126)

  • Editor: Fixed "ArgumentNullException" error in the Console when selecting certain ScriptableObjects and entering Play Mode. (UUM-39898)

  • Editor: Fixed "Assertion failed on expression: '!m_InsideContext'" error in editor console. (UUM-46849)

  • Editor: Fixed "Invalid memory pointer was detected" error in native layout code. (UUM-51256)

  • Editor: Fixed "UnityException: Could not find the requested Platform Texture Settings" error that was thrown when selecting a texture when the Dedicated Server Build Support module was installed and the Build Target was missing from the texture's metadata. (UUM-44737)

  • Editor: Fixed a bug on Linux where the Edit menu was displaying the wrong default shortcut for Delete. (UUM-59833)

  • Editor: Fixed a bug that caused a font asset to be recreated with every domain reload. (UUM-32171)

  • Editor: Fixed a bug that caused a warning to display in Visual Studio 2022 about Unity.UIToolkit.SourceGenerator.UxmlSerializedDataGenerator. (UUM-41432)

  • Editor: Fixed a bug that caused the Sprite preview to not display after exiting PLay mode in a project with URP. (UUM-41498)

  • Editor: Fixed a bug that prevented ProjectCapabilityManager.AddGameCenter() from adding the required entitlement. (UUM-44172)

  • Editor: Fixed a bug where dangling mouse shortcuts are called on a MouseUp event with a null context. (UUM-56283)

  • Editor: Fixed a bug where pressing the RenderDoc capture button in the Game view dock would incorrectly throw errors. (UUM-45877)

  • Editor: Fixed a bug where the Edit Collider button was missing from the GameObject property window for specific selection criteria. (UUM-33811)

  • Editor: Fixed a bug where the variant Inspector context was not disabled after being disabled. (UUM-44331)

  • Editor: Fixed a bug where the width of the context menu would fluctuate depending on its longest visible item. (UUM-48374)

  • Editor: Fixed a cpu water simulation issue. (UUM-59365)

  • Editor: Fixed a crash caused by Leak Detection Mode: EnabledWithStackTrace when tracked allocations are made on worker threads (UUM-51798)

  • Editor: Fixed a crash in audio mixer when loading assets that are corrupted. (UUM-43714)

  • Editor: Fixed a crash in PreviewTextureManager when changing materials while play-mode is active. (UUM-44179)

  • Editor: Fixed a crash in shortcut generation on Mac OS. (UUM-56950)

  • Editor: Fixed a crash issue that occured when importing large FBX files. (UUM-38104)

  • Editor: Fixed a crash issue withAudioMixer.SetFloat that occured when entering the Play mode. (UUM-35984)

  • Editor: Fixed a crash on WalkTypeTreeInternal when updating field on a scriptable object. (UUM-34559)

  • Editor: Fixed a crash related to throwing BuildFailedException in BuildProcessor.PrepareForBuild (UUM-62231)

  • Editor: Fixed a crash that occured when scrolling through context menus with the auto expand delay set to 0. (UUM-36604)

  • Editor: Fixed a crash that occurred in deleted GameObjects as overrides. (UUM-45217)

  • Editor: Fixed a crash that occurred when loading certain corrupted scenes. (UUM-43713)

  • Editor: Fixed a crash that would occur when the memorysetup-job-temp-allocator-block-size property was unaligned to the power of 2. (UUM-42428)

  • Editor: Fixed a crash that would occur when trying to reopen a project that has Package Manager resolution errors. (UUM-43054)

  • Editor: Fixed a crash when baking lightmaps with light cookies smaller than 32x32. (UUM-43149)

  • Editor: Fixed a crash when destroying a GameObject while selecting it in the Scene View. (UUM-10412)

  • Editor: Fixed a crash when opening context menu while editing delayed text field on Mac (UUM-44009)

  • Editor: Fixed a crash when running with -nographics and Universal RP. (UUM-61538)

  • Editor: Fixed a deadlock in Mac editor when in game mode and toggling vsync off. (UUM-49755)

  • Editor: Fixed a delayed inspector reload after RP switch issue. (UUM-46943)

  • Editor: Fixed a GPU crash on some platforms using HLSLcc when sampling probe volumes in the pixel shader in URP. (UUM-40621)

  • Editor: Fixed a issue that caused tooltips on a disabled MenuItem to not work.

  • Editor: Fixed a issue where rich text was not rendering in EditorGUILayout.HelpBox. (UUM-44245)

  • Editor: Fixed a issue where the value of all password arguments provided from the command line in the editor logs were not hidden. (UUM-52202)

  • Editor: Fixed a Linux crash related to MenuItem Validate() calling Menu.SetChecked(). (UUM-49439)

  • Editor: Fixed a misleading error message when renaming a shortcut profile to a long string. (UUM-48040)

  • Editor: Fixed a performance regression in the TextureImporter. (UUM-36303)

  • Editor: Fixed a race condition in Profiler Recorder which led to a crash. (UUM-44946)

  • Editor: Fixed a rare case where the editor would repeatedly ask to reset user layouts on startup. (UUM-48800)

  • Editor: Fixed a rare deadlock that could occur when building DOTS based projects. (UUM-46148)

  • Editor: Fixed a regression where the 'convert to property' context menu option on constant value nodes would fail. (UUM-55342)

  • Editor: Fixed a shortcut conflict that would appear when clicking with the left mouse button in the Scene View and when the pan tool was enabled in the Tools overlay.

  • Editor: Fixed a typo for the exception message thrown from the InvokeRepeating method. (UUM-45420)

  • Editor: Fixed alignment issues with the Label and Value fields when editing LazyLoadReference and MinMaxGradient fields. (UUM-29883)

  • Editor: Fixed an Editor crash if a compilation error happened during import from code altering compilation assets during activate. (UUM-58299)

  • Editor: Fixed an editor crashes with a callstack resulting in validateMenuItem. (UUM-33727)

  • Editor: Fixed an error appearing in the shortcut manager while editing bindings. (UUM-47946)

  • Editor: Fixed an exception when selection a transition inside a sync layer, in the Animator window. (UUM-59739)

  • Editor: Fixed an incremental rebuild error when the build contained VideoClip or VideoPlayer object types.

  • Editor: Fixed an initialized SerializedObject and EnabledProperty in Editor issue. (UUM-52682)

  • Editor: Fixed an invalid texture binding in worldspace. (UUM-58524)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue by using the active Scene view instead of the one that is currently being drawn in SceneViewViewpoint's UpdateViewpointMotion method.

  • Editor: Fixed an issue for macOS where maniulating the game view during Play Mode caused deadlocks.

  • Editor: Fixed an issue in Frame Debugger where the Editor would crash when it retrieved keywords for a custom Compute Shader. (UUM-33301)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue in Frame Debugger where the Event Sliders and Buttons didn't update the window properly. (UUM-37778)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue in FrameDebugger that caused incorrect font sizes in the tree view to display. (UUM-30317)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue in the Editor window so it now minimizes correctly after being clicked on in the Windows taskbar. (UUM-44284)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue in URP's Forward+ reflection probe tiling. (UUM-58983)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue on macOS and Linux where the control shortcut modifier (^) was not displaying when introduced inside a custom menu window. (UUM-40686)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue related to building to windows network paths. (UUM-52668)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue that caused the context menu to break when overriding auto expand delay setting to no delay. (UUM-41764)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue that caused the Editor to freeze after selecting large compressed cubemaps with no mipchain. (UUM-28610)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue that prevented pasting text into some fields of the Package Manager window. (UUM-42932)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue that truncated a warning message in UIBuilder. (UUM-40427)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue were Menu items were disabled on macOS if a dropdown is a component of a modal window. (UUM-53549)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue when the build profile workflow diagnostic flag is enabled, on OSX platform, the user build settings' getters and setters forward to the respective setting in OSX classic build profile. The internal platform settings in EditorUserBuildSettings stay in sync with the classic build profile for that target platform when using EditorUserBuildSettings::SetPlatformSettings and EditorUserBuildSettings::GetPlatformSettings directly.

  • Editor: Fixed an issue when the build profile workflow diagnostic flag is enabled, on Windows Standalone and UWP platforms, the platform build settings forward to the respective setting in Windows Standalone (player and server)/UWP classic build profiles and vice-versa.

  • Editor: Fixed an issue when the build profile workflow diagnostic flag was enabled, on Android platform, the platform build settings forward to the respective setting in Android classic build profiles and vice-versa.

  • Editor: Fixed an issue where "Char" values were overwritten when selecting multiple GameObjects. (UUM-49347)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue where Delete Shortcut Profile window was not a fixed size. (UUM-48165)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue where 2D collider gizmos were not rendered when selecting the parent. (UUM-41829)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue where a delay and an extra space could occur on a new context menu. (UUM-40254)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue where active custom build profile shouldn't get reset when setting a property in EditorUserBuildSettings that doesn't exist in the BuildProfilePlatformSettingsBase.

  • Editor: Fixed an issue where an error message was not displayed if selected denoiser was not supported. (UUM-26098)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue where an invalid error was given. (UUM-34635)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue where an unable to load icon error message could appear on package import for global editor tools.

  • Editor: Fixed an issue where context menus could persist after domain reload if they were opened just before the reload. (UUM-36954)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue where Dirty Assets were not being duplicated in the Project window. (UUM-41536)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue where Esc did not cancel color assignment on Mac. (UUM-37966)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue where Esc would not reset (clear) the ProjectBrowser searchfield. (UUM-43503)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue where Frame Debugger captures can become unstable.

  • Editor: Fixed an issue where HierarchyPropertyId was not directly useful in managed and is now internal. (UUM-53085)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue where InputManager was not being reset when calling EditorUtility.DisplayDialog() on Windows/Linux. (UUM-58579)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue where NodeHandlers defines in Native code have their C# Init and Dispose functions were not called properly. (UUM-53954)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue where printing the physical file path when Unity would not find a corrupted artifact file. (UUM-53919)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue where projects would sometimes crash following an editor version upgrade if their project contained js.meta files. (UUM-57909)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue where rich text tags did not support single quotes tags. (UUM-59167)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue where screen space reflection debug lines did not appear (HDRP-3060)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue where setting AppendHashToAssetBundleName to true would sometimes cause code that should be preserved to be stripped. (UUM-48574)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue where shader was not SRP Batcher compatible when using array in UnityPerMaterial cbuffer. (UUM-52178)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue where some context menu items would send the Editor application window to the background. (UUM-37286)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue where sometimes the cloud project ID does not get included in the build.

  • Editor: Fixed an issue where SRP Batcher would not break the batch properly if a computebuffer is used in a material. (UUM-55669)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue where the default value of the Compress Textures on Import setting was changed. (UUM-41982)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue where the default value was not added for texture compression format.

  • Editor: Fixed an issue where the Editor height would shrink when changing the layout. (UUM-30875)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue where the GameView Scale slider was reading the display Scale from the wrong display. (UUM-42833)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue where the hierarchy wouldn't repaint after cutting and pasting a game object. (UUM-53037)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue where the hotkey would appear in the label of the selected item of a UIElements.PopupField and a EditorGUILayout.Popup. (UUM-6243)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue where the KeyDown event from the Context menu's search field would be propagated to other windows. (UUM-55638)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue where the middle mouse button was not centering the SceneView on the selected object. (UUM-58466)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue where the ObjectField would show the wrong label when showing mixed values. (UUM-52962)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue where the offset of a camera position was incorrect when using the light placement tool. (UUM-47863)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue where the project browser lock icon would ping for items that could not actually be framed. (UUM-47122)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue where the script did not compiled with a certain folder/asmdef configuration in the Assets folder.

  • Editor: Fixed an issue where there were not any safety checks and proper error messages for indirect draw commands. (UUM-37103)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue where transparent shadows on objects were not rendered correctly when static batching. (UUM-36082)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue where Allocator.Temp memory would internally deallocate memory aggressively and result in temp memory performance regressions.<br> Fixed an issue where flushing on the main thread would cause memory stomp using Allocator.Temp. (UUM-45113)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue where ManagedTempMemScope was not always correctly created on job worker threads, which could lead to errors being thrown when using Allocator.Temp. (UUM-45483)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue with HelpBox not parsing escape sequence correctly. (UUM-40338)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue with Frame Debugger to prevent textures from leaking when inspecting shadowmaps. (UUM-32862)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue with text not being displayed under certain conditions. (UUM-53949)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue with the Colors Inspector window, where the DrawAAPolyLine method modified the source color values. (UUM-7840)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue with the Check for Updates window displayed in the Window &gt; Panels dropdown menu even when it's meant to be closed. (UUM-26519)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue with the derived components not indexing in Prefabs properly. (UUM-41735)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue with the GameView warning message overlapping the toolbar. (UUM-32297)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue with the preview window displaying an empty space at the bottom, which was caused by the preview container. (UUM-49716)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue with the Windows Player where an incorrect resolution is used and reported by Screen.width and Screen.height. This occurred when the player was started on a monitor with different DPI settings compared to the main Windows monitor. (UUM-41799)

  • Editor: Fixed and issue where the TextField selection is too sensitive. (UUM-15800)

  • Editor: Fixed APV virtual offsets or sky occulsion baking for big meshes. (UUM-52552)

  • Editor: Fixed blinking icon in the Cameras overlay. (UUM-37467)

  • Editor: Fixed blocky artifacts on volumetric clouds when volumetric fog wa enabled. (UUM-59698)

  • Editor: Fixed build errors due when switching between build targets using buildPlayer command line options. (UUM-34899)

  • Editor: Fixed Burst exception callstacks incorrectly excluding first stack frame (UUM-53573)

  • Editor: Fixed case where closing a docked window could result in overlapping sibling windows. (UUM-41817)

  • Editor: Fixed casting integers to memory labels. (UUM-57246)

  • Editor: Fixed Child object not correctly destructed during scene unloading when detached from its parent in OnDestroy V2 (UUM-35019)

  • Editor: Fixed Cmd+Ctrl+Q shortcut closing the Editor on macOS.<br> Fixed Ctrl key is ignored when creating shortcuts with Cmd key. (UUM-48077)

  • Editor: Fixed color glyphs not being displayed when using IME. (UUM-55755)

  • Editor: Fixed Color Space so it no longer triggers an incorrect RenderTexture warning when you change color space. (UUM-16386)

  • Editor: Fixed compute shaders in Vulkan so you can now use reserved GLSL words as buffer variable names. (UUM-41272)

  • Editor: Fixed context menu inlining menu string shortcuts containing the Enter key (UUM-40161)

  • Editor: Fixed context menu scrolling through items via keyboard getting stuck (UUM-42917)

  • Editor: Fixed context menu search field not showing the Cut, Copy, Paste menu when right clicking and the field was empty. (UUM-51688)

  • Editor: Fixed copy properties on material variants. (UUM-53121)

  • Editor: Fixed copying properties between materials not correctly dealing with color space. (UUM-47973)

  • Editor: Fixed CPU architecture in the Plugin Inspector resetting when the user applied changes. (UUM-45756)

  • Editor: Fixed crash in tlsf when doing large allocation. (UUM-56232)

  • Editor: Fixed Crash on ContainerWindow::ToggleMaximize when EditorWindow is closed during Undo (UUM-48402)

  • Editor: Fixed crash when opening project with corrupted library (DBVersion corrupted) (UUM-41316)

  • Editor: Fixed crashes in the menu controller that happened during a domain reload. (UUM-34847, UUM-35943)

  • Editor: Fixed creating and cloning new VolumeProfiles through the Global Settings UI so that it no longer creates an empty asset on disk. (UUM-45909)

  • Editor: Fixed default and secondary action invocation in Search window (keyboard + double-click) (UUM-55883)

  • Editor: Fixed depthnormals texture under 2-pass shader. (UUM-56610)

  • Editor: Fixed Diagnostics Preference Page not showing up correctly after clicking on button in the warning message. (UUM-60295)

  • Editor: Fixed dialogs in Windows so new line characters work correctly. (UUM-42521)

  • Editor: Fixed duplicate menu separator when displaying Undo menu for Show Latest Action First/Last. (UUM-44338)

  • Editor: Fixed editor crash when right clicking on curve field. (UUM-44471)

  • Editor: Fixed Editor freezes when PrefabUtility.LoadPrefabContents is called in AssetPostprocessor.OnPostprocessAllAssets for a moved prefab. (UUM-54362)

  • Editor: Fixed empty slots appearing in the context menus when separators were grouped together. (UUM-52397)

  • Editor: Fixed error thrown from UnityYAMLMerge when comparing similar sequences. (UUM-31240)

  • Editor: Fixed errors when using open containing folder in two pane Project Browser (UUM-35952)

  • Editor: Fixed flickering due to intensity being changed during the first frame. (UUM-57173)

  • Editor: Fixed flipping scale of water surface. (UUM-54974)

  • Editor: Fixed Floating window does not stay on top of the Editor when clicking anywhere on the main Editor window. (UUM-53157)

  • Editor: Fixed foam accumulation in editor. (UUM-56020)

  • Editor: Fixed for 2023.3.X: Calling TrackPropertyValue from ListView.bindItem can throw an exception. (UUM-46918)

  • Editor: Fixed gameassembly.so is copied to the parent folder of the linux player. (UUM-49550)

  • Editor: Fixed GDiagProfileOpenCLJobs is now a compile time constant.

  • Editor: Fixed hangs in stream socket while profiling player. (UUM-31087)

  • Editor: Fixed how we index folder and folder combinations for the dir: filter. (UUM-56923)

  • Editor: Fixed il2cpp builds on macOS and iOS with Xcode 15b6 or newer.

  • Editor: Fixed IMGUI CalcSize() to take advance space into account. (UUM-46147)

  • Editor: Fixed incorrect color sample results with the eyedropper tool Color Picker on macOS. (UUM-60339)

  • Editor: Fixed incorrect separator creation behavior leading to empty spaces in context menu (UUM-46926)

  • Editor: Fixed inspector window refreshing and fields losing focus each time a modification was made to a prefab. (UUM-51430)

  • Editor: Fixed InvalidOperationException when clearing inactive background progresses. (UUM-54039)

  • Editor: Fixed issue preventing the color picker from selecting colors from the Windows task bar.

  • Editor: Fixed issue that could cause modal windows to be blank when opened. (UUM-927)

  • Editor: Fixed issue when dragging selectable field in IMGUI. (UUM-56528)

  • Editor: Fixed issue where certain monitor layouts will confuse which monitor to open menus on MS Windows. (UUM-48008)

  • Editor: Fixed issue where renaming assets in the project browser sometimes failed to take focus, requiring an extra click before being able to type the new name. (UUM-48858)

  • Editor: Fixed issue where the Selection's active context would be set to null after importing an asset. (UUM-51712)

  • Editor: Fixed issue where the wrong fallback would be used when using styles. (UUM-46002)

  • Editor: Fixed issue where the wrong value would be displayed for stepped curves. (UUM-30927)

  • Editor: Fixed issue where using font-weight tag without a fallback would not apply synthetic bold. (UUM-58666)

  • Editor: Fixed issue where StateMachineBehaviour messages did not send when they were used on Animator Controller Override sync layers. (UUM-41684)

  • Editor: Fixed issue with how the size of the text was being calculated when preserving whitespaces. (UUM-52215)

  • Editor: Fixed issue with IMGUI not calculating text size properly. (UUM-52215)

  • Editor: Fixed issue with missing asset notifications for assets with transient artifacts. Notification missing when asset is forced imported or new artifact is generated with source asset is changed. (UUM-47712)

  • Editor: Fixed issue with Mixed lightmodes not working in the Player. (UUM-41407)

  • Editor: Fixed issue with sprites not working in text when using complex text features (UUM-57614)

  • Editor: Fixed issues with updating IMGUI TextField from code. (UUM-49261)

  • Editor: Fixed items added to the Create Menu when a new package is added to the project will be correctly ordered in the menu.

  • Editor: Fixed Live subdivision UI for APV. (UUM-49238)

  • Editor: Fixed LODGroup inspector that sometimes collapsed on LOD adding/removal. (UUM-48823)

  • Editor: Fixed low CPU performance issues with entities.graphics/BRG, Vulkan, and large batches of similar meshes. (UUM-33174)

  • Editor: Fixed Mac Editor crash that could occur during Play mode if shaders needed to compile while creating a new Material with the Inspector panel open. (UUM-56959)

  • Editor: Fixed macOS platform not having XcodeApi if iOS platform support is not present. (UUM-56448)

  • Editor: Fixed material variants hierarchy merging with locks. (UUM-59617)

  • Editor: Fixed memory corruption when closing aux window when dialog box shows up. (UUM-53154)

  • Editor: Fixed menu items being displayed in different background colours when they are selected multiple times on OSX. (UUM-41082)

  • Editor: Fixed missing APV icons. (UUM-60578)

  • Editor: Fixed missing APV include in ComplexLit shader. (UUM-39531)

  • Editor: Fixed missing SH vertex evaluation keywords in various secondary URP shaders. (UUM-39531)

  • Editor: Fixed Mouse bindings appearing twice when rebinding a shortcut entry in the Shortcut Manager window. (UUM-56740)

  • Editor: Fixed multiline error/warning compiler messages getting ignored.

  • Editor: Fixed multiline error/warning compiler messages getting igonred.

  • Editor: Fixed null reference exceptions in Build Profile window when domain reload happens. (PLAT-7294)

  • Editor: Fixed null reference exceptions when keyboard navigating context menu submenus on Linux (UUM-51687)

  • Editor: Fixed ObjectField label not updating when assigning a null value through the Inspector window. (UUM-27629)

  • Editor: Fixed occasional freeze when calling UnityWebRequest.ClearCookieCache. (UUM-54043)

  • Editor: Fixed on windows the UI mouse coordinate which was truncated or with a wrong offset on some scaled screen. (UUM-48527)

  • Editor: Fixed Opaque Layer Mask filters out meshes that use the 31st Layer. (UUM-17764)

  • Editor: Fixed overlay menu disappearing when opening preset dropdown (UUM-40167)

  • Editor: Fixed overlay menu option being enabled when overlay menu was closed (UUM-40162)

  • Editor: Fixed oversized Help Box icon padding on scaled displays. (UUM-49206)

  • Editor: Fixed performance issue when selected objects in the inspector contained cyclic SerializedReferences. (UUM-31375)

  • Editor: Fixed player build issue with needed assemblies being omitted from the build. (UUM-44770)

  • Editor: Fixed pressing the Esc key changing the values of other properties when editing a property of the RectTransform. (UUM-56007)

  • Editor: Fixed problem with sending editor.buildPackageList analytics event. (UUM-49560)

  • Editor: Fixed ProgressWindow tab title casing. (UUM-51698)

  • Editor: Fixed PropertyDrawer not refreshed when using shared [SerializeReference] values fields (UUM-52572)

  • Editor: Fixed rename in Project Browser not selecting edited text on Mac (UUM-40192)

  • Editor: Fixed render variants not being created if the Materials folder didn't already exist. (UUM-49802)

  • Editor: Fixed renderdoc capture button in linux editor not capturing drawings. (UUM-57914)

  • Editor: Fixed renderqueue override with shadergraph materials. (UUM-42131)

  • Editor: Fixed shader compilation so DXIL files no longer have an unneeded 38-byte header when Unity compiles shaders for DX12. (UUM-37067)

  • Editor: Fixed sibling menus with identical items not showing up when one is being shown already (UUM-40168)

  • Editor: Fixed small editor context menu size while Device Simulator is showing a device with a small screen (UUM-49202)

  • Editor: Fixed some cases where IMGUI message boxes would clip text.

  • Editor: Fixed splash screen corners alpha issue. (UUM-60433)

  • Editor: Fixed Sprite Atlas assets not being fully checkout when using Perforce (UUM-42695)

  • Editor: Fixed Static Lighting Volumetric Clouds checkbox. (UUM-54025)

  • Editor: Fixed submenus not opening when rehovering on the same submenu after non expandable item (UUM-36700)

  • Editor: Fixed synced layers that were mistakenly deleted when the user removed an unrelated layer in the Animator window. (UUM-59649)

  • Editor: Fixed tangents returning nan in MikkTSpace tangent calculation in strict vertex mode. (UUM-35817)

  • Editor: Fixed tessellation of UI Toolkit masking shapes that was causing "Invalid vertex" error in debug. (UUM-58404)

  • Editor: Fixed the 3D texture preview window in the Editor so volumetric previews of 3D textures now work in DX12 and Vulkan. (UUM-39954)

  • Editor: Fixed the auto-save function on prefab not saving the full entered inputs. (UUM-47822)

  • Editor: Fixed the check for Android Play Libraries to avoid errors when using Core-Common libraries instead of only Play Core.<br> Regex now expects a series of digits/dots after the term "core" to avoid the confusion. (UUM-44744)

  • Editor: Fixed the compiled shader output data serialization to avoid writing uninitialized/unused values to disk.

  • Editor: Fixed the Editor on macOS so it no longer presents old frames. (UUM-3147)

  • Editor: Fixed the error message that appeared when binding a shortcut with an invalid key. (UUM-43122)

  • Editor: Fixed the focus in signal for secondary container windows in the linux editor to correctly refresh assets change. (UUM-57857)

  • Editor: Fixed the Game view so it no longer flickers to black in Play mode on macOS. (UUM-19574)

  • Editor: Fixed the helper bar so it is visible after exiting Play mode. (UUM-28357)

  • Editor: Fixed the issue where deleting a symlink removes the target file. (UUM-35170)

  • Editor: Fixed the issue with copying and pasting long value on the serialized property field. (UUM-41175)

  • Editor: Fixed the issue with macOS deadlocking in the Editor when leaving the Play mode.

  • Editor: Fixed the issue with the file icon missing in the Inspector window when selecting multiple assets in the Project window. (UUM-34440)

  • Editor: Fixed the issue with AsyncOperation.allowSceneActivation being ignored when refocusing the Editor. (UUM-31366)

  • Editor: Fixed the new Input system that was unresponsive on the second monitor. (UUM-46312)

  • Editor: Fixed the Object Selector window title so it used nice names to match the ObjectField label. (UUM-49089)

  • Editor: Fixed the order of available Editor tools in the Scene view tools toolbar. (UUM-42846)

  • Editor: Fixed the Paste operation always being enabled after a Cut operation in the scene view context menu. (UUM-39661)

  • Editor: Fixed the Paste operation being enabled when it should not be in the scene view context menu. (UUM-47739)

  • Editor: Fixed the search by shortcut in the Shortcuts Manager window to accept Mouse inputs. (UUM-52017)

  • Editor: Fixed the Search Window to always reflect the state of the searchQueryAssets in the Project. (UUM-41173)

  • Editor: Fixed the shader graph BiRP Lit Target incorrectly displaying a specular block when allowMaterialOverride was enabled. This was a bug and specular workflow is not supported. (UUM-56618)

  • Editor: Fixed the Shader Variant Loading settings in Player settings so the Editor no longer crashes if you set the chunk size to 0. (UUM-36663)

  • Editor: Fixed the shortcut profiles order to display alphabetically. (UUM-34461)

  • Editor: Fixed the size and the styling of the hotkey labels in the context menu.

  • Editor: Fixed the styling of the shortcut manager prompt window when the active shortcut profile has a long name. (UUM-35758)

  • Editor: Fixed the tiling of spotlights in URP's Forward+ renderer, which was wrong in certain conditions. (UUM-32986)

  • Editor: Fixed the UsePass ShaderLab command so it searches all subshaders, not only the first one. (UUM-36470)

  • Editor: Fixed the ExecuteInEditMode warning that displays when entering playmode so that it fits in a dialog box. (UUM-44500)

  • Editor: Fixed to make sure maxParallelPSOCreationJobs limit is obeyed when using Vulkan. (UUM-54127)

  • Editor: Fixed tooltips for mipmap limit groups so they accurately describe limit offset uploads. (UUM-41881)

  • Editor: Fixed touch state always stay as moved on Linux Runtime (UUM-61865)

  • Editor: Fixed TwoPaneSplitView anchor style being overridden when shown in an Inspector. (UUM-61755)

  • Editor: Fixed UI related issue due APV. (UUM-49238)

  • Editor: Fixed unresponsive editor when baking a large APV with terrain. (UUM-58017)

  • Editor: Fixed Update Probe Validity so it works after an Editor restart. (UUM-42961)

  • Editor: Fixed VolumetricFog as Fullscreen Debug Mode. (UUM-57063)

  • Editor: Fixed AnimationWindowCurve evaluation error after step.

  • Editor: Fixed AnimationWindowCurve evaluation error after step. (UUM-31316)

  • Editor: Fixed BuildOptions.ShowBuiltPlayer to now work on Windows machines when the player build path contains ".." as the parent directory. (UUM-40467)

  • Editor: Fixed Camera.GetStereoEnabled() to return true only if the camera is rendering a stereo view. (UUM-47881)

  • Editor: Fixes a memory corruption occurring with IMGUI Text. (UUM-53663)

  • Editor: Force close an Object Selector window when Render Pipeline Asset selection prompt is closed. (UUM-49311)

  • Editor: Frame Debugger: Fix cases where MSAA render textures were not resolved before being displayed. (UUM-54792)

  • Editor: GameActivity ANR fix when fullscreen videoplayer playback ends. (UUM-34306)

  • Editor: GameObject shadows could be broken when entities positions are very far away (UUM-46339)

  • Editor: Global Settings will always be ensured no matter what RP is active (UUM-47264)

  • Editor: Ignore files/folders which include backslashes on macOS and Linux (they break many things) and warn the user (UUM-3304)

  • Editor: Implemented player settings and asset import overrides for build profile window.

  • Editor: Improve temp atomic safety handle by temp allocator owns the safety nodes (UUM-41241, UUM-41907)

  • Editor: Improve UI for light culling mask in Forward+ mode (UUM-41683)

  • Editor: Improved handling of saving a Scene created from MyTemplate. (UUM-42427)

  • Editor: Improved performance when saving Prefabs. (UUM-31437)

  • Editor: Improved the Scene Template options to look consistent in the Inspector window. (UUM-31080)

  • Editor: Increased the Undo buffer maximum size to prevent 'Failed to create Object Undo, because the action is too large' error in console. (UUM-19657)

  • Editor: Inspector windows are now rebuilt correctly if ModelImporter.SaveAndReimport() is called from another window. (UUM-41835)

  • Editor: Introduced separate drawer for Rendering Layers. (UUM-29285)

  • Editor: Linux CheckedMenu submenu items not displaying as Checked in some occasions. (UUM-58878)

  • Editor: Made it possible to select text in Windows Editor dialog windows to support copy and paste. (UUM-41283)

  • Editor: Menus items are now visible after loading large projects. (UUM-56482)

  • Editor: Modified Asset info (labels and asset bundle) so that it is shown, but in a disabled state, when the asset is not checked out in Perforce. (UUM-36500)

  • Editor: Modified dynamic resolution to be consistent across all platforms and use discrete scale factors in a range between 0.25 and 1.0 and in increments of 0.05.

  • Editor: Modified the Fixedstep value in Project Settings under the Time heading, so it is now rounded to four significant digits. (UUM-43331)

  • Editor: Modified the Shortcut Window so it opens as a regular window that can be docked in the Editor or float behind the main window. (UUM-28944)

  • Editor: Moving an Asset with same name as a Folder in the destination causes naming conflict. (UUM-33981)

  • Editor: ObservableList.Clear() removes all items from the list. (UUM-42938)

  • Editor: On activity the videoplayer is stuck if called after the standby/resume state. (UUM-54785)

  • Editor: Opening a context menu on macOS will now focus the application so all functions in the hierarchy work. (UUM-26081)

  • Editor: Plugins of .androidlib type will by default be marked as only compatible with Android. (UUM-57229)

  • Editor: Prevented blendshape normals calculation when a mesh normal is set to Calculate and blendshape normals is set to None. (UUM-36071)

  • Editor: Profiler timeline labels now clip their baseline to the visible area correctly. (UUM-52690)

  • Editor: Properly report a cancelled build in early build player stage. (UUM-28285)

  • Editor: Refactored CachingManager.cpp file to remove platform specific defines

  • Editor: Remove shortcut duplicates in the Binding Conflicts tab in the Shortcut Manager window. (UUM-55287)

  • Editor: Removed an internal error message that appeared in the console in certain scenarios. (UUM-33746)

  • Editor: Removed architecture selector for EmbeddedLinux and QNX .cpp plugin.

  • Editor: Removed custom binding option from Subgraph Dropdown properties. (UUM-46772)

  • Editor: Removed duplication of the logs entries.<br> Limited the amount of allocations while searching and displaying logs in the console.<br> Improved search performance for the large amount of entries. (UUM-41481)

  • Editor: Removed empty directories

  • Editor: Removed the long deprecated CacheServer (used by V1 asset database).

  • Editor: Removed the transparent input field that showed above the TouchScreenKeyboard when TouchScreenKeyboard.hideInput is active. (UUM-37652)

  • Editor: Removed the scrollview in the New Scene dialog to fix an issue with the Scene template. (UUM-40806)

  • Editor: Rendering Layers now works correctly with Mixed (UUM-7271)

  • Editor: Replaced SceneViewRenderModes with correct Hoverstates. (UUM-48074)

  • Editor: Resolved issue with unresponsiveness and potential hangs when double clicking dockable area tabs. (UUM-36003)

  • Editor: Reverted a breaking change related to IGraphEventListener.

  • Editor: Reverted a breaking change where LudiqScriptableObject._ data was marked as private.

  • Editor: Set the maximum width of the context menu's search field to the maximum menu width. (UUM-53039)

  • Editor: Setting EditorUserBuildSettings.selectedStandaloneTarget for active windows build profile when the architecture changes.

  • Editor: Show dialog no probe volume in scene only once. (UUM-47695)

  • Editor: SpeedTree Importer Inspector: Fixed 'Null reference exception' when Apply button is clicked after changing an import option. (UUM-1910)

  • Editor: Support scene template where cloneable dependencies have the same file name. (UUM-44026)

  • Editor: Targeting a platform with incorrect environment setup (e.g. targeting Xbox One with an incorrect GDK installed) no longer generates unrecoverable shader errors (UUM-42506)

  • Editor: The Exit button in the Editor Launch Window no longer overlaps with the "Made With Unity" text. (UUM-57067)

  • Editor: The graphics Tier Settings editor window has been changed back to a horizontal layout with the addition of a scrollbar for when the window is still sized too small to display the full contents. (UUM-59952)

  • Editor: The stage priority for Sprite renderer and Canvas renderer now correctly updates the value. (UUM-35594)

  • Editor: The UnityWebRquest timeout error from Curl no longer appears in the Editor console. (UUM-47110)

  • Editor: The Windows editor now hides secondary windows from the taskbar and alt+tab menu. This can be toggled via the "General &gt; Show All Windows In Taskbar" option in Editor Preferences. (UUM-52117)

  • Editor: Unexposed Per Material blackboard properties now generate material properties using the HideInInspector attribute. This allows for the default property values to be initialized when materials are created. (UUM-46779)

  • Editor: Unity crashes when a new script is deleted before domain reload (UUM-43297)

  • Editor: Updated fsbtool to match the current FMOD version. (UUM-32863)

  • Editor: Updated wrong tooltip when hovering over the "Load In Background" property of an audio clip. (UUM-27581)

  • Editor: Updates the enum maskfield flags in the drop-down menu that are adjusted manually (UUM-46873)

  • Editor: Upgraded libcurl to 8.5.0. (UUM-60184)

  • Editor: Uss customization APIs are removed from core module. (UUM-53086)

  • Editor: [Android] Fixed Samsung S8 crashing after OpenExtractor failing to translate archive (UUM-894)

  • Editor: [Android] Modify DeleteAsset function to check whether file path already begins with "Assets" folder to avoid adding the folder twice. (UUM-48497)

  • Editor: [Asset Importers] Fixed incorrect documentation links.

  • Editor: [Frame Debugger] Fixed an issue of flickering output texture when selecting depth only events.

  • Editor: [Frame Debugger] Fixed an issue where incorrect render target was sometimes selected in the dropdown.

  • Editor: [Windows] Fixed moving window with .position across monitors with multiple dpi has the wrong size. (UUM-34515)

  • Entities Graphics: Fixed editor selection outline when using shadergraph and vertex deformations. (UUM-51502)

  • GI: Add code signing for the unity denoising DLLs.

  • GI: Added a Null check to the default LSA asset name when cloning it through the Lighting Window. (UUM-30963)

  • GI: Changed 'Spotlight' to Spot Light in a couple of UI elements (UUM-55409)

  • GI: Ensured that acquired resources related to the worker process are always released when BakeInEditorWorkerProcess() is exited. (LIGHT-1851)

  • GI: Fixed a crash caused by invalid data in lighting data assets. (UUM-27652)

  • GI: Fixed a memory leak that would occur when a bake was cancelled. (UUM-41988)

  • GI: Fixed an issue here CPU memory allocation failure was not handled in heavy data jobs when baking APV. (UUM-54569)

  • GI: Fixed an issue where lights are baked incorrectly when baking in batch mode with a project using URP. (UUM-47683)

  • GI: Fixed attempts to modify the built-in default Lighting Data Asset when baking Reflection Probes. (UUM-46158)

  • GI: Fixed denoising so it no longer logs warnings about meta files missing their asset files. (UUM-48591)

  • GI: Fixed incorrect graphics buffer stride leading to failures when LightTransport_RuntimeTests are executed with AMD GPUs. (UUM-54158)

  • GI: Fixed memory leak in BakePipelineDriver. (UUM-51529)

  • GI: Fixed minor scene indexing error in Editor (UUM-52841)

  • GI: Fixed MissingComponentException when no MeshFilter is attached to a Terrain tree game object when baking Probe Volumes. (UUM-59879)

  • GI: Fixed public probe bake API's ConvertToUnityFormat returning slightly incorrect results due to a sign flip and incorrect normalization constants. (LIGHT-1683)

  • GI: Improved the speed of cancelling light baking for scenes with many probes. (UUM-38112)

  • GI: Make player compile without runtime GI define. (UUM-52639)

  • GI: Moved Light Probe Groups menu item next to Probe Volumes (UUM-49213)

  • GI: Release temporary copy of lightmap textures after bake. (UUM-56491)

  • GI: Signify that light-baking api are editor only. (UUM-2731)

  • GI: The native plugin binaries of the denoising package now use the multi-threaded statically-linked runtime library.

  • GI: Updated Lightmap Resolution tooltip description with more details of its effects and how it affects the resolution of albedo and emission textures.

  • GI: UpdateLightProbeProxyVolumes is shown as running despite not being active. (UUM-53150)

  • GI: Use the hash of the vertex stream instead of the taking per instance props into account for meta pass. (UUM-55090)

  • Graphics: Add LOD_FADE_CROSSFADE keyword to all shader stages in URP so that it works properly with Batch Render Group based rendering.

  • Graphics: Added a memory leak for AsyncGPUReadbackRequest in WebGL Player. (UUM-46008)

  • Graphics: Added Adaptive Vsync when using Vulkan.

  • Graphics: Added missing LoadDOTSInstancedDataOverridden_XXX() shader functions. (UUM-53655)

  • Graphics: Added support for SRP depth-only passes to accept RenderBuffers as store targets, rather than using the whole RenderTexture. (UUM-11868)

  • Graphics: Added tracking of memory going into Metal Buffers. (UUM-21519)

  • Graphics: Changed the callback dispatch to a single pass. Now Unity batches all updates together, and only makes a call to a managed job once if there are changes to notify the user about.

  • Graphics: Clarify RenderTexture creation error wording when the volumetric depth is an unexpected value. (UUM-59895)

  • Graphics: Corrected swapped luma weights in Stp.hlsl and fixed a few other small typos.

  • Graphics: Correcting issue of setting mismatched Color and Depth buffers encountered with Single-buffered CustomRenderTextures. (UUM-55999)

  • Graphics: DrawProceduralNow family of functions also provide emulated vertexbuffers. (UUM-51751)

  • Graphics: Enabling Material.enableInstancing is no longer required to be used with the API RayTracingAccelerationStructure.AddInstances, only when the material doesn't use a shader that has INSTANCING_ON variants.

  • Graphics: Enforce SDR for splash screen regardless of HDR display settings. (UUM-46354)

  • Graphics: Ensured non-background materials aren't rendered as six-faced skyboxes. (UUM-62526)

  • Graphics: Fix crash when trying to upload a texture with TextureUploadFlags::kTextureUploadUninitialized and using OpenGL (UUM-53142)

  • Graphics: Fix issue where URP with DX12 and native render passes was causing a crash.

  • Graphics: Fixed 2D texture arrays so they no longer cause a NullReferenceException if you select them in a project or the Frame Debugger. (UUM-43574)

  • Graphics: Fixed a crash or memory leak that happened when procedural geometries inside an axis-aligned bounding box (AABB) existed in a RayTracingAccelerationStructure. (UUM-43293)

  • Graphics: Fixed a crash that happened when destroying a RayTracingAccelerationStructure that was declared as a static member in a C# class. (UUM-42135)

  • Graphics: Fixed a crash when loading a native plugin when on a non-main thread. (UUM-21112)

  • Graphics: Fixed a Metal validation error that occurred when GPU batched skinning generated an empty dispatch call due to empty blendshapes. (UUM-47088)

  • Graphics: Fixed a null reference exception in HDAddditionalLightData, when a Scene was loaded additively. (UUM-58831)

  • Graphics: Fixed an issue by drawing a full screen quad when the clear command is used inside a render pass. (UUM-41296)

  • Graphics: Fixed an issue causing unnecessary batch breaking when using GPU Resident Drawer &amp; "Use Legacy Lightmaps" option.

  • Graphics: Fixed an issue causing unnecessary batch breaking when using GPU Resident Drawer &amp; LOD crossfade.

  • Graphics: Fixed an issue in Vulkan where attempting to register a sparse external texture 3D would create degenerate 2DArray views on that texture. (UUM-16089)

  • Graphics: Fixed an issue of rendering non-background materials as skybox. (UUM-60017)

  • Graphics: Fixed an issue were there was no upport for per-vertex motion vectors with DOTS Deformations on URP. (UUM-55030)

  • Graphics: Fixed an issue when changing the stripping of a setting in consecutive builds, the player was not having the latest state of the RenderPipelineGlobalSettings asset. (XPIPELINE-804)

  • Graphics: Fixed an issue when Mesh Renderers are attempted to be drawn without a vertex position stream. (UUM-48570)

  • Graphics: Fixed an issue where a race condition could occur on a BatchRendererGroup thread when rendering jobs were not expected to be running. (UUM-46934)

  • Graphics: Fixed an issue where asymmetric projection matrix in URP forward plus was not supported. (UUM-58978)

  • Graphics: Fixed an issue where calling "Texture.SetStreamingTextureMaterialDebugProperties" did not properly set debug properties on materials.

  • Graphics: Fixed an issue where creating an AsyncQueueSynchronisation GraphicsFence requires the platform to support AsyncCompute was not clarified. (UUM-47689)

  • Graphics: Fixed an issue where distance culling without a camera was using a non-zero initial position, which resulted in an error.

  • Graphics: Fixed an issue where game view becomes black after undoing setting Output Texture of Camera. (UUM-49339)

  • Graphics: Fixed an issue where it was possible for ReadPixels to crash on Metal API while using render graph due to a bad state with the depth target. (UUM-44404)

  • Graphics: Fixed an issue where maxComputeBufferInputs clamped to its default value when VkPhysicalDeviceLimits::maxPerStageDescriptorStorageBuffers was a max unsigned integer. (UUM-43741)

  • Graphics: Fixed an issue where multiple RayTracingAccelerationStructures bindings did not work in ray generation shaders. (UUM-20257)

  • Graphics: Fixed an issue where the culling mode was incorrectly reset for distance-only culling, which resulted in errors.

  • Graphics: Fixed an issue with Buffer resources with RenderGraph, where the native compiler didn't correctly differentiate between the different resource types in several places.

  • Graphics: Fixed an issue with synchronizing speed-up backend data and serialized data for IRenderPipelineGraphicsSettings when the RenderPipelineGlobalSettings asset is edited outside the Editor. (XPIPELINE-795)

  • Graphics: Fixed async PSO creation jobs from getting canceled due to localized Vulkan PipelineKey conflicts.

  • Graphics: Fixed asynchronous scene loads so they no longer leak texture memory. (UUM-35265)

  • Graphics: Fixed cubemap textures on OpenGL ES so that when they're copied, the edges are no longer blurry. (UUM-45754)

  • Graphics: Fixed Custom Render Textures so they no longer display artifacts on sphere GameObjects and the Material Inspector preview. (UUM-43540)

  • Graphics: Fixed editor crash when trying to perform recursive rendering on the frame exiting PlayMode. (UUM-60383)

  • Graphics: Fixed empty VVL errors when an old VK_EXT_debug_report extension were used. (UUM-37283)

  • Graphics: Fixed foveated rendering graphics caps. (UUM-52321)

  • Graphics: Fixed FrameTiming timestamp issues on some platforms. FrameTimingManager.GetCpuTimerFrequency() now returns the correct CPU timer frequeny and timestamps can be successfully converted to seconds. (PLATGRAPH-2721)

  • Graphics: Fixed GLES anti aliasing samples count fallback being different for post processing on Android Mali Devices. (UUM-741)

  • Graphics: Fixed GraphicsBuffers so they no longer crash the Vulkan and OpenGL graphics APIs if you set the wrong GraphicsBuffer.Target. (UUM-42421)

  • Graphics: Fixed lightning precision on platforms with half precision support.

  • Graphics: Fixed metal code generated for Texture.Load with offset. (UUM-56574)

  • Graphics: Fixed missed samplerCubeArrayShadow texture binding when processing GLSLang reflection. (UUM-59188)

  • Graphics: Fixed multisample anti-aliasing (MSAA) so it falls back to the same sample count, no matter which API you use.

  • Graphics: Fixed null pointer exception on the player when none of the quality levels were assigned. (UUM-43265)

  • Graphics: Fixed on-the-fly decompression of ASTC-compressed textures in Editor when width or height is smaller than 4 pixels. (UUM-41708)

  • Graphics: Fixed possible null ref when there is corrupted occlusion tome data that may lead to a crash. (UUM-30735)

  • Graphics: Fixed race condition when registering Vulkan PSO caches for maintenance.

  • Graphics: Fixed race condition. when shutting down the Vulkan async PSO creation system.

  • Graphics: Fixed rendering freezes when changing orientation on A14 iPads. (UUM-9480)

  • Graphics: Fixed shader stripping when the BatchRendererGroup Variants setting was Keep All. (UUM-59364)

  • Graphics: Fixed shadows so they no longer cause a crash in a scene with both Built-In Render Pipeline and Scriptable Render Pipeline materials. (UUM-46685)

  • Graphics: Fixed small sync issue with texture streaming where Texture.graphicsTexture may be updated to the newest mipmap level one frame before Texture.loadedMipmapLevel is updated as well. (UUM-54082)

  • Graphics: Fixed spotlight culling in orthographic camera when using URP ForwardPlus. (UUM-58979)

  • Graphics: Fixed stencil information display error under camera depthNormals mode (UUM-27513)

  • Graphics: Fixed support for rendering meshes with lines/points, not just triangles.

  • Graphics: Fixed texture import that was discarding the Alpha channel. This impacted the cube map for Android devices. (UUM-43301)

  • Graphics: Fixed the display position of the Game view for some less common multi-monitor layouts. (UUM-33795)

  • Graphics: Fixed the error 'The transcoded bitstream was invalid' that happened when using Streaming Virtual Texturing (SVT). (UUM-41518)

  • Graphics: Fixed the issue with GraphicsSettings.asset being set to dirty when changes were not performed while registering for RenderPipelineGlobalSetting. (UUM-45842)

  • Graphics: Fixed the mipmap streaming system so it correctly calculates mipmap levels if the texture scale property of a material changes at runtime. (UUM-31184)

  • Graphics: Fixed the MRT Clear command so it now works correctly on the Vulkan graphics API if you clear render targets with different colors. (UUM-46866)

  • Graphics: Fixed the texture Inspector window so it no longer throws errors due to it incorrectly reading native cubemap textures. (UUM-22094)

  • Graphics: Fixed threading error in BatchRendererGroup which shows up as an "out of memory". (UUM-60187)

  • Graphics: Fixed time scale bug when previewing trails. (UUM-45881)

  • Graphics: Fixed two triggered Vulkan validation errors in multiview when using SRPs; VUID-vkCmdClearAttachments-pRects-06937 and VUID-vkCmdClearAttachments-baseArrayLayer-00018. (UUM-39637)

  • Graphics: Fixed undefined behavior in Texture2D.Compress / EditorUtility.CompressTexture / EditorUtility.CompressCubemapTexture when these were dealing with partial mip-chain textures. The APIs now leave the mipmap count of textures untouched. (UUM-35985)

  • Graphics: Fixed VertexLM path lighting setup. (UUM-59676)

  • Graphics: Fixed Vulkan rendering when viewport or scissor rectangle has negative offset. (UUM-39970)

  • Graphics: Flagged GlobalSettingsAsset as unsaved (dirty) when it is modified through IRenderPipelineGraphicsSettings.SetValueAndNotify. (UUM-43279)

  • Graphics: Free backing memory after deleting Vulkan images. (UUM-49768)

  • Graphics: Improved Always/Vertex pass to be accepted by the ForwardRenderer loop and receive the main light's screenspace shadowmap. (UUM-36912)

  • Graphics: Improved an error message about SkinnedMeshRenderer mesh compatibility. (UUM-46329)

  • Graphics: Improved warning issued when GraphicsBuffer.LockBufferForWrite is called more than once per frame on D3D11. (UUM-48133)

  • Graphics: Invoke the PostRender callback when SceneView uses EditorDrawOutline. (UUM-57025)

  • Graphics: Recreating the current pipeline when the RenderPipelineGlobalSettings are modified from outside the editor. (XPIPELINE-799)

  • Graphics: Stop allocating full resolution Vulkan Swapchain images when using an external Swapchain. (UUM-56851)

  • Graphics: Support requesting a DXT compressed texture using ImageConversion.LoadImage and Texture2D.LoadImage on Android. (UUM-52927)

  • Graphics: Surface shader path has correct parameters set when emulating vertexbuffers. (UUM-52930)

  • Graphics: Texture names may occasionally not been set on development build GPU captures, this has been fixed so they match the asset they were loaded from. (UUM-57690)

  • Graphics: UI Overlay (IMGUI, Unity UI, UIToolkit) rendering is now triggered by default by SRPs (URP/HDRP).

  • Graphics: Using Graphics.CopyTexture to copy the entirety of a texture was briefly more restrictive on allowed formats between source and destination than necessary in 2023.3, this now succeeds without error for compatible formats.

  • Graphics: When using CaptureScreenshotAsTexture during the rendering process with Metal API, if the results are undefined then Unity now outputs an error instead of crashing. (UUM-47096)

  • Graphics: [SRP] Fix adding a default flare asset when adding Lens Flare (SRP) component. (UUM-42304)

  • HDRP: Added a warning to the reflection probe editor to prevent a user from baking in a low quality level. (UUM-41531)

  • HDRP: Added anFixed the HDRP Global Settings window so it displays an error when Rendering Layer Names is empty. error when the Rendering Layer names in HDRP Global Settings is empty. (UUM-41803)

  • HDRP: Added behavior to enable or disable HDR during run time. (UUM-29770)

  • HDRP: Added the RemoveFromTUAndAA checkbox in Surface Options to exclude materials from temporal anti aliasing. (UUM-37206)

  • HDRP: Adding missing texture array global mip bias override for texture array grad samplers. (UUM-53676)

  • HDRP: Adds in which space custom velocity should be computed. (UUM-50992)

  • HDRP: Allowed users to change the maximum amount of lights used in a local neighborhood in the HDRP path tracer through the shader config mechanism. (UUM-47230)

  • HDRP: Async compute Presents issues when depending on the first texture read of depth. In some platforms (vulkan/dx12 and some consoles) the first read of depth is actually a write because of decompression / layout / barriers.<br> Async compute is inserting the fence before this operation because RenderGraph sees everything as a simple Read / Write.<br> Temporarily hacking this so the first read of depth is tagged as a write, so the correct fence is inserted. (UUM-57601)

  • HDRP: Changed lens flare behavior to use the camera culling mask and the GameObject layer. (HDRP-3062)

  • HDRP: Cookie area lights on water surfaces is now supported. (UUM-47074)

  • HDRP: Correct dynamic resolution settings for offscreen UI. (UUM-53449)

  • HDRP: Enabled HDR output for macOS.

  • HDRP: Fix incorrected area light LUT parametrization used by the Water shader.

  • HDRP: Fixed a black spot caused by a point light under a water surface

  • HDRP: Fixed a culling result sharing issue between custom passes and the camera rendering them. (UUM-53945)

  • HDRP: Fixed a GraphicsBuffer leak in APV binding code.

  • HDRP: Fixed a hole in water geometry.

  • HDRP: Fixed a material pre-integration hang that occurred on some lower end hardware. (UUM-51134)

  • HDRP: Fixed a motion blur blending issue. (UUM-54446)

  • HDRP: Fixed a non-development player crash when using the High Quality Lines feature. (UUM-41319)

  • HDRP: Fixed a null ref exception when baking APV without GPU streaming enabled. (UUM-58735)

  • HDRP: Fixed a performance issue with reflection probe inspector. (UUM-53681)

  • HDRP: Fixed a performance reduction caused by MemClear calls on large frame buffers in HDRP PrepareLightsForGPU.

  • HDRP: Fixed a Physically Based Sky issue. (UUM-47968)

  • HDRP: Fixed a potential GPU crash/hang when using local volumetric fogs. (HDRP-3051)

  • HDRP: Fixed a SetData error when using more lights in a scene than the configured max light count settings. (UUM-46001)

  • HDRP: Fixed an issue for macOS where passing the Probe Volumes buffer an unexpected stride caused a crash. (UUM-41474)

  • HDRP: Fixed an issue so that the water inspector appears correctly when no SRP is active (UUM-40843)

  • HDRP: Fixed an issue so that volumetric cloud wind works with realtime Reflection probes. (UUM-37387)

  • HDRP: Fixed an issue that caused standalone runtime rebuilds of hair instances to fail when using High Quality Lines. (UUM-45401)

  • HDRP: Fixed an issue where an asynchronous pass would try to synchronize with a culled pass. (UUM-44493)

  • HDRP: Fixed an issue where certain Mipmap Streaming debug views would not show up correctly on Metal.

  • HDRP: Fixed an issue where High Quality Line Renderers fail to draw on Metal API. (UUM-48570)

  • HDRP: Fixed an issue where internally created Game Objects were being deallocated on scene changes. (UUM-53128)

  • HDRP: Fixed an issue where non directional light could react to "interact with sky" flag. (UUM-46848)

  • HDRP: Fixed an issue where prefab previews would be rendered too dark until they move. (UUM-42162)

  • HDRP: Fixed an issue where Reflection Proxy Volume would cause artifacts to cover the editor on Apple Silicone devices. (UUM-42099)

  • HDRP: Fixed an issue where the AxF shader only displayed pure black when using the Mipmap Streaming debug views.

  • HDRP: Fixed an issue where the Bloom Mip Bias in a Screen Space Lens Flare overwrote the original Bloom mip map. (UUM-45060)

  • HDRP: Fixed an issue where the material preview texture was the incorrect size. (UUM-31221)

  • HDRP: Fixed an issue where the Mipmap Streaming debug views would show up incorrectly when certain features were enabled (SRP Batcher, Volumetric Fog, Volumetric Clouds, ...).

  • HDRP: Fixed an issue where water deformation wasn't visible in wireframe mode

  • HDRP: Fixed an issue with dual-lobe Subsurface Scattering (SSS) to handle rectangular area lights correctly. (UUM-47069)

  • HDRP: Fixed an issue with High Quality Line Rendering spamming the console with errors in certain frame setting configurations. (UUM-45668)

  • HDRP: Fixed an issue with mixed tracing mode for transparent screenspace reflections so it now mixes both tracing modes as expected instead of only using ray traced reflections. (UUM-33701)

  • HDRP: Fixed an issue with ShaderGraph Decal material position issue by using world space position. (UUM-42716)

  • HDRP: Fixed an issue with the logic used to set up materials featuring displacement mapping that could result in artifacts or suboptimal performance. (UUM-44723)

  • HDRP: Fixed argument exception when trying to add to shadowsWithValidData. (UUM-49242)

  • HDRP: Fixed artifacts on low resolution SSGI when dynamic resolution values are low. (UUM-57785)

  • HDRP: Fixed atmospheric scattering at far range.

  • HDRP: Fixed blending between cascaded shadowmaps and shadowmask as well as cascades border ranges. (UUM-46922)

  • HDRP: Fixed Box Light appearance in HDRP Path Tracing. (UUM-56000)

  • HDRP: Fixed caustics in XR (UUM-54398)

  • HDRP: Fixed cloud rendering being applied in prefab view. (UUM-46854)

  • HDRP: Fixed Console errors with ReflectionProxyVolume component Gizmo. (UUM-56069)

  • HDRP: Fixed crash when cleaning up the reflection probe camera cache. (UUM-43926)

  • HDRP: Fixed creating mirror Gameobject not being placed in prefab hierarchy. (UUM-56424)

  • HDRP: Fixed Directional light PCSS API.

  • HDRP: Fixed Disk Light's property not being updated when changing it's radius using the gizmo in the scene. (UUM-51530)

  • HDRP: Fixed double Shadow Quality UI in HD Lights. (UUM-53779)

  • HDRP: Fixed error when a user assigned non-water material to water. (UUM-46256)

  • HDRP: Fixed errors when resizing the Scene view while using the water system. (UUM-46552)

  • HDRP: Fixed exception thrown when running projects for an extended amount of time. (UUM-49102)

  • HDRP: Fixed foam generated too far away for shore waves. (UUM-47716)

  • HDRP: Fixed Helpbox UI for LightProbeGroup Inspector. (UUM-47718)

  • HDRP: Fixed in gpu build light list to avoid crashes on some GPUs.

  • HDRP: Fixed inverted shadows from transparent objects in HDRP path tracer. (UUM-56536)

  • HDRP: Fixed issues with hardware DRS on console (manifestation is usually bright qnan pixels on the right of the screen) when using half resolution transparent. (UUM-52109)

  • HDRP: Fixed layered lit displacement. (UUM-49812)

  • HDRP: Fixed lens flare aren't occluded by water surfaces, (UUM-27182)

  • HDRP: Fixed material previews being rendered black. (UUM-29305)

  • HDRP: Fixed missing foam color parameter. (UUM-47715)

  • HDRP: Fixed NaN propagation for path traced hair. (UUM-41442)

  • HDRP: Fixed NullReferenceException when exiting Play Mode with HDRP + DLSS + XR. (UUM-48894)

  • HDRP: Fixed offset in refraction in XR. (UUM-31909)

  • HDRP: Fixed out of bounds access when XR is enabled. (UUM-41445)

  • HDRP: Fixed post-processing when the LUT size is not a power of 2 (UUM-42714)

  • HDRP: Fixed potential leaks when using dynamic resolution and objects with refraction. (UUM-34731)

  • HDRP: Fixed probe volume live subdivision not culling cells correctly. (UUM-51849)

  • HDRP: Fixed refractive material preview when Multisample anti-aliasing (MSAA) is enabled.

  • HDRP: Fixed shader compilation issue in SixWayLit VFX shader when reduced precision types are enabled.

  • HDRP: Fixed ShaderGraph being dirty when opened just after the creation of the asset. (UUM-17912)

  • HDRP: Fixed ShaderGraph with motion vectors enabled overwriting interpolators with previous frames data. (UUM-56632)

  • HDRP: Fixed specular blend in premultiplied alpha. (UUM-48661)

  • HDRP: Fixed the appearance of water excluders when a camera is underwater (UUM-33247)

  • HDRP: Fixed the area light basis used by the Water shader.

  • HDRP: Fixed the depthstencil buffer so that it binds the correct depthBuffer when refraction is enabled. (UUM-37978)

  • HDRP: Fixed the Sample Settings Helper. (UUM-46953)

  • HDRP: Fixed the scroll bar jumping at the top of the window when focusing a settings from the same panel in the project settings. (UUM-53429)

  • HDRP: Fixed the sharpening pass in order to avoid washed-out colors when using a render target with an alpha channel. (UUM-44448)

  • HDRP: Fixed the size of the helpbox in the LightProbeGroup Inspector. (UUM-38113)

  • HDRP: Fixed time step of watersystem for recorder. (UUM-52054)

  • HDRP: Fixed triplanar on alpha clipped geometry. (UUM-56664)

  • HDRP: Fixed Turkish OS incorrectly deducing DLSS is not available. (UUM-48557)

  • HDRP: Fixed virtual offset on complex geometries. (UUM-47308)

  • HDRP: Fixed water in SSR reflections issue. (UUM-60788)

  • HDRP: Fixed XR occlusion mesh artifact with HDRP camera relative rendering. (UUM-45294)

  • HDRP: Fixed XR SPI is not disabled after processing the render request. (UUM-49454)

  • HDRP: Fixed XR texture 2D creation failure due to invalid slice configuration. The slice is misconfigured to 2 when creating Texture2D, causing internal failures. (UUM-57001)

  • HDRP: Fixes missing shadergraph include on HDRP (UUM-51851)

  • HDRP: Fixing Dropdown serialization and bindings, ctrl Z is now working (UUM-48489)

  • HDRP: Fixing jittered inverse view projection in line rendering: because shading in high quality line rendering (i.e. hair rendering) is done in object space, the unjittered inverse view projection matrix has been added to the matrix constant buffer and is now used for shading hair. (UUM-57985)

  • HDRP: Global Settings always exist when HDRP is the current active pipeline. (XPIPELINE-796)

  • HDRP: Gray out the UI of light cluster override and show the same message as path tracing if raytracing is disabled. (UUM-46736)

  • HDRP: Improved performance of infinite water surfaces with tessellation on metal. (UUM-47326)

  • HDRP: Improved VolumetricSky caching and Reduced significantly memory allocation for scenes with multiple realtime reflection probes. (UUM-42724)

  • HDRP: Increase HDRP's maximum cube reflection probes on screen. (UUM-53178)

  • HDRP: Reduce some artifacts from High-Quality (PCSS) shadows for point and spot lights. (UUM-31577)

  • HDRP: Removed the Render Graph option from the rendering debugger Rendering panel.

  • HDRP: The lightShadowCasterMode property on Light now only affects shadow caster culling when baked lighting includes shadow mask, as intended. (UUM-26410)

  • HDRP: Update decal projector draw distances when global draw distance changes.

  • HDRP: Updated index seed for path tracing to avoid "sticky" noise patterns when using path tracing in conjunction with Recorder. (UUM-52633)

  • IL2CPP: Added DivideByZeroChecks to modulo/remainder operator. (UUM-45551)

  • IL2CPP: Fix get_base_method() to behave as mono does, preventing a crash when the method slot is outside of the vtable. (UUM-44323)

  • IL2CPP: Fixed a crash in some cases where a generic type was being used. (UUM-42694)

  • IL2CPP: Fixed a crash when a function pointer appeared as a ref our out parameter. (UUM-53171)

  • IL2CPP: Fixed a deadlock that could occur if Asset GC visited a field of const, value type, whilst il2cpp types were being created on background threads.<br> https://github.cds.internal.unity3d.com/unity/il2cpp/pull/5520<br> https://jira.unity3d.com/browse/UUM-35018 (UUM-35018)

  • IL2CPP: Fixed a semaphore link in the IL2CPP runtime that could occur during lock contention for multiple threads. (UUM-40104)

  • IL2CPP: Fixed ainalizers being called in a reentrant manner on the Web platform. Finalizers are now invoked explicitly at the end of each frame if needed. (UUM-44732)

  • IL2CPP: Fixed an issue that caused a build failure if a delegate has a first parameter that is a function pointer. (UUM-44037)

  • IL2CPP: Fixed an issue there there were duplicate copies of the --linker-flags argument passed to IL2CPP. (UUM-60988)

  • IL2CPP: Fixed an issue where an ARM64 build would fail when Script Debugging is enabled. (UUM-37939)

  • IL2CPP: Fixed an issue where pointer types could be affected by an unsigned shift right. (UUM-41406)

  • IL2CPP: Fixed an issue where the UnsafeUtililty.IsUnmanaged/UnsafeUtililty.IsBlittable method could return incorrect results. (UUM-43422)

  • IL2CPP: Fixed C++ compilation error on missing type reference is generic code. (UUM-56231)

  • IL2CPP: Fixed C++ compilation error on structs with Charset.Auto and a System.Char field. (UUM-52898)

  • IL2CPP: Fixed C++ compilation error when Enum.HasFlag was called with a Nullable enum value. (UUM-58451)

  • IL2CPP: Fixed C++ compiler error on UnmanagedCallersOnly with user defined struct types. (UUM-58210)

  • IL2CPP: Fixed compilation error on System.Threading.Volatile.Write&lt;T&gt;() when the value parameter was a literal null.<br> https://github.cds.internal.unity3d.com/unity/il2cpp/pull/5528<br> https://jira.unity3d.com/browse/UUM-45696 (UUM-45696)

  • IL2CPP: Fixed conversion errors on constrained calls in shared generic code. (UUM-55756)

  • IL2CPP: Fixed crash in GC when too many allocation roots are processed. (UUM-59544)

  • IL2CPP: Fixed crash when calling Type.IsGenericTypeParameter and Type.IsGenericMethodParameter. (UUM-56064)

  • IL2CPP: Fixed data races in lazy initialization checks on ARM processors. (UUM-44039)

  • IL2CPP: Fixed ExceptionSupportStack overflow with exception filters in loops. (UUM-42937)

  • IL2CPP: Fixed IL2CPP build errors when Enums are decorated with a GUID attribute. (UUM-52435)

  • IL2CPP: Fixed incorrect and/or missing calls to static constructors on constrained calls.<br> https://github.cds.internal.unity3d.com/unity/il2cpp/pull/5554<br> https://jira.unity3d.com/browse/UUM-51908 (UUM-51908)

  • IL2CPP: Fixed incorrect parsing of generic limit command line arguments. (UUM-42804)

  • IL2CPP: Fixed issue where a DefaultStream or GZipStream may not decompress all of the bytes in certain compressed files.<br> https://github.cds.internal.unity3d.com/unity/il2cpp/pull/5546<br> https://jira.unity3d.com/browse/UUM-50168 (UUM-50168)

  • IL2CPP: Fixed LoadIndirectNativeInteger to use a temp variable. (UUM-43502)

  • IL2CPP: Fixed MemoryMappedFile on posix systems to query page size from the system, instead of hardcoding it. (UUM-54598)

  • IL2CPP: Fixed null value on P/Invoke method with an [Out] marshalled blittable class parameter. (UUM-57901)

  • IL2CPP: Fixed occasional crash when attaching/detaching the Unity debugger. (UUM-48692)

  • IL2CPP: Fixed rare crash when using ConditionalWeakTable. (UUM-54316)

  • IL2CPP: Fixed socket.send() sending uncatchable SIGPIPE signal on Linux. (UUM-39498)

  • IL2CPP: Fixed the offset of properties in Explicit layout structs with FieldOffset. (UUM-43158)

  • IL2CPP: Fixed to allow IP options IP_HDRINCL, IP_TOS and IP_TTL on some platforms where they are supported but were incorrectly defined out. (UUM-55772)

  • IL2CPP: Prevent the debugger from incorrectly resetting the value of static fields in some cases. (UUM-35358)

  • IL2CPP: Removed extra reference to target on a combined delegate<br> https://github.cds.internal.unity3d.com/unity/il2cpp/pull/5548<br> https://jira.unity3d.com/browse/UUM-47478 (UUM-47478)

  • IL2CPP: Throw a PlatformNotSupportedException for Process.HasExited. (UUM-55384)

  • IMGUI: Fixed ambient lighting on volumetric clouds when sun is low. (UUM-59874)

  • IMGUI: Fixed an issue with PropertyFields with multiple subproperties not being aligned properly. (UUM-59601)

  • Input: Added more robust edge checks to simulated mouse input. (UUM-39752)

  • Input System: Downgraded "invalid raw input data size: 0 bytes" from error to warning. (UUM-16523)

  • Input System: Fixed an issue causing older DualShock 4 models (CUH-ZCT1x) appearing as both a DualShock 4 (via HID) and an Xinput device. (UUM-48992)

  • iOS: Added cutouts and safe areas for iPhone 15. (UUM-56430)

  • iOS: Added iPhone 15 devices to iOS.DeviceGeneration. (UUM-56348)

  • iOS: Added phony postprocess buildphase in xcode, and make sure that app extensions add copy buildphases before it. (UUM-53588)

  • iOS: Bring back the applicationDidReceiveMemoryWarning: to UnityAppController. (UUM-55367)

  • iOS: Fixed "Fill percentage" launch screen option only using the iPad value for both iPhone and iPad. (UUM-46824)

  • iOS: Fixed "Size in points" launch screen option only using the iPad value for both iPhone and iPad. (UUM-46824)

  • iOS: Fixed a crash that occured when having Build Postprocessor run after "Sign in with Apple" Unity Plugin (AppleSignInUnity).

  • iOS: Fixed adding multiple plugins with embedded frameworks. (UUM-58170)

  • iOS: Fixed an exception that could occur when adding existing xcode capabilities in append. (UUM-46368)

  • iOS: Fixed an issue when trageting iPhone 15 where forcing an application to Portrait Upside Down orientation caused a crash. (UUM-56345)

  • iOS: Fixed an issue where a location event would cause an application to open in the background.<br> Fixed an issue when loading a release build where a black screen appeared between the splash screen and first scene. (UUM-52515)

  • iOS: Fixed an issue where launch screen images weren't being included in builds for iOS and tvOS. (UUM-44326)

  • iOS: Fixed an issue where the managed debugger window didn't display and froze the application. (UUM-39644)

  • iOS: Fixed an issue where the multiline keyboard would not appear after it was closed while editing the text field. (UUM-21521)

  • iOS: Fixed an issue where the safe area didn't report correctly when changing the device orientation. (UUM-41818)

  • iOS: Fixed an issue where ActivityIndicator wasn't accessible on iOS. (UUM-48717)

  • iOS: Fixed an issue where AddLocaleVariantFile wasn't working with Windows file paths. (UUM-56027)

  • iOS: Fixed an issue where WebCamDevice.kind reported incorrect values on devices with a non-English system language. (UUM-56785)

  • iOS: Fixed if Image and Background launch screen was used without proper image setup, issue warning and fallback to default launch screen. (UUM-60545)

  • iOS: Fixed Product Name with non-latin characters to be able to install .ipa to the device. (UUM-30326)

  • iOS: Fixed touches getting stuck when orientation is forced from code while touching the screen. (UUM-53903)

  • iOS: Updated UnityWebRequest to no longer send Content-Length headers of zero for requests other than PUT and POST. (UUM-49237)

  • iOS: [Privacy Manifests] Fixed duplicates elements filtering when merging multiple manifests if the children elements of the duplicates are in different order (UUM-59885)

  • Kernel: Changed player connection to broadcast and connect on all interfaces. This resolves issue where change of iOS16 network interfaces order broke broadcasting of the IP that can be used for debugging. (UUM-29212)

  • Kernel: Fixed a crash that would occur when reallocating persistent memory with the DynamicHeapAllocator to a size greater than 4GB. (UUM-12004)

  • Kernel: Fixed a job system freeze on some mobile platforms due to incorrect thread waking logic. (UUM-41806)

  • Kernel: Fixed synchronize implicit dependencies when using RunReadOnly on IJobParallelForTransform (causing "In-place job must not have dependencies" assert). (UUM-37116)

  • Kernel: TinyXML security issue resolved. (UUM-12070)

  • Kernel: Updated player connection system to handle multiple IP per one player. (UUM-2598)

  • License: Add ARM64 executables to Licensing Client for MacEditor ARM64 build (UUM-43931)

  • Linux: Fixed a bug that caused the Editor to get focused when saving script files with Jetbrains Rider. (UUM-36463)

  • Linux: Fixed a bug with surround sound hardware not being detected on Linux. Fixed an issue on Windows where we would not re-init audio output correctly, when the Unity project requested surround sound, and the Editor or player was started with no such hardware available. When surround sound hardware is later enabled and set as the default output, it will now be used. (UUM-348)

  • Linux: Fixed a minor bug in the GetOperatingSystemNumeric Linux API. (UUM-45625)

  • Linux: Fixed an issue where Linux Player generated mouse delta values when clicking the left mouse button repeatedly. (UUM-46825)

  • Linux: Fixed an issue where support for new gamepad/controllers was missing. (UUM-52502)

  • Linux: Fixed an issue where the space key dis not work when Shift key was held. (UUM-54226)

  • Linux: Fixed an issue with Vulkan falsely reporting that HDR is supported on Linux. (UUM-43364)

  • Linux: Fixed crash when destroying and rebuilding main GTK menu. (UUM-53175)

  • Linux: Fixed crash when destroying and rebuilding main GTK menu. (UUM-56334)

  • Linux: Fixed CursorLockMode.Confined does not confine cursor when using multiple displays. (UUM-57233)

  • Linux: Fixed GTK error messages in Editor.log. (UUM-57121)

  • Linux: Fixed issue where copying text could replace it with a line break. (UUM-40156)

  • Linux: Fixed issue where text could be duplicated when pasted into a search field. (UUM-39837)

  • Linux: Fixed Linux Standalone player printing validation errors with empty project. (UUM-59818)

  • Linux: Fixed Multi-touch events not recognizing on Linux Player. (UUM-49191)

  • Linux: Fixed New Input System Mouse Click does not work on Secondary Displays. (UUM-55275)

  • Linux: Fixed perspective changes that are slow when quickly scrolling through the Scene View. (UUM-40326)

  • Linux: Fixed Progress modal window stays on top of every other window and cannot be moved. (UUM-51429)

  • Linux: Fixed Scroll works when a window is attached to the left half of the secondary monitor. (UUM-43910)

  • Linux: Improved the Unity player from using excessive CPU when the Run in the background option is turned off. (UUM-38092)

  • macOS: Fixed a bug that would cause crashes when creating certain VFX Graphs. (UUM-42943)

  • macOS: Fixed a driver issue that happened when the water system was enabled.

  • macOS: Fixed an issue in Play mode that caused Unity to crash when using WebCamTexture while opening a second application that accessed the Webcam. (UUM-45255)

  • macOS: Fixed an issue where Crash Reporter failed to upload to cloud due to path not being pre-created. (UUM-60277)

  • macOS: Fixed an issue where focussing on a Modal window that opened in front of an application would cause the application to hang. (UUM-22691)

  • macOS: Fixed an issue where the values of a secondary displays refresh rate were invalid. (UUM-37294)

  • macOS: Fixed for custom server build profile getting value of player subtarget when building.

  • macOS: Fixed memory spikes when macOS player is offscreen or minimized (UUM-30049)

  • macOS: Fixed native plugins paths in an XCode project when the plugins have a specific architecture selected. (UUM-49036)

  • macOS: Limit Update loop frequency by target frame rate to not overwhelm the system and not delay input processing. (UUM-59176)

  • macOS: UI integration for dedicated server build profile settings.

  • Mono: Accessing AppContext.BaseDirectory will no longer throw an exception. (UUM-48816)

  • Mono: Correct confusing error printed when using NetworkInterface.OperationalStatus on Linux.<br> https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/mono/pull/1848<br> https://jira.unity3d.com/browse/UUM-46938 (UUM-46938)

  • Mono: Fixed "ldftn opcode to an icall causes JIT compilation upon every invocation". (UUM-54694)

  • Mono: Fixed a race condition when the number of files in a directory changes while this code is executing. (UUM-58474)

  • Mono: Fixed an issue that caused deadlock when taking a memory profiler snapshot. (UUM-40688)

  • Mono: Fixed an issue where a blittable flag could be incorrect when it was read before MonoClass was initialized. (UUM-35682)

  • Mono: Fixed crash in Rider when hovering a symbol to view it's value. (UUM-43492)

  • Mono: Fixed crash on domain reload, due to domain specific memory stored within image specific data structures. (UUM-60632)

  • Mono: Fixed crash on Windows when certain Global Flags were enabled with the GFlags SDK tool. (UUM-49475)

  • Mono: Fixed crash that would occur when attempting to determine the size of a recursively defined struct. (UUM-58734)

  • Mono: Fixed Editor crash when mini_get_method fails. (UUM-45293)

  • Mono: Fixed issue where a fixed buffer within a valuetype struct would not be passed by value correctly. (UUM-30210)

  • Mono: Fixed issue where invoking a virtual method on a delegate would only consider the method's overrides on the first call. (UUM-55774)

  • Mono: Fixed issue with Socket.ReadAsync where the buffer submitted would not be updated when using a Memory. (UUM-54449)

  • Mono: Fixed min alignment of structures with explicit layout. (UUM-46084)

  • Mono: Fixed runtime crash when accessing a struct field of a null object. (UUM-47983)

  • Mono: Fixed wrong file path reported by mono_ppdb_lookup_location for methods that span multiple files. (UUM-4341)

  • Mono: Produce crash dump when g_assertion_message is called. (UUM-43015)

  • Mono: When processing the methods of an interface, check that a generic method has the virtual flag to avoid corrupting the vtable. (UUM-49018)

  • Multiplayer: Fixed an issue where Multiplayer Role could be set to an invalid value if changed directly in the serialized file. (MTT-7545)

  • N/A (internal): Fixed LHS player not being able to build projects. (UUM-49576)

  • N/A (internal): Fixed the Device Simulator Analytics events to call at correct times. (UUM-34131)

  • N/A (internal): Fixed the sysroot from Linux Toolchain not being compiled when using LHS with IL2CPP. (UUM-49582)

  • N/A (internal): Reorganize native files used for native window management and add .buginfo files to track team ownership.

  • Networking: Addressed a performance regression with UnityWebRequest when connecting to many HTTPS resources at the same time. (UUM-49389)

  • Networking: Fix crash when quitting application with running UnityWebRequest. (UUM-48042)

  • Networking: Fixed an issue where virtual methods in DownloadHandlerScript were being stripped. (UUM-34034)

  • Networking: Fixed TLS networking issue so that UnityWebRequest can now establish TLS connections with Windows Server 2012 and 2016. (UUM-41557)

  • Networking: Throw exception instead of crashing if UnityWebRequest is sent during app quit, such as from Destroy(). (UUM-63150)

  • Networking: UnityWebRequest scripting API improved and updated.

  • Networking: Update libcurl to version 8.4.0. (UUM-52015)

  • Package: - Add an argument to LiveStreamCaptureDeviceEditor.DrawDefaultLiveStreamInspector to fix the feature that checks the required components for the camera tracking.<br>

    • LiveStream.Properties now uses a Dictionary instead of an IEnumerable to avoid type casting and boxing issues.
  • Package: Fixed serialization of player accounts settings.

  • Package: Updated Localization package to 1.5.0-pre.1.

  • Package: [XR] Updated XR Interaction Toolkit to version 2.4.1.

  • Package Manager: Add a scroll control to the package manifest description field in the Inspector window. (UUM-42618)

  • Package Manager: Added a fix to ignore the ProjectVersion file when importing a package to fix the downgrading of the project version. (UUM-46086)

  • Package Manager: Added a horizontal scrollbar to ensure multi-select buttons are viewable in the Package Manager window. (UUM-45948)

  • Package Manager: Disabling "Clear Filters" button if the user is not using filters. (UUM-42518)

  • Package Manager: Fix install upm on asset store package selecting random package in package list. (UUM-62656)

  • Package Manager: Fixed a null reference exception when using the Unity Editor to open the Meta XR Utilities package from the Asset Store. (UUM-48307)

  • Package Manager: Fixed a sidebar min-width issue. (UUM-62121)

  • Package Manager: Fixed an issue during a 'My Assets' download, in light mode, 'Resume' and 'Cancel' button background colors are off. (UUM-36664)

  • Package Manager: Fixed an issue where built-in packages could not be resolved if a dependency version did not exactly match the built-in package version. (UUM-37161)

  • Package Manager: Fixed an issue where bundled packages could not be installed if cached data was found in the wrong format. This fix addresses the error, "Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'shasum')."

  • Package Manager: Fixed an issue where Git packages were incorrectly displayed in the Unity Registry. (UUM-53183)

  • Package Manager: Fixed an issue where the Leaderboards Package was not visible in the Services tab of the Package Manager window.

  • Package Manager: Fixed an issue where the Package Manager diagnose button did not display the the diagnostic tool output on Windows.

  • Package Manager: Fixed an issue where the registeredPackages event would not be raised on startup.

  • Package Manager: Fixed an issue with the Package Manager caused by setting the NODE_OPTIONS environment variable.

  • Package Manager: fixed Installing a package by name@version not showing "installing a package" in package details pane. (UUM-41690)

  • Package Manager: Fixed the issue where bundled plugins cannot be exported into a .unitypackage file. (UUM-37376)

  • Package Manager: Package Import window retains its functionality when collapsing the root folder of a package (UUM-52889)

  • Package Manager: Removed a folder from the immutable assets backup system, which was preventing installers from building.

  • Package Manager: Removed warning icons when an asset store download is aborted. (UUM-47319)

  • Package Manager: Updated the rules to determine the recommended version of a package. (UUM-46466)

  • Particles: Added Custom Render Queue UI to built-in particle shaders.

  • Particles: Fixed a crash that could happen when particle systems with mesh particles were deleted. (UUM-26623)

  • Particles: Fixed a Noise Module occasional glitches issue. (UUM-58283)

  • Particles: Fixed a random crash with Prewarm and SubEmitter. (UUM-54962)

  • Particles: Fixed an issue where ParticleSystems playing in Edit mode would continue playing after undoing changes, applying or reverting prefab instances or copy-pasting. (UUM-28514)

  • Particles: Fixed particles flickering on Vulkan. (UUM-21106)

  • Particles: Fixed regression that was causing a crash in ParticleSystem Stop() when called outside of main thread. (UUM-54561)

  • Particles: Fixed Trail module crash when using Generate Lighting Data checkbox. (UUM-58366)

  • Particles: Improve batching performance of Particle Systems that use Sprites. (UUM-52114)

  • Physics: Discard inertia tensor rotations that contain infinite components (both Rigidbody and ArticulationBody). (UUM-49807)

  • Physics: Fixed a crash that would occur when WheelCollider.rotationSpeed called while no Rigidbody was present up the hierarchy. (UUM-47082)

  • Physics: Fixed a spelling issue in a BoxCollider warning message. (UUM-57944)

  • Physics: Fixed an issue moving child triggers causing parent bodies to recalculate their center of mass. (UUM-30798)

  • Physics: Fixed an issue where Cloth crashed when attempting to bake using a mesh that had duplicate vertices and all the particles pinned. (UUM-34029)

  • Physics: Fixed an issue where cloth would not simulate due to the scaling checks for the component registering a false positive on x64 non-development player builds (UUM-26254)

  • Physics: Fixed an issue where having kinematic Rigidbody components collide with continuous collision detection enabled, would cause a crash inside the PhysX solver due to incorrect contact pair flags being generated. (UUM-54007)

  • Physics: Fixed an issue where moving the target of Joint::connectedArticulationBody across scenes would cause Unity to crash on the next Physics.Simulate call. (UUM-46877)

  • Physics: Fixed an issue where moving the target of Joint::connectedBody across scenes would cause Unity to crash on the next Physics.Simulate call. (UUM-46877)

  • Physics: Fixed an issue where physics scenes would get recreated every time a preview scene would be unloaded

  • Physics: Fixed an issue where Physics.gravity would end up attempting to wake up kinematic Rigidbody components, causing errors to be logged. (UUM-57939)

  • Physics: Fixed an issue where Player builds could crash due to collision meshes being released too late into the shutdown sequence of the engine. (UUM-61878)

  • Physics: Fixed an issue where Rigidbody::Move and Rigidbody::MoveRotation would not respect position constraints when used with Rigidbody components set to kinematic. (UUM-61558)

  • Physics: Fixed an issue where small bodies would tunnel through large bodies in continuous collision detection mode at high simulation frequencies (~200Hz). (UUM-19349)

  • Physics: Fixed an issue where the cloth paint tool would be unusable due to a missmatch between the provided Mesh's MeshColliderCookingOptions and what the Cloth system requested. (UUM-35062)

  • Physics: Fixed an issue where Joint::axis could not be initialized during component construction. (UUM-46606)

  • Physics: Fixed an issue where Rigidbody.freezeRotation incorrectly added RigidbodyConstraints.FreezePosition to the Rigidbody constraint flags. (UUM-44454)

  • Physics: Fixed an issue with Rigidbody::MoveRotation where the epsilon used to verify that the provided Quaternion is close to being unit length was too precise, causing false positives. (UUM-57420)

  • Physics: Fixed the torque computation of ArticulationBody.AddRelativeTorque to properly move the provided local space torque into world space before applying the inertia tensor world matrix. This change only affects cases whereForceMode.AccelerationandForceMode.VelocityChange` would be used.

  • Physics: Fixed the torque computation of RigidBody.AddRelativeForce to use the inertia tensor world matrix instead of mass. This change only affects cases where ForceMode.Acceleration and ForceMode.VelocityChange would be used. (UUM-54134)

  • Physics: Fixed the torque computation of RigidBody.AddRelativeTorque to properly move the provided local space torque into world space before applying the inertia tensor world matrix. This change only affects cases where ForceMode.Acceleration and ForceMode.VelocityChange would be used.

  • Physics: Re-enabled printing of the Mesh asset's path when a MeshCollider fails to initialize.

  • Physics 2D: Fixed an accuracy issue when using Physics2D.CapsuleCast where the specified capsule geometry has the same width and height i.e. it is a circle shape. (UUM-54373)

  • Physics 2D: Fixed an issue so that small or thin holes are no longer left inside a Polygon Collider 2D when removing a near-collinear vertex. (UUM-45879)

  • Physics 2D: Fixed an issue when using a CircleCollider2D in a CompositeCollider2D whilst using Transform scaling, the Radius could become invalid. (UUM-61207)

  • Physics 2D: Fixed an issue when using SetEnabled on CompositeCollider2D should have no effect as component isn't able to be disabled. (UUM-59650)

  • Physics 2D: Fixed an issue when using CustomCollider2D.SetCustomShapes using a NativeArray to allow the shape vertices to be non-contiguous i.e each redundant vertex unused by shapes are allowed. (UUM-53717)

  • Physics 2D: Fixed an issue where Animation Root Motion rotation and Animation Transform rotation could not correctly rotate a Rigidbody2D. (UUM-44297)

  • Physics 2D: Fixed an issue where OnTriggerExit2D or OnCollisionExit2D are not called if the Collider2D has existing contacts but then becomes invalid (no shapes) due to an arbitrary rotation around the x and/or y-axis. (UUM-53156)

  • Physics 2D: Fixed an issue where PhysicsShapeGroup2D.Add() produced incorrect PhysicsShape2D.vertexStartIndex. (UUM-57029)

  • Physics 2D: Modified RelativeJoint2D to show Angular offset in degrees instead of radians when Auto Configuration Offset is enabled. (UUM-42690)

  • Playables: Fixed documentation for FrameData.frameId that was wrong. (UUM-49593)

  • Player: Fixed a memory regression issue in Player. (UUM-40679)

  • Prefabs: Fixed a bug that caused the error "Prefab mismatch: The instance object in the scene is referencing a corresponding source object in the Prefab of a different type." to be thrown when an added GameObject was applied to a Prefab. (UUM-36238)

  • Prefabs: Fixed a bug where the properties of some children were not being reverted when multi-editing a property under one Prefab instance. (UUM-42527)

  • Prefabs: Fixed an editor crash by removing the root GameObject on a prefab instance. (UUM-58461)

  • Prefabs: Fixed Assets referenced in Prefab Mode are not unloaded until a new Scene is opened. Now we also unload unused assets when exited Prefab Mode or changing to another Prefab in Prefab Mode. (UUM-49014)

  • Prefabs: Fixed the "Active" property in constraint components using the data from its scene data and using the value from its prefab data. (UUM-47009)

  • Profiler: Fixed an issue whereby all Rendering statistics could be zero in Play Mode when the application's target frame rate was set. (UUM-58128)

  • Profiler: Fixed FrameTimingManager reported incorrect GPU time on Android GLES. (UUM-52911)

  • Profiler: Fixed Mono not reporting free managed heap segments and internal allocations. (UUM-53413)

  • Profiler: Fixeed null pointer access crash inside ProfilerRecorder. (UUM-53009)

  • Profiler: Profiler preferences UI padding now matches other preferences. (UUM-34446)

  • Profiler: The default Memory module's details view is now scrollable. (UUM-52677)

  • Scene Manager: Fixed a crash when replacing a missing prefab asset. (UUM-42461)

  • Scene/Game View: Fixed a issue where the in-scene context menu would appear outside the Scene View. (UUM-40106)

  • Scene/Game View: Fixed a slight pause in the Scene View's camera movement when rapidly changing between arrow keys of opposite directions. (UUM-42170)

  • Scene/Game View: Fixed an issue that caused high CPU usage when more than one Game view was open. (UUM-44719)

  • Scene/Game View: Fixed an issue where clicking on the SceneView with the middle mouse button would not focus it on MacOS. (UUM-57116)

  • Scene/Game View: Fixed an issue where exiting a tool variant triggers another tool variant from the same group. (UUM-54110)

  • Scene/Game View: Fixed an issue where GameObject icon was not visibility responsive to Scene View visibility. (UUM-55801)

  • Scene/Game View: Fixed an issue where navigating the SceneView using Flythrough mode would cause a system alert sound to be played on macOS. (UUM-56936)

  • Scene/Game View: Fixed an issue where shader dispatch events did not show up in the GameView RenderDoc capture data. (UUM-29955)

  • Scene/Game View: Fixed an issue where the Add button in the GameView's Resolution Size menu was slightly obscured. (UUM-42590)

  • Scene/Game View: Fixed an issue where the curve keyframes context menu would only have the "Add Key" option. (UUM-41464)

  • Scene/Game View: Fixed an issue where the SceneView's Tools overlay's buttons would not have the correct icon resolution. (UUM-54023)

  • Scene/Game View: Fixed an issue where the Transform Tool would not respect the global handle rotation setting. (UUM-62487)

  • Scene/Game View: Fixed an issue with CamerasOverlay styling when docked in a toolbar and pop-up mode. (UUM-45894)

  • Scene/Game View: Fixed an isuee where a custom collapsed overlay would not opened in collapsed mode. (UUM-49330)

  • Scene/Game View: Fixed center tool handle mode. (UUM-55984)

  • Scene/Game View: Fixed drag and drop action of Skybox material in the SceneView not added to the Undo stack and not dirtying the scene. (UUM-29041)

  • Scene/Game View: Fixed FPS camera navigation not activating when RMB+{W,A,S,D} keys are pressed without mouse movement. (UUM-57993)

  • Scene/Game View: Fixed grid size field not updating after enabling constrained grid size. (UUM-46865)

  • Scene/Game View: Fixed issue where holding the Shift key down and scrolling with the mouse wheel would not change SceneView's camera speed while in Flythrough mode. (UUM-56423)

  • Scene/Game View: Fixed missing Alt + Left Mouse Button pan shortcut when in 2D scene mode. (UUM-61554)

  • Scene/Game View: Fixed Move tool behavior when the parent GameObject changes during manipulation. (UUM-56520)

  • Scene/Game View: Fixed the Edit/Frame Selected setting not focusing the last active Scene view when the Hierarchy window is focused. (UUM-43944)

  • Scene/Game View: Fixed the Scene View mouse jumping to only be set when the view tools are active. (UUM-33675)

  • Scene/Game View: Fixed Transform Tool rotation handle not respecting increment snap setting. (UUM-61749)

  • Scene/Game View: Fixing styling issue in "Move To" label of the Grid Settings overlay. (UUM-49171)

  • Scene/Game View: Fixing styling issue in buttons highlight of the Grid Settings overlay. (UUM-46858)

  • Scripting: ColorUtility.TryParseHtmlString will now remove any whitespace from the start and end of the input string. (UUM-54327)

  • Scripting: Deprecated PrefabUtilitiy.InstantiateAttachedAsset. (UUM-33714)

  • Scripting: Editor crash when trying to determine assembly information for a path without any asmdef (UUM-48054)

  • Scripting: Ensure that we use a Logical Path rather than an Absolute Path when looking up InstanceIDs (UUM-63675)

  • Scripting: Ensured thread safety for mono gc calls.

  • Scripting: Fixed a couple of issues in AssemblyUpdater with regard to generic type handling. (UUM-16921)

  • Scripting: Fixed a crash that would occur if a coroutine was not persisted when a series of UnityEvents were invoked. (UUM-29293)

  • Scripting: Fixed a possible crash when using the HierarchyCommandList.Add method. (UUM-54518)

  • Scripting: Fixed an issue that prevented scripts from compiling and filing up the Editor logs. (UUM-45593)

  • Scripting: Fixed AssemblyUpdater process not never exiting in some scenarios. (UUM-55990)

  • Scripting: Fixed crash when loading a project with script compilation errors (UUM-48740)

  • Scripting: Fixed files not getting added for compilation if GUIDs are detected as a move, and the old file added as new.

  • Scripting: Fixed incorrect icon when script name is 'GameManager'. (UUM-46121)

  • Scripting: Fixed method Hierarchy.Reserve that would add the specified capacity instead of ensuring that capacity. (UUM-54520)

  • Scripting: Fixed method Hierarchy.SortChildren recursive that would stop prematurely. (UUM-54519)

  • Scripting: Fixed race condition that could cause crashes on startup when native code called into managed code. (UUM-49357)

  • Scripting: Fixes regression where clicking on a script compilation error in the Console Window doesn't highlight the script in the Project Window. (UUM-16958)

  • Scripting: Fixesd a console error related to rider pkg (v3.0.25 or later), which appears in Editor SafeMode. (UUM-57097)

  • Scripting: Reduced the noise in Editor logs when ApiUpdater fails to read/write cached configuration files. (UUM-49205)

  • Scripting: Removed the multiple HelpURL attributes warning. (UUM-59630)

  • Search: Do not dig into managedReference when parsing for scene dependencies. (UUM-49308)

  • Search: Fixed an issue when computing dependencies in ScenePRovider we only add reference for root prefab instance. (UUM-45908)

  • Search: Fixed an issue where items with the same name didn't appear when using the Advanced Search Picker. (UUM-43907)

  • Search: Fixed an issue where Search's placeholder texts overlapped and escaped the search field. (UUM-44349)

  • Search: Fixed EditColumn dialog that was closing if we were opening a PopupField (happens with new menu system). (UUM-48617)

  • Search: Fixed search not evaluating content of DontDestroyOnLoad scene. (UUM-49568)

  • Search: Fixed Search Window table view buttons appearing multiple times. (UUM-59166)

  • Search: Fixed Search's "Press Tab to filter" so its icon displays. (UUM-44351)

  • Search: Fixed SearchQueryEditor keeping references to old SerializedProperties, causing NullReferenceExceptions when inspecting other objects. (UUM-48277)

  • Search: Fixed sync items selected when switching between group tabs. (UUM-42246)

  • Search: Fixed the Search saved queries sort button to display the dropdown with the ordering options that wasn't showing up briefly. (UUM-41038)

  • Search: Re-enabled search providers priority sorting. (UUM-60991)

  • Search: Remove the Transient Window menu item. (UUM-59187)

  • Serialization: Fix incorrect behaviour of "visited" hash set.

  • Serialization: Fixed a crash by performing a rebuild after the rename of the scriptable object and the scriptable object are updated accordingly. (UUM-41704)

  • Serialization: Fixed an Editor crash that occured when creating asset bundle with fully supported inflated types. (UUM-37034)

  • Serialization: Fixed an issue so that the class name of an inflated types does not include the namespace. (UUM-27766)

  • Serialization: Fixed an issue that can cause long or near-infinite loop after insertion from BaseListView. (UUM-41478)

  • Serialization: Fixed calling JsonUtility.FromJson&lt;T&gt;(json) in parallel task. (UUM-46590)

  • Serialization: Fixed player build checks when assembly is modified. (UUM-48662)

  • Serialization: Fixed the TypeDB path in BuildPlayerDataGenerator. (UUM-28069)

  • Serialization: SerializedProperty.boxedValue now works with types containing SerializeReference. (UUM-15022)

  • Shadergraph: Addressed issue with main preview window failing to refresh. (UUM-47201)

  • Shadergraph: Fix an issue where sprite previews were not rendering. (UUM-41514)

  • Shadergraph: Fixed a regression where adding nodes in large graphs caused a major slowdown. (UUM-46770)

  • Shadergraph: Fixed a typo in the generated code for the NAND node. (UUM-47325)

  • Shadergraph: Fixed an issue where InstanceID node did not give the correct values when the ShaderGraph is used with all Draw APIs such as Graphics.DrawMeshInstancedIndirect, Graphics.DrawMeshInstancedProcedural, Graphics.DrawProcedural, Graphics.DrawProceduralIndirect, their CommandBuffer counterparts and the equivalent RenderMesh and RenderPrimitive counterparts.

  • Shadergraph: Fixed an issue where an open asset inspector for subgraphs may mangle the json serialized representation for that subgraph asset. (UUM-56145)

  • Shadergraph: Fixed an issue where drag-out node creation would leave the editor unresponsive. (UUM-53778)

  • Shadergraph: Fixed an issue where material override GUIs for Built-In would sometimes get ignored. (UUM-46774)

  • Shadergraph: Fixed an issue where the Save/Save as hotkeys weren't being caught by the Shader Graph window.

  • Shadergraph: Fixed an issue where unexpected slowdowns may occur after dependent saving subgraphs. (UUM-52209)

  • Shadergraph: Fixed an issue where unexpected slowdowns may occur after dependent saving subgraphs. (UUM-61897)

  • Shadergraph: Fixed an issue where value nodes might appear on undo/redo where property nodes would be. (UUM-52909)

  • Shadergraph: Fixed incorrect documentation links from the editor for Custom Interpolators and Property Types.

  • Shadergraph: Fixed minor usability issues with Custom Function Nodes.

  • Shadergraph: Fixed node creation menu location on macOS. (UUM-47824)

  • Shadergraph: Fixed typos in the text of the the Node Reference samples. (UUM-58488)

  • Shadergraph: Removed a non-valid character from the name of an imported material sub asset.

  • Shaders: Added mem_flags::mem_texture to AllMemoryBarrier* (UUM-55302)

  • Shaders: do not try to prewarm stereo-instancing variants since they require specific RT setup (for "layered" rendering). (UUM-54697)

  • Shaders: Fixed an editor crash when updating a shader graph referenced by another shader using UsePass. (UUM-46187)

  • Shaders: Fixed an issue to ensured that compute shaders register include dependencies properly in some edge cases. This way fixing errors in include files will recompile the shader as expected. (UUM-35111)

  • Shaders: Fixed an issue where internal shader compiler errors such as losing connection to a compiler process were cached like compilation errors are. (UUM-28802)

  • Shaders: Fixed an issue where internal shader compiler errors such as losing connection to a compiler process were cached like compilation errors are. (UUM-28802)

  • Shaders: Fixed an issue with HLSL to Metal codegen when loading a specific sample index from a Texture2DMSArray. (UUM-46480)

  • Shaders: Fixed compiling geometry and tessellation shaders for the Vulkan graphics API, so it no longer generates a "gl_" identifiers error. (UUM-30365)

  • Shaders: Fixed crashes on some platforms due to trying to allocate too many lock objects. (UUM-57249)

  • Shaders: Fixed dynamic shader keywords so they longer create a keyword space mismatch when you use them with UsePass. (UUM-44739)

  • Shaders: Fixed PackageRequirements block in ShaderLab not recognizing experimental package versions. (UUM-43288)

  • Shaders: Fixed shader compiling so shaders with the Native16Bit requirement no longer compile with FXC instead of DXC for the Metal graphics API.

  • Shaders: Fixed shader importing so it no longer sometimes crashes the Editor. (UUM-42369)

  • Shaders: Fixed shader warmup when a scriptable render pipeline initializes in OpenGL. The GPU no longer hangs if you specify a shader preloading asset. (UUM-43199)

  • Shaders: Fixed the WarmupAllShaders API so it warms up all variants instead of only a single variant per pass. (UUM-45992)

  • Shaders: Fixed UsePass shader to update its state whenever the pass owner shader is being modified. (UUM-5582)

  • Shaders: Fixed \#include_with_pragmas directives deleting other lines of code during raytracing and compute shader compilation. (UUM-35030)

  • Shaders: For shaders compiled using DXC for Vulkan, fixed "maximal supported UAV limit" errors being generated on UAV resource declarations when they shouldn't be. (UUM-56264)

  • Shaders: Improved CPU-side performance when using shaders with dynamic_branch directives. (UUM-52979)

  • Shaders: Improved message in the player log when sending the shader variant to the GPU driver. (UUM-62527)

  • Source Code Build: VisionOS no longer makes building il2cpp from source fail. (UUM-48881)

  • SpeedTree: Fixed an issue where meshes did not calculate UV distribution metrics when imported. (UUM-27636)

  • SpeedTree: Fixed models moving around when in Play Mode and moving camera in the Scene view. (UUM-20871)

  • SpeedTree: Fixed popping Level Of Detail (LOD) transitions for the Crossfade mode for URP. (UUM-40046)

  • SpeedTree: Fixed very poor performance of speed tree wind GPU shader parameters computation in SpeedTreeWindManager. (UUM-13879)

  • SRP Core: Add XR for Lens Flare Data Driven. (UUM-33648)

  • SRP Core: Allowing buffer read through NRP RenderGraph API. (UUM-48872)

  • SRP Core: Avoid getting UnityEditor.SceneManagement.PrefabStage with reflection from the static ctor of CoreUtils. (UUM-43722)

  • SRP Core: Fixed 'Remove All' context action for Volume Profile not working in VolumeEditor. (UUM-56409)

  • SRP Core: Fixed a crash caused by the Volume Profile context menu in the HDRP or URP Asset. (UUM-46030)

  • SRP Core: Fixed CurrentPipelineHelpURLAttribute.URL returning null when render no pipeline is active, causing errors. (UUM-53661)

  • SRP Core: Fixed issue where errors could be thrown by debug action registration if deleting all axes in Input Manager. (UUM-45496)

  • SRP Core: Fixed issue where using BiRP-only Camera APIs with active SRP didn't display a warning as expected. (UUM-60381)

  • SRP Core: Fixed left eye's Lens Flare light in XR. (UUM-35075)

  • SRP Core: Fixed lens flare so that it performs occlusion with a certain Occlusion Offset value when the camera is facing a light (UUM-3984)

  • SRP Core: Fixed some leaks / missing calls to Dispose() in GI probe baking code.

  • SRP Core: Fixed Stripping.meta corrupted metal file. (UUM-46994)

  • SRP Core: NullReferenceException when trying to display VolumeComponents overrides. (UUM-53816)

  • Terrain: Fixed a player crash when a terrain tile completely made of holes was viewed from a distance. (UUM-45970)

  • Terrain: Fixed Terrain shaders for grass and SpeedTree to ensure billboard grass and trees are visible for all depth priming modes. (UUM-31371)

  • Test Framework: Fixed an issue where a memory tracking fixture would not print callstacks when used in leak mode. (UUM-42432)

  • Text: Fixed un-detected sprite asset changes after adding new sprites. (UUM-55614)

  • TextCore: Added Nirmala UI font family as the global fallback for Hindi (Indian language) script on Windows.

  • TextCore: Ensure GetPreferredValues and GenerateTextMesh return the same size. (UUM-61577)

  • TextCore: Ensure only Kernings are populated for UITK and IMGUI. (UUM-37691)

  • TextCore: Fix Ideographic Variation Selector (UUM-63538)

  • TextCore: Fixed a bug that caused a crash when upgrading materials. (UUM-32513)

  • TextCore: Fixed an issue in selection index evaluation (UUM-49603)

  • TextCore: Fixed an issue were errors were thrown for incorrectly formatted tags. (UUM-11753)

  • TextCore: Fixed an issue where Kerning was applied to Sprites. (UUM-57103)

  • TextCore: Fixed FontAsset menu items. (UUM-36040)

  • TextMeshPro: Added a fix to ensure PreferredHeight handles the line height settings correctly. (TMPB-198)

  • TextMeshPro: Added missing _ScaleRatioA to HDRP and URP shaders. (TMPB-169)

  • TextMeshPro: Applied a fix to ensure that PreferredHeight handles various line height correctly and does not cut off text. (TMPB-165)

  • TextMeshPro: Custom validator ignores the returned character from the validate function. (UUM-42147)

  • TextMeshPro: Editing a textfield on mobile and then submitting throws an exception. (UUM-37282)

  • TextMeshPro: Ensure Sprites can be reordered within a SpriteAsset. (UUM-49349)

  • TextMeshPro: Ensured that sprites now use the correct indexes. (TMPB-200)

  • TextMeshPro: Fixed a bug that would crash the Editor when upgrading materials. (TMPB-187)

  • TextMeshPro: Fixed a Dropdown creation issue that was causing a crash after undoing. (UUM-60214)

  • TextMeshPro: Fixed an issue where enabling and disabling Canvases caused a regeneration of the text. (UUM-45320)

  • TextMeshPro: Fixed an issue where there were missing grey and lightblue tags. (UUM-54820)

  • TextMeshPro: Fixed an issue with Surrounding dropdown not closing correctly in certain situations. (UUM-33691)

  • TextMeshPro: Fixed margin values of TMP Text object can't be set when having specific anchors (UUM-46117)

  • TextMeshPro: Fixed the Maskable property so it propagates to SubMesh. (TMPB-191)

  • TextMeshPro: Fixed the TMP Importer window so it does not repeatedly pop up. (UUM-41289)

  • TextMeshPro: Fixed TMP_InputField line limit behavior to mean unlimited when the value is set to zero or negative. (UUM-57192)

  • TextMeshPro: Introduce a shim version of TextMesh Pro for packages that had a hard dependency on it. (UUM-58068)

  • TextMeshPro: Set the FaceInfo setter to public. (TMPB-182)

  • TextMeshPro: Setting the game object layer for the Dropdown blocker game object to match the Canvas value (UUM-62470)

  • Timeline: Fixed a MissingReferenceException when editing a Timeline that is an instance of a prefab and a bound Animator is destroyed. (TB-222)

  • Timeline: Fixed an issue with playback and recording when Timeline is linked with the Animation Window. (TB-221)

  • Timeline: Fixed issue where a warning would be logged in the console for TrackAsset. (TB-229)

  • Timeline: Fixed issue where changing the name of a group track was not undoable. (TB-218)

  • uGUI: Fix bug that dirties prefab upon opening it when configured with a layout group + content size fitter (UUM-19577)

  • uGUI: Fixed alphaHitTestMinimumThreshold using the wrong pixel value when the sprite had a non-zero position. (UUM-59732)

  • uGUI: Fixed an issue with Surrounding dropdown not closing correctly in certain situations.

  • uGUI: Fixed editor crash on Camera::GetCameraRect on a nested Canvas GameObject. (UUM-42366)

  • uGUI: Fixed issue with Buttons triggering a different Button when using multiple Canvas instances in multiple windows. (UUM-36255)

  • uGUI: Fixed Multi Line Newline input field from not accepting any new line past the set line limit. (UUM-42585)

  • uGUI: Fixed the order of game object selection by passing only the root game object when building gizmos. (UUM-52935)

  • uGUI: Fixed underline when use at end of text. (UUM-55135)

  • uGUI: Fixed Physics2DRaycaster returning the wrong distance between the sorting groups and the raycast. (UUM-45893)

  • uGUI: Setting the game object layer for the Dropdown blocker game object to match the Canvas value (UUM-62470)

  • UI: Fixed compile error on TMP_PostBuildProcessorHandler.cs when building for iOS with "install into source code (UUM-57710)

  • UI Elements: Added a way to opt out of asset monitoring on specific editor windows to avoid performance issues with panels that contain many VisualElements. (UUM-60233)

  • UI Elements: Fixed an issue to ensure UnicodeLineBreakingRules are applied to text. (UUM-12413)

  • UI Elements: Fixed Enum field changes that are not reflecting when multi-editing GameObjects with different values. (UUM-40715)

  • UI Elements: Fixed the multicolumn control not calling DestroyItem when clearing its itemsSource and calling a Rebuild. (UUM-54832)

  • UI Elements: Fixed the UI Builder hierarchy element duplicate command. (UUM-60026)

  • UI Elements: Fixed touchscreen keyboard input not being updated in TextFields on Platforms where input is only provided after the keyboard has closed (UUM-53137)

  • UI Elements: Prevent the array size field to be recreated when a property was being updated. (UUM-55415)

  • UI Elements: Reverted back the multiline validation being applied to single line TextField. (UUM-21496)

  • UI Elements: Updated the logic to use the proper source count removing the dependency from the source type and layout version. (UUM-55415)

  • UI Toolkit: Added a Save Event data in the UI Builder to detect Uxml Serialization and UxmlTraits custom elements.

  • UI Toolkit: Added a warning to display when a UXML file contains more than one UxmlObject type defined in a single instance attribute. (UIT-1544)

  • UI Toolkit: Added an option to the Library's settings that allows you to use a blank VisualElement by default when adding from the Library. (UUM-19254)

  • UI Toolkit: Added missing description labels for PanelSettings properties. (UUM-44278)

  • UI Toolkit: Added multi-column tree view and multi-column list view to the standard controls library in the UI Builder. (UIT-2214)

  • UI Toolkit: Added support for math operations in the Slider and SliderInt text input field. (UUM-49342)

  • UI Toolkit: Added support for setting ListView.ScrollToItem and ScrollView.scrollOffset when the content container size is still being calculated. (UUM-33784)

  • UI Toolkit: Added tooltips on all data binding fields.

  • UI Toolkit: Changed Builder's default binding from TwoWay to ToTarget.

  • UI Toolkit: Clarified bindings "converter" label and references.

  • UI Toolkit: Fix CompositeField subfield value setting when multi-editing (UUM-63331)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed "FormatException" error is thrown when generating the schema and using a system region that uses ',' as a decimal point. (UUM-55945)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed "invalid vertex" errors (UUM-42891)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed a bug that caused the UI Builder new selector text to display incorrectly after a select is added. (UUM-39626)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed a bug that caused EnumField to not update its displayed text when it changed back from showMixedValue mode. (UUM-41395)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed alignment of UI Builder binding buttons Object/Type. (UUM-49204)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed an exception that was thrown when adding a hidden column to a multi-column control. (UUM-39648)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue in the UI Builder that caused an exception when using a CustomRenderTexture where a RenderTexture was expected. (UUM-37729)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue in the UI Builder where editing an element in-canvas would sometimes have an offset. (UUM-17577)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue in the UI Builder where it wouldn't use the custom uxml type name defined in the UxmlFactory class. (UUM-41831)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue where a driver bug could cause UI Toolkit textures to show incorrectly. (UUM-13134)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue where adding a UXML Object to the UI Builder caused errors to appear in the console. (UUM-43340)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue where applying the [UxmlElement] tag to a custom control featuring a UxmlFactory/UxmlTraits led to duplicate entries in the UI Builder's Project panel. (UIT-2013)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue where generic type UI controls appeared in the UI Builder's Library panel. (UIT-2014)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue where itemsChosen event was not triggered when using Input System UI Input Model. (UUM-53680)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue where PropertyField was incorrectly resolving the type when displaying an ObjectField, and a class shared the same name as a built-in type. (UUM-29499)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue where PropertyFields could incorrectly bind to a child property if it had the same name as the field. (UUM-27252)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue where sorting change events were sent during reapplication of view data state. (UUM-36302)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue where the attribute overrides would not be applied correctly across uxml templates. (UUM-49718)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue where the context menu for bound attribute fields showed wrong items. (UUM-46157)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue where the ContextMenu width was too large when containing a search field. (UUM-53864)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue where the Data Binding Source completion popup being updated when the UI Builder window was moved or resized. (UIT-1849)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue where the ListView would bind to an incorrect property path when the list items were being reused. (UUM-61896)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue where the ListView would not display serialized values correctly when the list items were being reused. (UUM-56957)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue where the PopupField would not report a change to the index property properly. (UUM-52070)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue where the UI Builder databinding popup window didn't close, resize, and wasn't displayed because of some focus actions. (UUM-43981)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue where the UI Builder would not recognize attributes starting with an uppercase letter as bindable. (UUM-55555)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue where the UI Toolkit controls from the com.unity.dt.app-ui package would not show up in the UI Builder's Library. (UUM-60553)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue where the url Style sheet value did not use speech marks instead of apostrophes. (UUM-59416)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue where the xml namespaces provided by the user were not kept when saving a UXML file in the UI Builder. (UUM-39907)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue where the MultiColumnTreeView and MultiColumnListView view controllers lost reference to the sortColumnDescriptions after deserializing from UXML. (UUM-33663)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue where there was a limit on the canvas size in the UI Builder. (UUM-57996)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue where UI Builder Library regenerated unnecessarily.

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue where UI Builder Viewport background turned white after docking or undocking the UI Builder window. (UUM-47261)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue where UI Document Live Reload feature was systematically triggered when you entered Play mode with the UI Builder window open. (UUM-43595)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue where UI Toolkit + IPointerClickHandler. IPointerClickHandler did not counts click correctly. (UUM-47980)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue where users could not update UXML schema for custom controls created with UxmlElementAttribute.

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue where when you set SetValueWithoutNotify on the Vector3Field element would trigger the RegisterValueChangedCallback. (UUM-43504)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue where PanelSettingsInspector displayed the wrong scale mode. (UUM-35021)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue with IMGUI container being misaligned. (UUM-55037)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue with ListView items being rebound to the parent SerializedObject when hierarchy traversal kicks in, instead of keeping the binding from bindItem. (UUM-54716)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue with the Unset all option not unsetting the data in the Data Binding window. (UUM-37010)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue with ListView.itemsChosen being incorrectly called when clicking on two separate items. (UUM-42450)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue with ListView being stuck when trying to scroll up. (UUM-28510)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed and reenabled all previously instable UGUIEventSystemTests. (UUM-22461)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed attributes loading the wrong asset when the reference was to a subasset. (UUM-41963)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed Command event modifier for pointer events on MacOS. (UUM-43481)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed composite field values remain displayed as mixed when their showMixedValue is set back to false (UUM-33760)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed controls sometimes ignoring clicks on MacOS after a Contextual Menu is opened with a right click. (UUM-54650)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed CurveFIeld not applying the ranges to the CurveEditorWindow. (UUM-61075)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed default runtime theme creation in the UI Builder. (UUM-56954)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed documentation links for UI Toolkit assets and scripts (UUM-28715)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed duplicating elements in UI Builder does not copy UXML objects and bindings.

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed editor failing to load layout preset when it includes the UI Builder (UUM-48802)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed elastic scrollview jittery on drag. (UUM-56550)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed elements sometimes remaining in the hover pseudo-state after a touch pointer input followed by hiding and showing the element. (UUM-8750)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed elements sometimes remaining in the hover pseudo-state after a touch pointer input has left the them. (UUM-4156)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed exception being thrown from showPlaceholderText when Button text was null. (UUM-60291)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed exceptions when searching for Transition Properties in UI Builder (UUM-47429)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed fields status indicator not refreshing on foldout style fields. (UUM-53358)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed first KeyDown event sometimes being ignored after calling Focus() on an element in runtime. (UUM-32184)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed FloatField showMixedValue has a different behavior than IMGUI's showMixedValue (UUM-3456)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed focus-related events not received when switching EditorWindow tab. (UUM-57083)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed for authoring of attribute overrides being disabled in the UI Builder inspector when UXML Serialization was used. (UUM-56475)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed for changes after project launch are not discarded properly in UI Builder. (UUM-55872)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed gaps between background repeat stamps. (UUM-36753)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed GenericDropdownMenu unnecessarily removing focus from elements created during a menu action. (UUM-37790)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed GUIDepth error when changing Color property in Gradient Editor. (UUM-47254)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed GUIDepth error when changing Search filter dropdown in Test Runner. (UUM-40283)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed incorrect color in the StyleSheetsPane view in Light mode. (UUM-48895)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed invalid elements tessellation when NaN values are set in the style transform values. (UUM-48759)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed issue with inspector in debug mode. (UUM-43460)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed issues with editor bindings throwing exceptions when the object was changed but then disposed. ('SerializedObject of SerializedProperty has been Disposed') (UUM-57406)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed jittery animation produced by ScrollView when playing PostPointerUpAnimation. (UUM-40352)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed ListView null reference exceptions flooding the console when trying to unbind it from a disposed SerializedProperty. (UUM-46364)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed loading of resources by path when a fragment was included in the URI but the asset requested was not a sub-asset. (UUM-49355)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed missing picking overlay of runtime panels in game view (UUM-62288)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed missing update trigger field in the binding window when editing a custom binding.

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed new default runtime theme being created after an existing default runtime theme was renamed (UUM-48266)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed NullReferenceExceptions in the UI Builder when changing style values and the element was set to display:None. (UUM-36707)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed NullReferenceExceptions when reordering animated list views. (UUM-45896)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed ObjectField showing the wrong label when the asset was missing. (UUM-40335)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed pointer and mouse events sometimes not sent exclusively to capturing element during the TrickleDown phase. (UUM-60384)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed reopening UI Builder with the same document ignoring USS changes on disk while the builder was closed. (UUM-53147)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed resolved bindings when a data source is set in UI Builder (UUM-62271)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed ScrollView's Elastic mode is unrestricted when scrolling with the Scrollbar's arrows. (UUM-27737)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed Search window saved searches double-click to rename not working. (UUM-36486)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed SerializeField enum resets to the first value in the Inspector when selecting multiple objects with different enum values. (UUM-59183)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed ShaderGraph input renaming not reacting to clicks on MacOS after a Contextual Menu is opened with a right click (UUM-15297)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed some UI Builder style tooltips that incorrectly mentioned percentage support. (UUM-49020)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed StackOverflowException from EnumFlagsField when showing mixed values. (UUM-56605)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed textured background UVs when inset because of opaque border. (UUM-35321)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed the Dynamic height ListView scrolling to the wrong item when using ScrollToItem. (UUM-40674)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed the inconsistent Bezier offset issue when using Painter2D.

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed the incorrect selection types for elements instantiated by a template within a custom control. (UUM-32501)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed the issue preventing the setting the sortColumnDescriptions property after the columns property in multi-column controls. (UIT-2124)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed the issue with ObjectField not clearing up when using the Backspace key. (UUM-35034)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed the misalignments found in the composite controls. (UUM-25403)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed the order of the spacing and border fields in the UI Builder inspector to match Unity Style Sheets (USS) order.

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed the UXML Attributes view in the builder so its margin matches the other sections.

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed the vertical scroller visibilty issue of the TextField control. (UIT-2027)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed the contentContainer for RadioButtonGroup. (UUM-39830)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed the ListView single-click issue when EventSystem and StandaloneInputModule are used in the scene. (UUM-42106)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed the TreeView element not being expanded fully when trying to expand it more than once. (UUM-27589)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed Timeline and Animation windows cannot record script component changes (UUM-57154)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed TreeView showing blank when applying view data and the scroll view scroll offset was non-zero. (UUM-27288)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed UI builder so a warning box does not display when entering play mode. (UUM-37271)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed UI Toolkit PropertyFields are missing labels if not set explicitly. (UUM-44045)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed UIElementsGenerator to include shorthand properties when generating UssNameToCSharpName and vice versa.

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed UIToolkit property field background does not change color when the property was animated. (UUM-26208)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed undo on text based attribute fields deals with each character separately. (UUM-32599)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed unset not working on composite style fields in the UI Builder. (UUM-55325)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed USS files reordering in UI Builder. (UUM-37728)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed UxmlObjects overriding other UxmlObjects in the UI Builder. (UUM-55902)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed view data persistence not preserving the ListView and TreeView selected items. (UUM-29291)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed wrong pointer event target when an element's visibility or pickingMode is modified without moving the pointer. (UUM-20723)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed RadioButtonGroup such that its choices clear properly. (UUM-40687)

  • UI Toolkit: hanged the Text Alignment field so that the vertical alignment group will wrap when the inspector width becomes too small. (UUM-61202)

  • UI Toolkit: Improved performance of selecting and adding elements in the UI Builder.

  • UI Toolkit: Improved performance when deserializing attribute overrides.

  • UI Toolkit: Improved the ListView content container to prevent resizing smaller than it should be when reordering items. (UUM-42365)

  • UI Toolkit: Improved unregistering of editing callbacks.

  • UI Toolkit: In the UI Builder, there is now more information available about inherited data sources.

  • UI Toolkit: Invalid style enum values will now produce an error instead of throwing an exception in the UI Builder. (UUM-60964)

  • UI Toolkit: ListView no longer throws an exception when an item is dragged out and back into a window. (UUM-36495)

  • UI Toolkit: Modified EnumFlagsField so they can have the Everything and None flags declared anywhere in the enum. (UUM-40696)

  • UI Toolkit: Prevent single line text fields from translating new lines characters, unless escaped, when setting this through its value property through script. (UUM-21496)

  • UI Toolkit: Removed instable test case for AddNode (UUM-42968)

  • UI Toolkit: Removed instable test case for CreateNode (UUM-42969)

  • UI Toolkit: Removed unused valueAsString from Hash128Field.

  • UI Toolkit: Removing an element or uxml object will now remove its uxml object children.

  • UI Toolkit: UXML Enum attributes are no longer case sensitive. (UUM-33414)

  • UI Toolkit: You can now use single clicks to select the data binding source path in the popup in UI Builder.

  • UI Toolkit: [Properties] Fixed an issue where the source generator would output reflection code when direct access was possible. (UUM-59924)

  • Undo System: Fixed an issue where detect scripts would destroy object when they are added to during Reset. (UUM-40624)

  • Undo System: Fixed Redo restoration of multiple ScriptableObject added via AddObjectToAsset. (UUM-53904)

  • Undo System: Improved performance on Undo Flush when using the serialization system. (UUM-10900)

  • Universal RP: Added a test scene in URP's Foundation project for UseBufferRandomAccess and UseTextureRandomAccess.

  • Universal RP: Added an RTHandle pool to fix the RTHandle reallocation at runtime. (UUM-40249)

  • Universal RP: Added depth and stencil operations to FullScreenPassRendererFeature and allowed users to opt-out of depth-stencil being bound per feature in the "Additional Properties" section. (UUM-26399)

  • Universal RP: Added GBuffer (fill) passes to ComplexLit and Unlit shaders to prevent GBuffer data holes. (UUM-21919)

  • Universal RP: Added logic to enforce consistent hardware dynamic resolution settings during rendering to avoid issues when external code changes the global setting. (UUM-58686)

  • Universal RP: Disabled Motion Blur effect in EditMode to keep the game view clear while editing. Motion Blur works as before in PlayMode and standalone builds. (UUM-43739)

  • Universal RP: Disabled Soft Shadow Quality per-light levels on Quest and HoloLens platforms to improve XR performance. (UUM-33025)

  • Universal RP: Fixed an "floating point division by zero" warning in Shadows.hlsl(189)

  • Universal RP: Fixed an "Implicit truncation of vector type" warning in ShaderPassDecal.hlsl(221).

  • Universal RP: Fixed an "Output value 'fragmentOutput' is not completely initialized" warning in ShaderPassDecal.hlsl(179).

  • Universal RP: Fixed an error in Bloom.shader for foveated when the debug check is enabled inside FoveatedRendering.hlsl.

  • Universal RP: Fixed an issue causing 'implicit truncation of vector type' warning when using ShaderGraph shaders in the Forward+ Rendering Path (UUM-46851)

  • Universal RP: Fixed an issue causing decals to be culled erroneously when using the Screen Space technique (UUM-35569)

  • Universal RP: Fixed an issue that caused Game View not to render after enabling URP Dynamic Resolution with DirectX 12. (UUM-29260)

  • Universal RP: Fixed an issue where additional lights were not rendering correctly when using a mix of shadow settings in deferred. (UUM-46577)

  • Universal RP: Fixed an issue where an obsolete attribute from EnqueuePass API was not removed.

  • Universal RP: Fixed an issue where building a project using deferred with batchmode and nographics resulted in incorrect variant stripping. (UUM-47782)

  • Universal RP: Fixed an issue where data-driven lens-flare was missing occlusion. (UUM-31662)

  • Universal RP: Fixed an issue where decals were not affecting grass when using Deferred Rendering. (UUM-21928)

  • Universal RP: Fixed an issue where disabling SSAO feature didn't work in built projects when the SSAO disabled keyword had been stripped out. (UUM-56165)

  • Universal RP: Fixed an issue where downsampled SSAO had serious artefacts on Android. (UUM-49557)

  • Universal RP: Fixed an issue where Evaluate SH and SoftShadow keywords were incorrectly declared in ShaderGraph shaders. (UUM-59974)

  • Universal RP: Fixed an issue where IndexOutOfRangeException was thrown when creating a stacked camera from script. (UUM-6763)

  • Universal RP: Fixed an issue where it wasn't possible to add a Renderer Feature on a renderer if another feature had a missing or broken script. This issue impacted the Universal Render Pipeline. (UUM-45664)

  • Universal RP: Fixed an issue where Light Layers did not check scene lighting setting when enabling the keyword. (UUM-33751)

  • Universal RP: Fixed an issue where LOD Crossfade was declared twice in Unlit ShaderGraph.

  • Universal RP: Fixed an issue where NullReferenceException was thrown when camera prefab referenced a camera outside the prefab in the camera stack. (UUM-23148)

  • Universal RP: Fixed an issue where NullReferenceExceptions appeared when switching between Quality Levels with Post Processing Volume Update mode set to ViaScripting. (UUM-59882)

  • Universal RP: Fixed an issue where reflection probes were not updating correctly when using Forward+. (UUM-44032)

  • Universal RP: Fixed an issue where renderer features didn't pass validation if they inherit from another renderer feature. (UUM-56639)

  • Universal RP: Fixed an issue where RenderGraph didn't enable the Panini Projection keyword correctly.

  • Universal RP: Fixed an issue where Rendering Layers didn't work properly when opening a project. (UUM-44741)

  • Universal RP: Fixed an issue where Screen Space Decals keyword was missing when Strip Unused Variants was turned off.

  • Universal RP: Fixed an issue where screen space decals would not calculate ambient lighting correctly. (UUM-47142)

  • Universal RP: Fixed an issue where selecting a stacked camera caused the editor to freeze and sometimes crash. (UUM-49234)

  • Universal RP: Fixed an issue where Shader ID's weren't reset properly in the DepthNormals pass. (UUM-36069)

  • Universal RP: Fixed an issue where SSAO would not apply to a scene when using the Deferred Rendering Path and with no Directional light active. (UUM-29957)

  • Universal RP: Fixed an issue where transparent materials were marked as dirty during material UI updates and project saving. (UUM-45752)

  • Universal RP: Fixed an issue where Unlit shaders would not output correct normals when using deferred and Accurate GBuffer Normals.

  • Universal RP: Fixed an issue where _AmbientOcclusionParam wasn't updated correctly in RenderGraph.

  • Universal RP: Fixed an issue with Screen Space Decals where dark artefacts appeared in the editor. (UUM-40885)

  • Universal RP: Fixed an IndexOutOfRangeException error that occurred when using Native RenderPass on the Deferred Rendering Path. (UUM-47178)

  • Universal RP: Fixed ArgumentNullException when trying to use a FullScreenPassRenderer feature with "None" in the requirements mask with Render Graph. (UUM-27276)

  • Universal RP: Fixed bloom shader not working with non uniform rasterisation based foveated rendering on VR platforms that support it. (UUM-61885)

  • Universal RP: Fixed bright pixels when using a camera with skybox and MSAA rendering opaque objects with alpha clipping together with a transparent object if additive blending. (UUM-52949)

  • Universal RP: Fixed depth buffer disappearing after using SwapColorBuffer. (UUM-44446)

  • Universal RP: Fixed early return for renderer features which required color when color didn't exist for depth only output texture.

  • Universal RP: Fixed FRAMEBUFFER_INPUT redefinition warnings when compiling some shaders

  • Universal RP: Fixed FullScreenPassRendererFeature only using the material of the last full screen feature in a frame, this allows multiple passes to work correctly within one frame. (UUM-30970)

  • Universal RP: Fixed HDR Debug Views break the native render pass when enabled once. (UUM-51844)

  • Universal RP: Fixed incorrect alpha-clip behavior on transparent surfaces. (UUM-56601)

  • Universal RP: Fixed incorrect viewport size adjustment logic in CopyDepthPass that caused issues when dynamic resolution was active. (UUM-60392)

  • Universal RP: Fixed issue so that Native RenderPass no longer produces errors when using RenderingLayers. (UUM-34728)

  • Universal RP: Fixed memory leak from render texture when rtHandle realloc failed to be added to pool. (UUM-46882)

  • Universal RP: Fixed missing "_BlitScaleBias" upload for text shaders using the CoreRP Blit.hlsl header. (UUM-35591)

  • Universal RP: Fixed missing padding at the bottom of URP's Global Settings. (UUM-49319)

  • Universal RP: Fixed NativeRenderPass store action. (UUM-27132)

  • Universal RP: Fixed noise and flicker caused by TAA when the Very High option is in use. (UUM-37582)

  • Universal RP: Fixed Overdraw and Wireframe debugger views that were not rendering correctly.

  • Universal RP: Fixed overlay cameras so they always have their clear flag set to nothing during Play mode. (UUM-2386)

  • Universal RP: Fixed scene elements not being sorted correctly when RenderGraph is enabled on OS.

  • Universal RP: Fixed SH vertex evaluation mode in URPLit shader graph. (UUM-39531)

  • Universal RP: Fixed shader stripping when using APV. (UUM-42601)

  • Universal RP: Fixed shadow flickering when using Screen Space shadows and have depth priming enabled. (UUM-48838)

  • Universal RP: Fixed Skipped RenderObjects when rendering preview cameras. (UUM-59428)

  • Universal RP: Fixed the FinalPostPass executing before "AfterRenderingPostProcessing" instead of after it. (UUM-48857)

  • Universal RP: Fixed the NativeRenderPass camera target MSAA logic to match the non-NRP path. (UUM-56396)

  • Universal RP: Fixed the missing _Color exception for the Shader property. (UUM-35520)

  • Universal RP: Fixing an issue with RenderRequest using the wrong renderer. (UUM-38158)

  • Universal RP: RenderGraph: Fixed an issue where an incorrect texture was used when using Empty Additional Shadow path.

  • Universal RP: RenderGraph: Fixed an issue with YFlip on some platforms.

  • Universal RP: The Fullscreen Render Feature doesn't cause rendering layers to run in the depth normals prepass anymore. (UUM-56003)

  • Universal RP: URP Renderer Features are now ignored if they are color dependent and drawing to an offscreen depth camera target. (UUM-14679)

  • Universal RP: Use local random state for post-processing. (UUM-53146)

  • Universal Windows Platform: Added UI code for Windows Standalone and UWP build profile platform settings.

  • Universal Windows Platform: Corrects Application.runInBackground internal implementation which sometimes caused crashes when the option is set to false after the application has lost focus. (UUM-43306)

  • Universal Windows Platform: Fixed "Create App Packages..." option is greyed out when trying to Create App Packages in Visual Studio. (UUM-47116)

  • Universal Windows Platform: Fixed an issue where Player would not store the previous UnityPlayer.log under UnityPlayer-prev.log. (UUM-55652)

  • Universal Windows Platform: Fixed an issue with invalid characters appearing at the beginning of the StoreManifest.xml file in UWP. (UUM-42689)

  • Universal Windows Platform: Fixed payload file does not exist errors when Cloud Diagnostics is enabled. (UUM-56483)

  • URP: Fix errors when calling RTHandles.Alloc() inside ScriptableRendererFeature.Create() (UUM-44048)

  • URP: Fix partially corrupted Android screen when Vulkan display rotation during rendering is enabled (UUM-48569)

  • URP: Fixed a bug with Light Layers not working correctly when Additional Lights are set to Per Vertex. (UUM-40810)

  • URP: Fixed an issue where the "Sprite-Lit-Default" did not function with certain debug views.

  • URP: Fixed Color Grading Mode set to Low Dynamic Range on one camera in the stack despite HDR output active. (UUM-41948)

  • URP: Fixed compile error in some shaders when Lightmapping and APV are used at the same time

  • URP: Fixed HDR output persisting even if the user explicitly turned it off. (UUM-45838)

  • URP: Fixed issue so that the Editor creates color textures in custom render passes for 2D. (UUM-14400)

  • URP: Fixed the issue causing shadows at segments and corners of a Sprite Shape to sometimes not properly render. (UUM-18513)

  • URP: Fixed the Overlay UI so it does not disappear when the Render Graph and HDR display support is used in the Editor. (UUM-45545)

  • URP: Global Settings always exist when URP is the current active pipeline. (XPIPELINE-796)

  • URP: Modified shaders so that there is no longer a visible outline there is transparency overlap with composited Shadow Caster 2D components. (UUM-38076)

  • URP: Y-flip for reflection probe atlas lookup is now handled correctly for OpenGL and GLES3. (UUM-36629)

  • UTR: Fixed the conversion of total duration in the PlayerBuildInfo message.

  • Version Control: Fixed Add to ignored/hidden changes list from the Project window creating a negative rule.

  • Version Control: Fixed an issue where an existing checkout operation has locked the workspace, which was triggered by saving the current scene at check-in.

  • Version Control: Fixed an issue where the Unity Version Control toolbar icon would disappear.

  • Version Control: Fixed failed operations when the workspace is already locked.

  • Version Control: Fixed Switch to changeset not working on Gluon partial workspace.

  • VFX Graph: Blackboard menu entries are better human readable. (UUM-17666)

  • VFX Graph: Disable MeshToSDFBaker shaders on GLES3 to avoid warnings (UUM-53994)

  • VFX Graph: Enabled Dynamic Resolution Scaling on blocks and operators that sample depth or color (UUM-546)

  • VFX Graph: Fixed a compilation error caused by Cube outputs that share a texture with another context (UUM-41037)

  • VFX Graph: Fixed a console error caused by deleting a VFX asset. (UUM-41333)

  • VFX Graph: Fixed a corruption error caused by creating a new VFX in an open VFX (UUM-41334)

  • VFX Graph: Fixed a PCache exporter issue to insure color in linear space. (UUM-41837)

  • VFX Graph: Fixed a performance issue with parameter gizmos. (UUM-41329)

  • VFX Graph: Fixed a space conversion error that occurred when copy-pasting a system. (UUM-43273)

  • VFX Graph: Fixed an error in the the six-way Smoke Lit Shader Graph that happened when using more than one SRP in a project. (UUM-45422)

  • VFX Graph: Fixed an error where a VFX asset was overwritten with a VFX that contains different systems from the original file. (UUM-42188)

  • VFX Graph: Fixed an exception that happened when seting a fabric material to transparent. (UUM-41220)

  • VFX Graph: Fixed an issue that allowed you to resize the details panel to zero width, which led to a messy layout. Now it has a minimum width of 200px. (UUM-47506)

  • VFX Graph: Fixed an issue that caused template items to have uneven width when the left panel is too small. (UUM-47453)

  • VFX Graph: Fixed an issue that caused the template item hit box to be slightly bigger than its visual representation. (UUM-47505)

  • VFX Graph: Fixed an issue that prevented the Position gizmo from appearing correctly in the Scene View. (UUM-41199)

  • VFX Graph: Fixed an issue that prevented the built-in templates category from displaying when there was no user-defined category. (UUM-47192)

  • VFX Graph: Fixed an issue where a material's size increased in runtime and caused a reduction in performance. (UUM-40722)

  • VFX Graph: Fixed an issue where multithreaded camera expression were not allowed. (UUM-55730)

  • VFX Graph: Fixed an issue where spawner callbacks were only working on the first instance of an instanced effect. (UUM-51509)

  • VFX Graph: Fixed an issue where the "materials" and "sharedMaterials" properties returned all materials instead of returning only the active materials. (UUM-21328)

  • VFX Graph: Fixed an issue where the old style dropdown in Add, Divide (and many others) style had not been updated to new design. (UUM-46336)

  • VFX Graph: Fixed an issue where the overlay is offset when a VisualEffect component is rotated in HDRP (UUM-13531)

  • VFX Graph: Fixed an issue where the sample of Camera Buffer isn't available in compute passes. (UUM-55734)

  • VFX Graph: Fixed an issue with the wrong size used for updates in strips with immortal particles. (UUM-46154)

  • VFX Graph: Fixed an issue with wrong texture or flickering when two instances of the same VFX use different textures (via exposed texture) and if that texture is connected to another block in an output context. (UUM-43274)

  • VFX Graph: Fixed an unexpected JSON error that occurred while using ShaderGraph. (UUM-56300)

  • VFX Graph: Fixed automatic sorting mode on SpriteLit and SpriteUnlit materials. (UUM-22486)

  • VFX Graph: Fixed decal normal map handling of non-uniform scale. (UUM-51810)

  • VFX Graph: Fixed error log raised by VFX analytics while building a project. (UUM-41321)

  • VFX Graph: Fixed issue with null value in slots preventing it to be changed. (UUM-55313)

  • VFX Graph: Fixed missing node links when copy/pasting a system with missing PointCacheAsset. (UUM-46548)

  • VFX Graph: Fixed RenderTexture could not be used anymore in VFXGraph. (UUM-55153)

  • VFX Graph: Fixed Shader graph outputs were not being rendered using instancing. (UUM-59160)

  • VFX Graph: Fixed ShaderGraph keywords so that they are now correctly supported in VFX Graph Output. (UUM-5692)

  • VFX Graph: Fixed shadows being cast by Mesh Output when "cast shadows" was disabled (URP only). (UUM-566)

  • VFX Graph: Fixed the error "Option to clear stale reference" while using a SpriteLit or Sprite Unlit target material. (UUM-22349)

  • VFX Graph: Fixed undefined behavior of SpawnerSetAttribute when an expression is connected to activation slot. (UUM-35461)

  • VFX Graph: Fixed undo/redo did not work anymore with selection. (UUM-42481)

  • VFX Graph: Fixed undoing port value change that did not restore correct value. (UUM-29244)

  • VFX Graph: Fixed unexpected behavior when outputting to multiple meshes during material setup. (UUM-35755)

  • VFX Graph: Fixed unexpected behavior while switching to AfterPostProcess with ShaderGraph. (UUM-41462)

  • VFX Graph: Fixed unexpected inspector in case of Sprite Custom/Lit/Unlit. (UUM-48667)

  • VFX Graph: Fixed unexpected NaN direction values on primitives with a position and scale of 0 (UUM-41463)

  • VFX Graph: Improved the error feedback message that appears when a shader graph is missing and no path is found. (UUM-28009)

  • VFX Graph: Indeterminate state object fields were hidden instead of greyed out. (UUM-56691)

  • VFX Graph: Instancing when gradient selection was based on a branch was wrong. (UUM-58615)

  • VFX Graph: Logical operators And (logical) and And (Bitwise) could be mixed up in the node search window when search for "and" (same for Or operator). (UUM-1259)

  • VFX Graph: Remove warning from VFX init for strips (GetParticleIndex). (UUM-51867)

  • VFX Graph: Removed SetDirty calls that triggered assertions in debug mode. (UUM-59923)

  • VFX Graph: Removed the option to support VFX Graph on incompatible targets. (UUM-26673)

  • VFX Graph: Switch property binder from ExecuteInEditMode in ExecuteAlways. (UUM-56866)

  • VFX Graph: The behavior of the VFX graph toolbar button to open the template window has slightly changed (UUM-47255)

  • VFX Graph: Trigger over distance now takes into account change in position (not just velocity). (UUM-4754)

  • VFX Graph: Unexpected material listing in animation window. (UUM-46719)

  • VFX Graph: Updated of curve &amp; gradient were missing when edited directly in VFX View Window. (UUM-52510)

  • VFX Graph: VFX Graph: Fixed gizmo overlay's drop down was cut at the bottom. (UUM-48125)

  • VFX Graph: Visual Effects back in Scene FX window. (UUM-56829)

  • Video: Error "0xc00d36b4 while reading" was being thrown when turning on Transcode in the Import Settings of Video Clip Assets. (UUM-56816)

  • Video: Fixed a crash on BaseVideoTexture::InitVideoMemory when capturing Theta V's output texture. (UUM-60361)

  • Video: Fixed a crash when editor was using ShareX. [screen-capture-recorder-to-video](https://github.com/rdp/screen-capture-recorder-to-video-windows-free) webcam. (UUM-44750)

  • Video: Fixed a freeze when the video has a variable framerate on Android. (UUM-14136)

  • Video: Fixed an issue on iOS where a white screen appeared instead of a video and logged a "Cannot read file" error. (UUM-40973)

  • Video: Fixed an issue that caused irregular playback speed in the Video Player component for Web platform applications. (UUM-33747)

  • Video: Fixed an issue where after changing the scene, WebCamTextures did not properly destroy the internal GraphicsTexture which crashed the Editor. (UUM-44774)

  • Video: Fixed an issue where OnFrameReady was called twice when setting the time in VideoPlayer. (UUM-40971)

  • Video: Fixed an issue where WEBM files were stuttering when the number of remaining frames is less than the number of the pre-buffered frames. (UUM-43721)

  • Video: Fixed an issue with the Video Player component that caused performance degradation when using the linear color space for Web platform applications. (UUM-32755)

  • Video: Fixed choppy video playback when Application.targetFrameRate is set lower than the video frame rate. (UUM-48911)

  • Video: Fixed the WebCamTexture API so it no longer cause errors with the GraphicsTexture API when you use it to create a texture.

  • Video: Improved VP8Encoder compression and encoding speed. (UUM-20744)

  • Video: The video keeps playing in the background when Play Mode is paused (UUM-21980)

  • Video: VideoPlayer support of multiple audio tracks is broken on a few platforms. (UUM-55268)

  • Video: [Android] Player often crashes when playing the Video Player Seek frame that's more than a minute away from the current frame (UUM-3364)

  • Video: [Video] Add .buginfo for Code Ownership &amp; Issue Handling.

  • Video: [WebGL]Fixed VideoPlayer Rendering stops when setting FilterMode of a texture downloaded with UnityWebRequestTexture.GetTexture(). (UUM-52266)

  • Virtual Texturing: Disabled a PVT-specific tile resolving importance tracking metric that was enabled for SVT. (UUM-58895)

  • VisionOS: Fixed an issue where VR apps would crash when the user opened the OS menu or Control Center.

  • VisionOS: Fixed an issue where VR apps would present frames in the background, resulting in logs that say Insufficient Permission (to submit GPU work from background).

  • Visual Scripting: Added a warning icon in the Project Settings window, next to assemblies that reference Editor assemblies. (UVSB-2382)

  • Visual Scripting: Fixed a memory leak that occurred when you tried to destroy a game object. (UVSB-2427)

  • Visual Scripting: Fixed a migration deserialization bug that was introduced in version 1.8.0 of the Visual Scripting package. (UVSB-2492)

  • Visual Scripting: Fixed an issue that caused Gradient graph variables to reset when the Editor is placed in Play Mode. (UVSB-2334)

  • Visual Scripting: Fixed an issue that prevented the Exceptions dropdown menu in the Try Catch node from loading. (UVSB-2463)

  • Visual Scripting: Fixed an issue where a null check of a scene variable in a script with an "OnDrawGizmos" event in the Editor caused an infinite amount of GameObjects to be created in Prefab mode. (UVSB-2453)

  • Visual Scripting: Fixed an issue where code for custom nodes was being stripped in AOT builds when Managed Stripping Level is set to High. (UVSB-2437)

  • Visual Scripting: Fixed an issue where OnInputSystemEvent doesn't trigger until Input Vector increases past 0.5. (UVSB-2435)

  • Visual Scripting: Fixed an issue where Script Graph Asset string data wasn't unloaded after deserialization. (UVSB-2366)

  • Visual Scripting: Fixed an issue with assemblies disappearing from the Node Library after a domain reload. (UVSB-2459)

  • Visual Scripting: Fixed an issue with custom inspectors not being generated. (UVSB-2466)

  • Visual Scripting: Removed a corrupt mdb file which was causing the ScriptUpdater to fail. (UVSB-2360)

  • Web: Fixed a syntax issue that caused Web platform builds to fail when multithreading was enabled. (UUM-44273)

  • Web: Fixed a typo in the Memory Growth web player setting. (UUM-51958)

  • Web: Fixed an issue in the Web platform's FMOD implementation that caused the console to be flooded with errors when using the PlayOneShot API. (UUM-40643)

  • Web: Fixed default compression format from Brotli to Gzip. (UUM-52223)

  • Web: Set PYTHONUTF8 env var to enable UTF-8 encoding by default. (UUM-20185)

  • Web: WebGPU: ASTC6x6 compressed texture format was incorrectly mapped to WebGPU.

  • Web: WebGPU: Enable filtering of Float32 and Depth textures when the Filterable Float32 extension is available.

  • Web: WebGPU: Fix for MSAA when HDR rendering is enabled.

  • Web: WebGPU: Fix for UInt32 index buffers used for indirect drawing.

  • Web: WebGPU: Fix for video player textures.

  • WebGL: Added new Build Setting options for master builds with Link Time Optimizations (LTO) to get faster release builds and to enable sidestepping any issues stemming from LLVM LTO optimizer. This is helpful if you need to iterate in the Release mode because iterating on development builds isn't possible. (UUM-43755)

  • WebGL: Fixed a bug that caused for input to not be released when focus was removed from canvas on Windows Chrome. (UUM-53519)

  • WebGL: Fixed a bug that causes a parsing error due to misplaced regex. (UUM-21896)

  • WebGL: Fixed a syntax issue that caused Web platform applications to establish connections on unsupported network ports.

  • WebGL: Fixed an issue by removing mention of IndexedDB from web cache log message.

  • WebGL: Fixed an issue causing audio to skip forward when using AudioClip.Pause() and AudioClip.Resume(). (UUM-54675)

  • WebGL: Fixed an issue that caused for an error to be thrown when passing a large string using SendMessage(...). (UUM-49331)

  • WebGL: Fixed an issue that prevented background images from loading when compression was enabled for Web platform applications. (UUM-8692)

  • WebGL: Fixed an issue that prevented multithreaded builds from working if user repeatedly upgraded and then downgraded their project. (UUM-33218)

  • WebGL: Fixed for Render Texture depth buffers sometimes not being cleared properly. (UUM-57343)

  • WebGL: Fixed for Render Texture depth buffers sometimes not being cleared properly. (UUM-57343)

  • WebGL: Fixed Orientation Lock code to not crash when run on iOS Safari's new partially complete implementation of screen.orientation API. (UUM-49634)

  • WebGL: Fixed rendering issues on Apple M1 GPUs when Depth Priming is enabled for URP. (UUM-40225)

  • WebGL: Fixed UnityLoader.js to be loadable in 'use strict' mode. (UUM-52155)

  • WebGL: Update AudioClip.frequency to return the effective WebAudio AudioBuffer sampleRate value (UUM-47637)

  • WebGL: [WebGPU] Add support for SRP Batcher to WebGPU.

  • WebGL: [WebGPU] Enable WebGPU for VFX Graph shaders.

  • WebGL: [WebGPU] Fixed an error with ShaderGraph Lit shaders that use textures.

  • WebGL: [WebGPU] Fixed banding in some post process effects.

  • WebGL: [WebGPU] Fixed error when Unity thinks WebGPU is available when it's not.

  • WebGL: [WebGPU] Fixed error with built-in deferred renderer.

  • WebGL: [WebGPU] Fixed error with MSAA depth textures.

  • WebGL: [WebGPU] Fixed resolution error with URP RenderGraph.

  • WebGL: [WebGPU] Fixed texture error with URP lens flare post process effect.

  • WebGL: [WebGPU] Fixed uniformity analysis errors for compute shaders that use built-in variables like WorkGroupID.

  • Windows: Added UI code for Windows Standalone and UWP build profile platform settings.

  • Windows: Fixed a crash when reading data from non-compliant HID peripherals. (UUM-59628)

  • Windows: Fixed a possible crash when the non-client area is redrawn before the player is fully initialized. (UUM-43075)

  • Windows: Fixed an issue where support for FullScreenMode.MaximizedWindow was missing. (UUM-22592)

  • Windows: Fixed an issue where the window size was not preserved when switching to Windowed mode using Alt+Enter. (UUM-49091)

  • Windows: Fixed automatic resizing of an unfocused player window once the mouse button is released. (UUM-49236)

  • Windows: Fixed Double backslash becoming single backslash when passing a Network path as a command line argument. (UUM-55979)

  • Windows: Fixed for custom server build profile getting value of player subtarget when building.

  • Windows: Fixed the Restart Unity as a standard user button so it now works when the Editor is run as an administrator because the Unity Hub is running as administrator or due to Unity's executable compatibility flags being configured to be run as administrator. (UUM-42508)

  • Windows: Fixed unreliable Cursor.SetCursor behaviour. (UUM-46718)

  • Windows: Removed undesirable HID warning messages. (UUM-56489)

  • XboxOne: Fixed by removing the D3D12XBOX_RESOURCE_FLAG_DENY_COMPRESSION_DATA from render targets (UUM-42029)

  • XR: Add support for Visions OS keyboard.

  • XR: Added support for foveation maps on platforms, such as DX12 and Vulkan, where the origin of the y-axis is at the top of the RenderTarget. (UUM-40561)

  • XR: Fixed a crash in XRWindowsLocatableCamera.UnregisterProvider so it does not crash when Application.Quit() triggers. (OXRB-179)

  • XR: Fixed an issue that caused a Android VideoPlayer crash on some devices when using YCbCr video decoding. (UUM-46315)

  • XR: Fixed the render graph occlusion mesh pass in XR so that it renders and does not emit warnings.

  • XR: Setting XRSettings.useOcclusionMask = false will disable the occlusion mask when using the Built-in Rendering Pipeline. (UUM-53822)

  • XR: Single pass shader support for visionOS.

  • XR: Support MSAA on VisionOS when using single pass rendering.

Preview of Final 2023.3.0b8 Package changes

Packages updated

Packages added

Packages deprecated

  • com.unity.purchasing.udp - "This package is no longer supported on this editor version."

Pre-release packages added


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